Getting In Shape For Creativity by Ademola Morebise - HTML preview

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V. The First Creative Transformation Requirements


The drive to reclaim or amplify your creativity requires you to embrace wholeness. Complete spiritual, mental and physical development.

One well accepted idea is the idea that man is more than flesh and blood. Man is a tripartite being constituting of three aspects: spirit (also referred to as subconscious mind), soul (mind) and body.

There is a link between your subconscious mind and your body for example. There is a way your subconscious mind can talk to your body directly, without words or any visible communication cues at all.

The person that pays no attention to the wholeness needed for the manifestation of the creative power within will ultimately feel trapped, even frustrated at being unable to make better use of creative insights within.

At one point or the other, you must have felt the incredible power of your subconscious – your spirit; something you could neither control nor account for. That feeling is what leads people into all sorts of funny and crazy practises that yields nothing. They are not ready to pay the price that would convert such feelings into practical power and keep searching for a shortcut.

Your creative powers should freely flow out of the abundance of who you have become. You do not learn creativity, you must become a creative person.

You do not become a footballer by reading books, watching YouTube videos and attending seminars. You become a footballer by committing to the rigours of training and overtime, you become transformed into a footballer.

One must realise that it is not possible to anticipate every possible scenario that life might present, but if one is properly trained, you increase your chances of a positive outcome. A footballer must be trained to be able to perform regardless of the gameplay and seek how to actively influence the game to go their way.

Creativity has always been usually linked with been spontaneous, lucky, out of control, beyond comprehension and something that happens unconsciously. However, I want you to know that with proper and wholesome development, it doesn’t have to be like that.

Our creative light bulb doesn’t have to be something dysfunctional; irrational and unpredictable. It does not have to go OFF and  ON as it pleases. There is way you can develop yourself to a point whereby your creative intuition is a tool you can reliably put to use every time.

There is a level you can get to, that your creativity is so fine-tuned and well developed and always at your fingertips. It is no longer the elusive and mysterious thing you are supposed to be able to do, it is now something you cannot stop yourself from doing.

Let us take a hint from the writings of Apostle Paul: “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.” (1 Corinthians 9:27)

The man is talking about discipline here. He talks about making his body subject to something, we have to assume he is referring to his subconscious mind – his spirit. The word “subjection” is always used to describe a relationship with something else; an object. The wise apostle is making his body subject to his spirit; his subconscious mind.

Creative and inventive ideas have been determined to come from the subconscious mind, an aspect of reality that modern science has not been able to comprehend or meaningfully identify. However, Christians seem to possess some kind of technology that allows them to comprehend the subconscious mind and strengthen themselves spiritually.

Then, when you take the apostle’s advice and make your body subject to your subconscious mind, you make it easier to channel those divine creative and inventive thoughts to your active mind and body. You will have all three aspects of your being in sync and ready to cooperate for the greater good.

Converting spiritual insights into physical reality takes a lot of discipline, learning to equip the mind and the courage to execute.

There is a wholeness of body, mind and spirit that is needed in order to maximise creativity and inventiveness. It requires that you must pursue complete growth.

When your subconscious mind is not clearly and consciously engaged, that is what leads to sporadic bursts of creative inspiration. When you strengthen your spirit and get it to work with your mind and body, you will unlock some new possibilities.

The masters used to understand this, they knew clearly that there was a connection between the spirit and the hand for example, and so, they always tried to use their hand for work.

There is something about been hands-on, tactile. Today’s world seems to progressively separate intellectuals from using their hands to build things and that is a big mistake. There is a connection between your subconscious mind and your body.

Seasoned writers know this and intuitively knew that their hands could channel thoughts from their subconscious and directly pen it down without consciously thinking about it first. If you study writers, especially writers of old, you would hear tales about when their pen (or typewriters) ran faster than their mind, and they went on for several hours, penning down things they have never thought of before and making connections they had never realised before.

It would amaze you how creative you could become if you embraced the discipline of writing, especially a daily journal. Bonus points if your daily journal is good old pen-and-paper.

You should consider learning how to use your hands to build something, maybe a wooden bench for example or putting together a toy car. Something physical.

When you build things, you increase your hand-eye co-ordination, which is another fantastic discipline the body needs. These things help your subconscious mind sync better with your mind and body.

Creativity and inventiveness requires one to learn how to create things, how to be able to interact with ideas, items and materials in a most fundamental way. If you cannot sync your subconscious mind with the “louder” mind and body, you lose.

If you cannot embrace the discipline of making your body subject to your subconscious mind, you lose. If you do not embrace that tactile, sensual feeling of building something and getting a feel for things, you cannot channel your creativity effectively and you still lose.