Gita in 5 Minutes by T. Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Śrīmadbhagavadgītā or Gītā is an ancient spiritual guide of immense depth and content and is a universal constitution useful at all times for all beings. It literally means (sri - rich, mat- intelligence, Bhagavat - state of well-being, gītā rapidly moving) rich intelligence for rapidly moving towards a state of well-being. Gītā enables you to connect your intelligence with the Great intelligence which works wonders in life. Gītā contains 700 stanzas (shlōkas) and is made in 18 chapters. I have here compiled 47 shlōkas selecting at least one from each chapter. The shlōkas have been arranged in 7 coherent sequential sections.

The first is in the form of a prayer to God describing one’s pathetic condition (Arjuna’s). Section 2 is a brief immediate guidance from God asking Arjuna to arise, make efforts, perform his duty, approach wise men and find solutions through dedicated and devoted pursuit of knowledge.

Section 3 is about knowledge and has been divided into four sub-sections. The first is about the nature of the soul which emerges from God, is imperishable and is eternal. Second is about God who is the origin, support and end of all. Third sub-section is about Nature which with its qualities attracts and binds the souls. The final sub-section is about birth and death which is like changing old clothes and obtaining new ones. One can move into better states by cultivating satvic qualities or altogether avoid rebirths by purification of one’s actions and behavior.

Section 4 deals with fulfillment through action, or yoga of actions. Action is the fastest way to success. By not hankering after fruits, by staying focused on work, doing pranayama, yoga and meditation, results are achievable. Section 5 is about devotion and grace. Through mental penance, offering all ones work to God, worshipping with devotion and concentration, and seeking refuge in God, one earns the grace of God. Section 6 is about how we can see that all weaknesses, fears, bad qualities and demons flee from us, how knowledge is gained and our correct way is found. The last section is an advice from God to all to nourish one another through love, mutual advice and stimulation and to be yogis.

The division into small sections can help in generating clarity and can be helpful in learning by heart little by little. For easy uninterrupted reading, Roman transliteration has also been given separately.

A summary of the Gītā in semi poetic form has been composed and added at the end. This could be easily memorized by any one and chanted with ease or taught to small children.

It takes less than five minutes to recite this collection of 47 shlōkas by rote, or read the collection or its meaning. Memorizing is especially recommended because it enables one to close one’s eyes and with full attention go through the practice. It also enables one to recite it at any place, at any time and even while walking, driving, travelling or doing some work including bathing or other household works. This spreads the spirituality all over the house and brings the grace of God to everyone at home and especially to children. Usually, one may memorize some chapter or the other of Gītā. Very few can recite the whole of Gītā. The purpose of presenting this selection is to give a chance to everyone to have a glimpse of the whole of Gītā at any time at any place by memorizing and reciting the carefully selected 47 shlōkas. It is also a great stress reliever and energizer. As you do it with attention, irrespective of your religious, social, educational or cultural background you can feel the whole of the Gītā and the essence of all the world’s spiritual knowledge already encoded within your genes getting activated and resonating within you.

With constant practice and implementation of what you read even to the barest extent possible, you will, in a stress free state attain perfection and also attain great heights in your life and profession. With God’s grace, which is most likely to be yours, if you follow the guidelines given in section 5 in particular, you can also hope to attain self-realization and God-realization in this very life and live in a state of ecstasy and freedom. Great all round future naturally follows.

In this context I narrate my own story. I have been