Gita in 5 Minutes by T. Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Śrīmadbhagavadgītā is an ancient but highly practical spiritual as well as management guide which teaches how to evolve and manage work and life and is suitable for all stages and walks of life at all times for all beings. This booklet is a collection of 47 selected stanzas from the Bhagavadgītā covering all the 18 chapters and arranged in a compact coherent form describing man’s problem, nature of soul, God, nature, birth/death, yoga of action, divine grace, divine gift, and divine directions. It is useful for daily reading or reciting which can be completed within 5 minutes. As one recites contemplating on the meaning one gets nearly all the benefits and can feel the spirit of the Gītā - illuminating, energizing, and elevating him/her. The last section has 2 shlōkas with God asking everyone to be a yogi and love and nourish one another. These have been placed at the end as a separate section seeing how important they are in the contemporary strife torn, stress filled world. The booklet can be useful for all to progress spiritually, socially, emotionally, as well as professionally. It is especially handy for school teachers and students. A compact summary shlōka has also been composed and placed at the end as an addition.