First Date King: The Dating Guide That Will Change Your Life by Adrian Gemen - HTML preview

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Chapter Two: Why Do Women Fall In Love


 How much cares man's attitude?

 "The women fall in love with men's attitude" . I want to know who told this because he was completely right.

 Don't wait a woman to confirm this.If you ask some girls what they like at a man,you will hear all the types of answers which they will believe it exacly one second.

 You can hear a woman can fall in love with a man because he is handsome,because he has money,because he is strong etc.

 Every answer has a little bit of truth but if you want the absolute answer,you should know that girls fall in love with the attitude of a man who looks good,who has money or who knows how to involve with woman.

 This men put their self-esteem in their attitude.

 They look in women's eyes and pick-up them with no hesitation.

 They have a mind freedom that allows them to interract with girls.

 How much cares the way a man look?

 Generally,the physicall apperance has the importance which the man gives.

 If the guy looks good,he will try to benefit from this.How much? It depends by what another qualities he has.When he has only the physicall apperance he will be just a good-looking boy,but without charisma.

 Besides the men thinking the women are stupid creatures who dream only at sex with Brad Pitt.

 Don't think the apperance has the same importance both for men and women.

The truth is that a single trait isn't enough to arouse attraction.