Getting In Shape For Creativity by Ademola Morebise - HTML preview

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VI. The Discipline That Empowers The Subconscious Mind


There has been a lot of fascinating updates in the world of diet and healthy living. The latest fad is something you have definitely heard about. It is called fasting.

Yes, that fasting.

Some of the latest research published by scientists in peer- reviewed journals reveals a lot of benefits to fasting.

Fasting has been linked with a lot of interesting things, including things like weight loss, decreasing breast cancer risk and recurrence by as much as 36%, improves sleep, has positive effects on markers of systemic inflammation, and regulates blood glucose levels and other aging biomarkers (in simple english, fasting will make you live longer)

Ben Coomber, a nutritional scientist said: “Fasting also turns on several very cool biochemical processes, one is apoptosis or autophagy, which is the process of cell death. This means you clean out dead cells and dispose of them, clearing up toxins.”

Interesting, some research also suggests fasting has a role to play in mental clarity. It looks so counter-intuitive, but some research suggested that people think better when hungry. Many people reported gaining some sudden clarity during a period of fasting.

This is why intermittent fasting has become so popular now, it is now common for people to go on fasts, with the 16-8 option been the most popular. You fast for sixteen hours and eat your meals within an eight hour window.

A little disclaimer here: do not fast unless you have done your own research and consultation. You might need to do a medical consultation before embarking upon a fast, to be sure it is not harmful to your health.

It is very fascinating to see science study and observe the health and mental benefits of fasting, but fasting is something that has been known to be very beneficial to the wholeness of a person.

The research around fasting exclusively addresses the health and direct effect on the body, but anyone that actually engages in fasting would discover not just physical benefits, but also emotional, cognitive, and spiritual benefits.

The effect of fasting on the health of the body can be found in the biblical book of Isaiah 58: 1 8. Science is once again playing catch up, and it is very interesting to read all the research coming out about this.

It is now obvious that humans were not designed to have constant access to food. Indeed, we are designed to fast.

Nevertheless, all the benefits reported are physical and some mental benefits, but it goes deeper than that. Fasting is well known within spiritual circles as a major way to strengthen the subconscious mind.

The very first effect of fasting is that it teaches discipline. Bad habits are usually a result of lack of self-control, it is hard for you to be in control of things when you cannot control yourself, fasting trains you to do that.

Fasting empowers your subconscious mind over your body by increasing your powers of resolve and willpower. If you are able to adhere to a strict eating regimen and say no to food, you are introducing some order into the otherwise lawless nature your body has been accustomed to.

“Appetite” is the voice of your body, which is how your body communicates, it simply pulls a switch and sends a signal to you: we are hungry! Or we are thirsty or we need to have some sex right now! (That is also your body talking), the thing is your body should not always have its way, it will lead to chaos.

If you have ever heard that the spirit is willing and the body is weak, it comes down to this. The good news is that, by embracing the kind of discipline fasting brings, you will gain back some control over your appetite and you would have made your body subject to your subconscious self. Which is our goal.

People that fast have a superior willpower and discipline than people who do not. The key is to embrace fasting as a way of life as opposed to thinking it is some form of quick fix. The effects of fasting are known to compound over a period of time. Once again, do not engage in any form of fasting without making appropriate consultations, especially a medical consultation.

Discipline is a recurring theme in our discussions because discipline is key to this process. A person that is not disciplined is a disaster waiting to happen, without discipline, you are unable to focus your energy and channel your creativity in any meaningful manner.

When you are fasting, it is a conscious choice to refrain from eating, even though you might feel the hunger pangs. And there is nothing more fundamental to survival than food. The consequence of this is that when you learn to control your own eating, you develop the ability to control other things, even things you might be addicted to.

If you get good at fasting, you can learn to control every other aspect of your life. You will be able to have dominion over your appetite and cravings for things. Not only has fasting has been found to rapidly dissipate the craving for alcohol and drugs, fasting has also been found to reduce craving for junk food.

A surprising benefit of fasting that has been documented is mental clarity. A lot of people have reported that they got their best ideas while fasting or around such an exercise. Sure enough, there is a biological explanation for this. This thing works.

I suspect you would already understand why something like that would happen? Well, it is because with the body in energy conservatio mode it  become easie t connec wit ones subconscious mind and allow clearer intuitive expressions.

Have you ever felt bothered about something and cannot seem to place your hand on it? It is because the burden in your mind is not present in your active mind, but originated from your subconscious mind. If there was a way you could quiet your mind, you would get it perfectly in a moment of clarity.

Have you ever felt your subconscious mind knows more than your active mind? There is something in your spirit that you seem unable to express? These are the kind of things fasting deals with. The body’s voice wears off, and by paying attention, you discover moments of clarity. The voice of your spirit becomes tangible and audible, you would be able to feel it.

It is totally counter-intuitive because we know as a fact that the brain needs energy to function at full capacity, but as we have previously discussed, creative ideas do not originate from the brain, it rather flows out of your spirit.

Fasting is not a new idea, just like prayer, it has been around for thousands of years. Spiritual people fast because they want to show some sort of devotion to God, as a way to draw closer to God, and it is very valid.

Fasting will ultimately unlock a state of higher consciousness in you. Fasting is a very potent tool in your quest to unleash your inventions, it is the best way to get a handle on your subconscious mind. Your creative ideas are a function of intuition, it is about how much are you in tune with God? Fasting is a tool that sharpens your intuition and helps you become better in tune with God.

Fasting has a direct effect on your creativity, energy and stamina levels. Seriously, even non-religious people now fast and expect these same results from a strictly scientific point of view.

If you want to make the jump from unpredictable creative moments and develop yourself to take better charge over your creativity and maximise your spirit, this time tested tool of fasting is very important. It strengthens your subconscious mind and helps you better channel your inner stream of consciousness.