Getting In Shape For Creativity by Ademola Morebise - HTML preview

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(Appendix A)

Deep Calls Unto Deep

Read this section ONLY if you felt this book call out to you. If not, just ignore.

God is set to seed creative and inventive ideas in the hearts of people who can believe this message. Prophesies upon prophesies have indicated that we are set to see a lot of new and profound scientific discoveries, and radically new technological breakthroughs in this decade (and going forward)

These changes can be driven by Nigerians (why  not  us?).  Physically, it might look impossible, but God has spoken and we believe it.

Current global technologies will be a joke compared to what God wants to use you to invent.

We need YOU to believe the message and work together to make it a reality. We are trying to get this message across to ONE MILLION PEOPLE this year, build a community of like-minded people around it and publish more books, podcast and training resources.

If you feel strongly as we do, that these things must happen, here is what you could do:

  • Share this book with everyone in your life (print it out and hand to a friend or friends)
  • Join our online community (Facebook group) where we are focussed on learning and exploring our creativity:
  • Become a partner and support us as we make big moves to reach ONE MILLION new people this year with this message of invention and creativity. You can set aside time to pray about this mission and think about how you can support us and be a part of it.

Other Books By The Author

  • Transform Your Life: Quick Notes On Turning Failure And Poverty Into Success
  • Unleash Your Inventions: The Secret Origin Of Creativity And Inventions
  • Power Of The Mastermind: The Driving Force For Faster Success In Life And Business
  • It Is Time: You Can Unleash Your Inventions (Or How Nigerians Can Lead The World With Invention And Creativity)


For more information about any of this books, please call us on +234 (0) 703 203 5625 OR visit our website at