Fanning The Ember - Creating a Life of Joy, Purpose and Abundance by Ron - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Money, Money, Money

(Why I saved this chapter for near the end)

Up until now I haven’t really talked much about money or income. It’s for a very good reason. I didn’t want that to be a focus for anyone. The more you chase money the more elusive it becomes. Everyone wants more money. Most people do not have enough of it to be able to live life the way they want. Books, seminars, business schemes, wealth infomercials are all very popular and never seem to end. During my own struggling days I responded to some of these in my own search for riches. Of course it never happened. That is because I didn’t understand the inner work that was needed to be done and was chasing success; and paid a heavy price.

I still see these get rich seminars and infomercials offered on television and on the internet. People will continue to buy these in a desperate attempt to solve their financial woes. I hope you realize by now that this is the wrong approach. This is why I haven’t written much about making money. That shouldn’t be your goal. Relentlessly do the inner work that I have been writing about. Because once you identify your passion and match it with your skills, talents and strengths and figure out the best way to share your passion with the world; the way to create income will become apparent to you. It will flow naturally without any struggle. If you are following your passion abundance will show up as a result. But as soon as you try forcing it you shut off the flow and then earning money becomes a struggle; like it is for most people.

You also have to be open to receiving this abundance. If you believe money is evil; or poverty is saintly; or it’s wrong to be wealthy you will never have abundance in your life. Money is not evil. That idea stems from the fact that so many people have chased after money. They have lied, cheated, stolen and even killed to get money. Those things are evil. If you do those things to get rich, yes, that is evil. It is not the money itself or even wanting to enjoy an abundant life.

     Money gives you freedom. Freedom to enjoy this gift of life; to create great memories for you and your family; to use your abundance to help others. Consider Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft. He became wealthy because he followed his passion and created a company that contributed immensely to people’s lives. His products served others. His company employed others. His company even created great wealth for many people. Now he has formed the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that donates billions (that’s billions with a “B”) of dollars to aid in the health and education of children in poverty stricken areas of the world. This is making an enormous difference in the lives of others. There is nothing remotely evil about this. It’s not the money. It’s the chasing after it and sacrificing ethics and morality that are wrong.

Stop chasing wealth. Do the inner work. Find that ember, fan it and fuel it until it bursts into flames and creates such a burning desire within you that propels you to success. You will not only attract abundance into your life but you will change the world with your unique gifts that only you can provide once you are living your true self. Your purpose and vision for your future will be clear and you will be living a life of joy, purpose and abundance. The life you were meant to live.

I created a FREE mini-course that teaches you how to attract more abundance into your life; starting today. You can access the course by visiting my website: