Getting What you Want Now! (Transforming Inner Resistance) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 2 - Natural Resistance

Though it is not often given much thought. Upon the very act of awaking, opening the eyes, rising from the bed, walking, and talking, etc. They all require some form of physical resistance. That is, eyes like to stay closed, the body wants more rest, and the tongue doesn't yet feel like talking. Though as self-chatter says, “I don’t want to get up, 10 mins more please”, where does this actual resistance come from? Yes, you got it, the mind. However, does it really stem from the mind, or is there more to it than this? Well, more on that later. Though for now, and irrespective of how it is perceived, viewed, accepted, rejected, positive or negative, liked, or disliked. Resistance is a relationship that to date has been tolerated, but seldomly embraced. It is a large part of reality, that more often than not, is ignored, rejected, or sidelined. Yet, all three forms of resistance that is physical, biological, and non-physical are 100% natural.

There is a factuality, which we will come to later, and that truth is “without resistance” life would be even more difficult. This is so because like all human energy, the dynamics of resistance are actually “neutral”. Though there is more to it than this, which is covered later on, neutral, is natural.

Natural in a sense that the very nature of reality means that according to Newton’s third law of motion. For every action, there is also an equal, and opposite reaction. In brief, this might mean that for every acceptance, there is also a resistance. Broken down even further, it means that for something to exist, it’s polar opposite must also coexist. Confused by the nerdy stuff? Please do not be, for all will be explained with simplicity and clarity as we move through this supplement.

Let’s not get too bogged down with technicalities only to say that when scientific principles are applied to everyday life, there are remarkable similarities that can no longer escape our attention. In fact, there appears to be set rules, principles, but more importantly, definitive patterns that govern everyday reality. When these are observed, transferred, and consciously applied to resistance, a transformative process occurs. Though what does this have to do with being natural?

Well, do you know anyone that has dissolved, crushed, annihilated, or removed human resistance? The possibility, or potential to remove this human dynamic is not possible. In other words, without it, one’s life might become totally out of control.

For example, if Jeff did not apply some form of physical resistance, rising from the bed would not be possible. Without biological resistance, he may not know when to leave the bar. Without emotional resistance, his work could become too personal, and without mental resistance, his targets and goals could fall by the wayside.

While it might be said that the above is self-control, inside control is resistance. That is for every negative, there coexists a positive and while it is assumed the majority of resistance operates only for the bad side. This is not the reality. As we can see in the examples above, where there is negative resistance, there is also productive resistance.

Jeff goes against natural physical resistance to contract and expand his muscles, if he didn't, then rising from the bed would not be possible. If he did not resist biologically, then the addictive chemicals in alcohol may consume him. If he did not resist and exercise control over his emotions, then his day might be spent moaning, groaning, even crying. If he did not resist his mental activity, putting things out of his mind, then his everyday life could easily become a living nightmare.

Conscious, sub, or unconscious. The dynamic of human resistance is working as much for, as it does against. The fact that we are rarely conscious of these acts, does not stop them being carried out. Nevertheless, when we take the time, put in the required effort, observe, view and perceive resistance for what it is. We discover that it is not at all bad as it was made out to be. In fact, when we really get to know resistance, burn away it’s negative outer-shell, not only do we uncover a natural human dynamic, it also harnesses equally positive and productive qualities.

Another way to uncover the natural aspect of resistance is to look for it’s polar opposite. For example, when asked what the natural opposing force was, the majority answered with “acceptance”. However, acceptance is a good definition of a rational reaction, but not the actual opposite of. As resistance is a slowing down of, acceptance is simply an agreeing, and regardless of accepting, resistance does not dissolve, transform, or eradicate. However, when acceptance is replaced with “conductivity”, paradoxically resistance subsides. Therefore, and we will cover this later, the suggestion from here on is to dispel acceptance as a polar opposite, and replace it with conductivity.