First Date King: The Dating Guide That Will Change Your Life by Adrian Gemen - HTML preview

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Bonus Number Three: Body Language


Most men that I talk to who want to learn how to be successful with women ask me things like "What's a good line?" or "What do you say when they say this?"

For some reason, most people forget that language is a SECONDARY way of communicating. It's to be used when there's no faster way.

When two people are communicating in person, most of the communication is happening through body language and voice tone, and very little through the actual words.

I've seen studies that show that as little as 7% of your communication is the words, and the other 93% is your body language and voice tone.

So which do you think is more powerful when dealing with women? Right, right... the body language and voice tone.

Body Language Basics

Many people agree that women are far more sensitive to body language than men are.

I have to say, in my experience, women can detect all kinds of things from body language. Ask a female friend to describe what's going on with a person by looking at them, and you'll be surprised at all the information they'll give you.

So it follows that if women are so in tune with body language, you might as well get some of the basics together so you're transmitting the right message.

My opinion is that women prefer men that are confident, bordering on arrogant.

Most women will tell you that arrogant men turn them off, but I've found that if you mix humor with a little arrogance, it's a killer.So how do you use your body to telegraph confidence?

Well, first of all you walk upright, hold your head up, and hold your shoulders back.

Next, you SLOW DOWN your movements, and make slower, calculated gestures.

Then, you make eye contact and keep it when you see women. You don't look away until they do, and you kind of squint and raise an eyebrow.

I've done a lot of work in this area, and I've found that by SLOWING DOWN, I create mystery and intrigue. I literally practice slowing down my walk, my gestures, how fast I turn my head, how fast I talk, even how fast I blink.

Also, start taking up more space and opening up your physiology. If you're seated, keep your legs and arms uncrossed. Keep your legs far apart and your shoulders back. Don't lean forward, lean back. This might sound a little far out to some people, but these LITTLE

details make all the difference when dealing with a woman.

It's amazing how fast most women can detect insecurity, neediness and low self-esteem.

I personally believe that when a man is self-confidant (or, more specifically, a woman BELIEVES that a man is self-confident) this is attractive to women on an UNCONSCIOUS level. What I mean is that I think this activates a part of a woman's brain that can't help but feel an attraction.

If you'd like a model of confidence, watch some James Bond movies. You'll notice that James almost never smiles, and I can't remember a time that I've ever seen him laugh.

But James is the sex symbol of masculine adventure.

Does he do the things that I mentioned above? Of course. That's where I learned a lot of them.

Another way to demonstrate and project confidence is to PAUSE while you're talking. Pausing on purpose creates suspense and tension. It's great. If you combine pauses with serious looks, you will create an air of power and confidence.

For example, you might say "Well, if I were you, I'd just tell her what you think" like so... "Well... (pause) if I were you... (pause and look into eyes with serious look) I'd just tell her what you think."

This creates what's known as a 'subtext' to the communication. On the surface you're talking about the normal conversation. But underneath, you're communicating suspense, confidence, and mystery.

If you learn how to mix a seductive voice tone and body language with regular conversation, you'll find that you can get women turned on talking about random things like the weather.

Pause often. It will do your communication style good.

Bonus Number Four: Chivalry

My experience is that women love chivalry.

I personally like to open doors for women, etc.

Here are a few things that you can do that women will find irresistible:

*Open doors for them. I open all doors. Car doors, house doors, restaurant doors... any door that shows up. If you step just a little ahead and open each door, this will create an impression.

*Pull out their chairs. Only do this if it makes sense and it's reasonable. But if you can do it, do. Women love to feel like a man is watching over them and making sure that taking care or them. This is another little way to show it.

*Walk on the outside of the sidewalk. Most men, and even many women don't know that men are 'supposed' to walk on the outside of the sidewalk (closest to the traffic) so in case a car jumps the curb she'll be safe and he'll be hit. Do this, and if they don't know why you're doing it, explain this. Nice touch.

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