Getting What you Want Now! (Transforming Inner Resistance) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 3 - The Origins of Resistance

Ancient esoterics thought resistance exists prior to birth, while others believe that it begins with the contraction and expansion of a dividing human cell. Some relate it to the first human heart beat. Though, science may attribute a more rationale approach, like Newton’s, Maxwell’s, and other universal laws. These state that resistance is a restriction of a flow, or slowing down of an electrical current. But how does this relate to human resistance?

Well, as science and esoterics bridge closer, the two are almost handshaking. That is, common understandings now refer to humans as “electromagnetics in motion”. Again, avoiding the geeky stuff only to say that reality and life is perhaps nothing more than an interference pattern of resisting electromagnetics. Yet, let’s not bog the mind with complicated science, as we are more interested in getting resistance to work for, and not against us. So, let us now take a quick look at the more practical origins of resistance.

Have you ever come across a small child that when asked to do something, they do the opposite? And have you ever come across a particular child where resistance seems part of their character? Often it is forgotten that childhood is the place where resistance is inherited, formed, or carried over from a previous 1incarnation. During childhood resistance is mostly forgiven, often laughed at, and thought of as, “unimportant”. Yet, by adulthood it is often frowned upon, mostly rejected, and thought of as an individuals “nemesis”. Isn’t it ironic, what begins in innocence, actually comes back to bite us in the bottom? Though, in truth, and as we will discover, the energy of resistance is far from a dark destroyer. Nevertheless, what bonds and holds this negativity to resistance is “perception”.

Once resistance is perceived as negative, ugly, awkward, not good, a foe, bad for you, etc. then the job of perception is done. Perception performs a very simple role of associating good, or not good, positive, or negative, etc. and once this decision is formed, it then goes onto “lock-down”. Lock-down meaning that once something is perceived as either good, or bad, then rarely does this change. Though to fully understand resistance, gain access to it’s command centre, and “change” the way it operates, then working back it’s path is vital. In other words, think of it like a recently completed movie, but now you want to change the beginning. To achieve this, one would need to revisit the studio, select different scenes and put together a new beginning. It is your choice to select a happy, or sad start, and the same can be said for the energy of resistance. In a sense, our own movie formed during childhood and it could be said that our production studio is our mind. So, to re edit resistance, we simply go back to it’s origins.

Though re-editing and reprogramming is discussed further into this supplement, the above it to outline that the origins of resistance are mostly formed during childhood. Nevertheless, this is not a suggestion of psychotherapy, or hypnotic recall. On the contrary, identification, influence and change is achieved in full awareness of everyday states of wakeful consciousness. Though it was suggested that like all human energy, the roots of resistance are formed during early experiences, nevertheless, this is not always the case. As already mentioned, for drivers such as resistance, once formed, perception rarely alters. However, as the nature of perception is in a constant state of “flux”, these are not absolutes and at times are open to change.

Nevertheless, what resistance is associated too, and what it’s being used for are far more relevant than it’s actual place and time of birth. While origins refer to the original experiences, formations, and creation. As resistance is one of life’s vital ingredients, it’s true origins are likely to lie beyond reality itself. With that in mind, as it is with us from birth, there is no escaping this human dynamic. However, what makes it work for, or against us, is how it’s perceived.

Born to a negative worldview, perceiving resistance as bad has become somewhat natural. Irrespective of a loving family, when school age is reached, a whole new ball game comes into play. That is, individuals learn to push, hide, suppress, and eventually resist their own personal thoughts and feelings. They are carved, and eventually acclimatize to an impersonalized world of group negativity. Albeit this is carried out unconsciously, it is the reality of reality.

Though please do not digest the above as projections of doom and gloom, as once aware of these mass dynamics, a positive impact can be applied. What we are seeking to highlight and influence is the truth, and that truth is how resistance is currently perceived.

How resistance is perceived tells us something about it’s origins. That is, as this dynamic is unconsciously passed on, individuals are not solely responsible for the negative associations. To get a brief overview of how resistance is viewed, the following two-question survey was put to over 100 people.

How do you perceive resistance?

Where did the resistance in you begin, where are it’s origins?

What follows are the answers;

Resistance is not good

I don't know

Let us not labour these findings, only to outline that most assumed resistance to be negative, and not one was aware of it’s origins.

Though what does this tell us, and what can be gleaned from the answers? If most thought resistance to be negative, who and what was responsible for their view-point? And as not one individual had any awareness of it’s origins, does this mean that they were all suffering from amnesia?

Probably not. It is most likely that with the exposure to external forces, that is, school, friends, peers, media, etc. and a great deal of repetitive incoming information, that a negative perception was carved. As the worldview, that is “critical mass” relates to resistance as negative, then inheriting this negative belief is as natural as breathing. Though what about the amnesia? Did they really forget the origins?

In a sense yes. However, amnesia suggests a total lapse in memory, but with resistance, this is not the case. Being human means we are subject to varying dynamics such as conscious, subconscious, and unconscious aspects of ourselves. However, you may have already noticed that the word “conscious” runs through all three definitions.




Avoiding the ambiguity of psychology and definitions, what is of interest is that, “consciousness” runs through all three. Though conscious, sub, and unconscious are used to switch between one state of awareness and another, consciousness permeates all three.

Though as there is not enough word space in this supplement to detail “consciousness”, the fact that when questioned, subjects who did not remember their origins of resistance indicated that although past events and associations had been experienced, they were no longer consciously aware of them. Nevertheless, this does not mean that they no longer exist. On the contrary, they do, but are neatly operating away from one’s daily awareness. In fact their origins are embedded deep into what’s deemed the sub-unconscious mind. We refer to it as, “2overall consciousness”.

That is, the dynamics that originally associated, and linked resistance to negativity are alive and well, yet they are embedded and hidden deeply into the system. However, adopting Freud's modality of Psychology may have been right for that time, though they are not absolute prerequisites for the now. Having said that, this is not a suggestion to dismiss old paradigms, indeed the three levels of perceiving consciousness has a place. Though, viewed from an additional angles, allows us to make more informed decisions.

Just like the stars were thought to be holes in heaven. Just like the world was thought flat until round. Just like the earth was the centre of the universe until Galileo. Human consciousness is unlikely to be just three levels. Although Freud separated consciousness out into these three segments, he did this during an era of compartmentalization. Perhaps he was attempting to make sense, rationalize, and define human consciousness. Psychologist Carl Jung then extended this with group, and collective consciousness. The new age movement went further still with Christ, Universe, and God consciousness.

How you relate to your own consciousness and awareness is a very personal matter. Though conscious, sub, and unconscious are a great ways to separate consciousness, and for simplicity we will use throughout. However, what is being referenced is “overall consciousness”.

Now please take a deep breath, for as complicated as this sounds, the dynamics of being human are really quite simple. That is awareness, consciousness, perception, resistance, motivation, fear, desire, thoughts, biology, physicality, etc. Once embraced, the job of transforming these human dynamics from one role to another is not so difficult. That is, when human energy is viewed for what it really is, perceptions alter, and life improves.