Getting In Shape For Creativity by Ademola Morebise - HTML preview

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VIII. Ready To Unleash Your Creativity And Inventions?


You have to believe that if given sufficient time and resources, you can solve any problem. The truth is that there is no problem that can withstand a bombardment of thoughts.

The problem is that most of the time, we give up too easily, and think our mind can never make that connection.

When ideas come to you, and your mind cannot comprehend it and break it down into bits, there is a lot of things that can be done. The fastest thing to do is to seek out experts in the field and have a conversation with them.

The next best thing to do is to seek out knowledge about it, in terms of books, and courses. No matter how grand the idea in your mind is, there will always be an existing body of knowledge that would be of help. Modern science branched out of philosophy for example.

Nevertheless, as you develop your spirit and load your mind with knowledge, you will find the importance of prayer, thinking and meditation as you work to unleash your inventions. It will amaze you how far you can go when you close your eyes and say something as simple as “Dear Lord, I do not know what to do about this idea, revelation or project that I can see in my mind, please teach me”.

I imagine for some, the challenge might be with getting new ideas in the first place. If you embrace principles of spirituality; love, selflessness and taking responsibilities for others, you will see problems and you will see solutions to those problems.

The key is to stop thinking you are looking for creative and inventive ideas or billion dollar ideas. It is not about building a billion dollar company, it is about solving billion dollar problems. Become selfless enough to take responsibility for people and earnestly seek out solutions to the problems they face. Think about how you can solve the problem better than anybody else and answers will come.

If you make that switch in your mind, creative ideas will come. Stop looking for ideas, start looking for problems.

Just give it time.

How long, no one can say. It can take you anything from a few minutes to many years to make the necessary  internal  adjustments necessary for your creativity to blossom. What we are sure about, what we do know is that it exists. You were born creative and if you pursue wholesome development, you will be capable of higher forms of creativity.

First, ask God to teach you about creativity and inventions. Hes the great teacher of the saints and you can be guided as you examine this divine gift and seek it, for service unto others.

Be sure to ask boldly, not half-heartedly or wondering if it can ever work out. You have the right to ask repeatedly, persistently, even insolently (Luke 11:8). If you know people already walking in it, ask them to pray for you. I sincerely believe that God longs for more people to activate and reclaim their real creative nature and express the nature of God in them.

Take time to think and meditate. Modern society is very busy and we can see that it will only get busier over time. There is barely time to slow down and consider the innermost thoughts of the heart.

The word “meditation” has developed something of a bad reputation in certain circles, I know. However, we need to reclaim it as an essential spiritual discipline.

Meditation in its real form is a spiritual practice (once again, scientists have developed the science of meditation which reduces the concept into health benefits, just like they did with fasting). There is a spiritual benefit to meditation, which is the fact that meditation is like a means of checking your spirit for updates and new connections.

Meditation is about being attentive to God.

It is a conscious and continuous attunement of the mind and spirit with God. To bring into harmony the mind, spirit and then train yourself to be on the same spiritual frequency as God. This helps you to more rapidly channel intelligence and creativity from the divine to the physical.

This is true mind renewal and it is part of the process by which  the word of God penetrates the soul and spirit with the light of illumination and the power of transformation. The place of meditation is a place of illumination and transformation.

When you constantly meditate on issues, prophecies, new ideas and things that catch your attention, you will be find yourself making some progress with them.

Meditation is the culmination of your quest to get into the flow of creativity, it is that place where you sit still, alone and give room for the process. You will need to exercise some patience as with all spiritual practices, your mind will need some time to get into the flow of things, the key thing is developing the necessary discipline to keep going.

It is a good idea to have a fixed time of the day set aside solely for the purpose of meditation. For George Washington Carver, that was 4am in the morning, every single day.

The master inventor, Carver said, “All my life, I have risen regularly at four o'clock and have gone into the woods and talked with God. There he gives me my orders for the day. Alone there with things I love most, I gather specimens and study the great lessons Nature is so eager to teach us all. When people are still asleep, I hear God best and learn my plan.”

I suspect creativity wakes up in the early hours of the morning— even if you don’t. There is something about the morning, and so, I strongly recommend the morning for execution of the exercise described so far.

“The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude. No big laboratory is needed in which to think. Originality thrives in seclusion free of outside influences beating upon us to cripple the creative mind. Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born. That is why

many of the earthly miracles have had their genesis in humble surroundings.” – Nikola Tesla

To get into shape for creativity, you simply need to understand the process as described here and follow it one step after the other. You might need to read this book over and over again until you get it intuitively.

Creativity and inventiveness comes from the spirit, there is no other way. It is a subconscious process and hence, we are better  off turning towards a framework that can help better  grasp spiritual things.

With purity of heart, and a vision to help people by solving problems, we can prayerfully explore our creativity and inventiveness. Not forgetting to pursue wholesome development as that is what helps us to maximise the creative insights coming our way.

Above all, set aside time every single day to pray, think and meditate. Being alone is where creative and inventive ideas are born.