Headshift by Dise Ruth - HTML preview

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Day 24

Your experiences are a direct reflection of how

much you know or do not know.

It is also directly linked to

‘what’ and ‘how much’ you permit yourself to have.

You are the product of your beliefs.


Day 25

You start your journey the minute you realize you

owe no one but yourself any explanation.

Parents and elders are loving and protective but it is up to you to allow

them love you into or out of your destiny

Day 26

When people care about you, it is not exactly about you; it is a reflection of

who they are, be humble and appreciate it.


Day 27

You are special, yeah, but not perfect.

Until you admit you are not perfect and capable of making mistakes, you

will shut yourself out from experiencing genuine growth and gratitude.

Day 28

When you accept that you do not always make the right choices, you

create room to forgive yourself.

When you learn to forgive yourself for your

inadequacies, it becomes easier to forgive others.

Give yourself the gift of forgiveness today by forgiving someone.

Day 29

Train your eyes and mind to be positive 100% of the time. This way, when you relate with people you

can selectively focus on

their positives and ignore the negatives. It doesn’t

make you stupid; it makes it easy to forgive when

someone errs. Remember, you have your own flaws and you err too.

Day 30

It is important to be with someone that can easily

forgive you when you do something wrong.

Someone who personally appreciates the gift of forgiveness and not

someone who thinks they are flawless.


Day 31

Turn your fears into excitement.

It is a choice to either be

paralyzed by fear of all that could go wrong or

be spurred into action by excitements of all that could go right.

Fear breeds paralysis while excitement breeds action. The choice is yours, choose wisely.

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