Fanning The Ember - Creating a Life of Joy, Purpose and Abundance by Ron - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Dealing with Speed Bumps

(Help staying on the path)

Through-out this book I have laid out a plan to help put you on a path to discover your passion and your purpose. A path that would also lead to a life of joy and abundance. Although the plan sounds simple the execution of it is not. Our minds have been conditioned over the years to accept and believe as the truth the wrong assumptions presented by our conscious mind. So it may not be an easy process to look at your world and your future with “new eyes.” To “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Looking within; using your imagination; trusting your intuition; and believing in your unlimited potential all takes work. But I assure you, if you have a strong desire to live a life of joy and purpose and you are persistent in doing the work that I suggest you will be successful. It will change your life.

I would like to give you some advice for overcoming some of the “speed bumps” (mental obstacles) that you may run into. These come from firsthand experience. No matter what the outward appearances; make no mistake about this; the real obstacles are mental obstacles. They can be overcome without anything changing on the outside. In fact, change must take place inwardly first before you see outward results.

Before I continue I feel I must talk about something that is extremely important. If you are feeling so overwhelmed by your current situation that you find it difficult to function or it is affecting your sleep or your health, please do not hesitate to seek medical or professional help or guidance. Even though this is a mental battle you may need the assistance of a professional to allow you to function on a day-to-day basis before you can even begin doing the inner work I am suggesting. I have been there also.

Probably the biggest challenge for me was to consistently try and visualize things as I wanted them to be and not be fixated with the way things were at the present. This was a huge challenge and occasionally still is. When you have to get up every morning and go to a job you despise; one that sucks the life right out of you it can be hard to stay focused on that tiny “ember” inside and have faith that it will grow in strength and eventually give you the ideas and the energy to move past your current situation. Be persistent and eventually it will happen. I have been there.

If you feel like you are buried in debt. And each trip to the mail box causes anxiety because you fear that another overdue notice is waiting for you. Or you have stopped answering your telephone because you know it is another bill collector hounding you. It may seem like there is no way out. Trust me, I have been there too. All that is happening is that your conscious mind can’t figure a way out. But just because you can’t see a solution doesn’t mean there is not one there. I know how difficult it can be to maintain faith that things will change when your mind is clouded by stress and worry. But things can change and they will change if you remain persistent with the exercises I have talked about. And probably sooner then you may expect.

You need to constantly remind yourself that your current situation is temporary and has absolutely nothing to do with your future. You will be creating your future by identifying your passion and then imagining as vividly as possible the joy you feel as you are engaged in your passion. You have to constantly remind yourself of the truth. The truth is, that once you are aligned with your passion, ideas are unlimited, opportunities are unlimited, abundance is unlimited, your potential is unlimited. Those are the truths. Put some affirmations together that can help you stay focused on these truths as much as possible.

Feed your mind with inspirational books and articles. Read about the successes of others knowing that someday soon this will be you. Find a way to use your passion immediately to help others. Listen to music that moves you. Watch television that makes you laugh. Watch a movie that you can escape into. Do whatever you can to keep from staying fixated on your current (temporary) situation. Staying fixated (constant worry) not only affects your health but keeps you “blocked” from receiving new ideas, noticing new opportunities, and your flow of energy.

Another technique that I found very helpful for avoiding the mental “quicksand” that I was in was to live with a grateful heart. Gratitude is incredibly powerful. It opens up those blocked channels better than any one process. If you are constantly complaining and griping about your current situation it will be very difficult to move beyond where you are right now. Remember, what you give your thought and attention to expands in your consciousness. You do not want those negatives you are now experiencing to expand in your consciousness. If you are clogged up with resentment or anger it will block the flow of energy and ideas that you need to move past where you are now.

No matter how bad you believe your job or your situation to be it is imperative to find things to be thankful for right now. Look for the positives around you no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. As often as possible throughout your day read over these blessings and give thanks for them.

Be mindfull of any negative self-talk. Instead focus on the positives and use your affirmations. Don’t get sucked into negative conversations with others. There are many people who are dissatisfied with their lot and love to complain. Try and avoid these people or at least excuse yourself as tactfully as possible from these conversations. If someone comments on your “dire” current situation just brush it off with a comment such as, “I’m not worried, that situation will be changing soon.” And that is the truth. Stay focused on your blessings. I am sure if you give it enough thought there are many.

Along those same lines you must learn how to forgive. Feeling resentment towards someone will also block the flow of the ideas and energy you need to move beyond your current situation. No matter how justified you feel your resentment is if you are not able to release those feelings you only hurt yourself. You forgive someone not because they deserve it but because you do. Try and think of it this way. Whatever someone did to you it was because of their flaws, weaknesses, fears or insecurities that they would treat someone badly. These weaknesses are going to continue to hold them back and negatively impact their lives as a result. It will keep them from finding their passion and experiencing joy in their lives. If anything you should feel sorry for these people. If you understand this and forgive them you instantly rise above them and unblock those negatives from your own life. Your life experience is way too valuable to have it any other way. Forgive them because you deserve it. If you can learn to forgive others and mentally bless them despite their actions you will take a huge leap on your path to true success.

Don’t forget, forgiveness also applies to you. If you feel you made mistakes or wronged others in the past do your best to make amends and forgive yourself even if others do not have the inner strength to forgive you. If you feel that the stupid mistakes you made in the past are responsible for your current troubles chalk it up to a learning experience because that’s what it is. We have all made them. If we allow them to they will strengthen us. They give us a new perspective that we probably needed. They help us to grow. No one makes it through life without making mistakes or having regrets.

Do you want to make it up to others and yourself for any past mistakes? The best way to do that is to find your passion and your purpose and learn how to use your gifts to serve others. Let your life be an example that will inspire those around you.

One of the biggest misperceptions that people have about this process is that they think their current circumstances have to change before they can be happy or start to focus on their passion. That is not true. Nothing has to change outwardly in order for you to start down your path to joy and purpose. In fact it is just the opposite. You must change inwardly first before you see results in the exterior. Don’t think; well if only I had a new job, more education, a different relationship, lost weight, etc. etc. Then I can get started. The process is a mental one. So you need to start now, “Grow where you are planted.” Constantly do the exercises I explained in previous chapters, focus on the blessings you have right now, clear your heart of resentment. If you identify and focus on that “ember”, fan it and fuel it, it will eventually grow and the fog of your current situation will slowly begin to lift and then, in the not to distant future, you will be able to see with great clarity and relief that you are now on the right path. And then, your outward circumstances will begin to change. One day when your life is joyful you will look back and chuckle at how foolish you were to be so stressed about things that could easily have changed because you will be so filled with joy and a deep sense of fulfillment as you flow through the days that the struggles of your past will merely be an afterthought.