First Date King: The Dating Guide That Will Change Your Life by Adrian Gemen - HTML preview

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Chapter One: Introduction


When I read my first seduction book I was a little bit astonished.I didn't see me like a modern Romeo,who tries to win girls's hearts with flowers or love letters.

 Beyond the fact that it appeared a little bit strange for me,I had a silent moment: why I can arouse attraction even I didn't do what was written there?

 I didn't find the answer quickly but one thing was sure: a bad advice is a bad advice even if it is followed by many people.

 This book will help you to escape from the worst habits which men have in dating.

 This are not the kind of things which you see in magasines or movies.

 That is why I don't ask you to only listen me but I want you to put in practice what I will tell you.