Hey! Human Have Humanity by Samba Siva Rao Ch - HTML preview

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To do service each of us have number of ways and as I can’t mention all of them, here I try to give a few ways which can torch the forgotten and neglected ways. And also I try to give simple and easy ways.

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing”

- Mother Teresa

I don’t ask you to do all but do as many as possible. Remember, How you are doing is more important than what you are doing?

These are not to give exact ideas but to train your mind to think on different ways.

Doing your work rightly with humanity is a great service. While you are doing it you definitely get chances to do service without moving to another place because we are all connected each other, we do business in society among the humans. Make use of those opportunities.

“We are each other's harvest; we are each other's business; we are each other's magnitude and bond.”

-Gwendolyn Brooks

Find your interesting work and by doing that service you should not feel tired, bored, exhausted and drained out. Find such work and make a model/ module. If it is with a group of people or organisation go to the place, inform them, ask them/ request them to start your service to them.

One of the simplest way to start service or improve your humanity is go to any organization, join as volunteer and start your service.

Start doing it, if you find any faults or mistakes, try to correct them, don’t repeat and make blunders. Here I mentioned a few categories or fields and possible simple ways of service or work, take as much as possible and start doing. You have to think from your point of view, select from these and you can add and start your own idea as well.


We are all Indians first and belong to the universal family. Don’t divide by the boundaries of states or districts. To Whichever country you belong to - have patriotism.

There are many people who don’t know why we are celebrating Independence Day or Republic Day. Even there are people who don’t know how to sing and the rules of National Song and National Anthem, Please educate them if you find any one.

Don’t forget to serve your mother land wherever you are. It does not mean you mother land is poor to receive from you; it means it’s the land which transformed you and you have debt to generations who origin from that land.

Culture/ Customs/ Traditions:

You can share good customs and explain the benefits of our tradition.

Spread the truths of our tradition not misconceptions.

Ex: Hanging mango leaves at the doors: One Reason is Mango leaves release Oxygen continuously after separating from the braches of tree some studies state that more than 10 hours.

Spiritual & Religious / Ethics & values:

Be spiritual. No matter which religion you follow, what matters is, Are you spiritual or not?

Have ethics and values. Go to your place of worship and do service.

There are many who mislead devotees on the name of GOD. Try to educate & Save the people from the frauds.

There are many who are really spiritual. Swami Vivekananda once told test him/her before you accept as your Master (GURU). Find them & follow them.

There are many incidents and spiritualists who proved ethics/values and humanity is more valuable than customs.

Ex: Santh Eknath took Holy water of the Ganga from northern Kasi and went towards Southern Rameswaram to mix the water in the Sea. On his way he found a donkey which was fallen on the ground because of thirst, he, Santh Eknath, a humane, pour water in the mouth of that donkey and saved the life of it.

These, a few sectors you can stretch your arms and do service simply and effectively on your way:


Go to your nearest schools/ colleges educate them about the present scenario and what they are lacking of.

Simply on your way, there are many people who don’t know how to do some kind of works like filling a bank form, writing a post card or making a phone call just help and educate them to do on their own.

Let me give an example to prove these are simple but very effective. Once Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswara Rao mentioned about a girl who goes to hospital at her free time and guide and help the people to meet the doctor.

Go to schools which are located in vulnerable places or not even with minimum facilities and start educate them and try to provide the basics.

Educate the old people about the present changes in this competitive world and teach them how to survive and live without bothering.

Educate the uneducated to at least the literacy level. Go to the most vulnerable places and starts educate them.


Sanitation: Our house should be cleaned and then our surroundings streets, parks…should be cleaned.

Water: Drinking water is the most precious one on the earth. Use it carefully and preserve it.

Electrical energy is not to be wasted not only for the bill but for the energy conservation.

Nature: Save our nature, don’t pollute and spoil it. Save trees. Plant as much trees as you can & teach children to plant and protect it and how to nourish it.

If you lose touch with nature you lose touch with

humanity. - Jiddu Krishnamurthy

“Trees are always a relief, after people.”

-David Mitchell

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is

but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to

ourselves and to one another.”

- Chris Maser

Birds, Animals & Creatures Welfare:

 “To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being.” - Mahatma Gandhi

In our culture we have a custom of hanging grain bundles at the front gate of our homes so that birds can eat them. Domesticate a cow.

Leave at least some fruits for the birds on the trees.

Sponsor some food before you eat. Don’t throw the extra food put it neatly so that animals can eat.


Make it as infotainment and leads to good thoughts and deeds but not towards the selfish and vulgarity.

Differently Abled:

Give them moral support or employment support or guide them to get loans to start micro-enterprise and help to live on their own.

Legislation & polity:

Make good legislative policies, create awareness among people, have a discussion about the pros and cons of a bill….

Livelihoods/ Rehabilitation/ Orphanages & Old age Homes:

Rehabilitate the addicts or beggars or juveniles or prisoners or victims…Identify or Create opportunities to live on that work and create awareness about those fields and teach them how to do those to the vulnerable, differently abled, orphans, virus affected persons and old aged persons. First of all identify their basic need if they are so hungry they can’t listen to you, try to fulfill their basic need first.

 “There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form  of bread.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

Child & Women Welfare:

Our tradition has given more value to women. But unfortunately we deviated. Don’t criticise unnecessarily the pedestrians, try to stop if anyone is doing such activities. Remember in Telugu word “Ammaee”, the word “Amma” inscribed.

Arts, Crafts & Micro Enterprise Creation:

There are many arts and crafts which are going to vanish not because of the technological advancement but by the negligence.

Support the artists and minor groups.

Support & encourage and guide the small and old crafts making people. Try to set up a small micro enterprise for them.

Safety & Security:

There are many situations we come across where the people work without any protections and work on harmful and hazardous conditions. Try to educate them and teach first aid. Importantly give them the safety materials.

Traffic & Transport:

Follow traffic rules and teach others to follow them. Many educated scholars avoid rules and make others uncomfortable.

On roads, we see many overloaded transport vehicles, inform to the concerned persons. Don’t start argument with those persons.


The farmer feeds us. If you are a farmer, please produce the quality food. The total world lives on the food which you produce.

Help farmers in getting good seeds and get a reasonable price, in finding out the soil type and the requirements.

Create awareness about organic farming.

Encourage who are doing and experimenting in the field for high quality and quantity production.

Try to improve the water supply facilities.

Wellness & Health:

Provide the information regarding the wellness.

Remember according to the WHO (World Health Organisation) Health is a complete state of physical, mental and spiritual well being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity or deformity.

Promote the good food habits. Educate about the foods which used harmful chemicals in the making process.

Donate blood.

Games & Sports:

Encourage the talents of the sportsperson.

Don’t play politics with their talent.

If you can’t encourage never discourage.

Try to give information about the events.


Use the technology for constructive purposes.

Don’t trouble the others using technology.

Get updated to new innovations.

Create awareness among the old systems or version followers about the latest changes.

Online/ social media:

Share the good news and promote good things. Encourage the good deeds.

Mix entertainment with infotainment.

Don’t publish the more privacy issues which are not necessary or irrelevant to the public.

Don’t circulate the fraud news & the fake issues.

The list never ends. Find your interest and start doing to improve the livings and life style of the people of those sectors.

I don’t ask you to stop at the small things.

Stretch your service as much as possible.

Expand your service by involving others.

Encourage others to join them.

Start team work.

Provide your service to as many organizations as you can. Or start your own. Get expertise.

If you are a …and thinking about your ways here are very simple ways, think beyond these and find your own way.

A very few ideas are:

A student can

Share his/her lunch box with a classmate or worker child …

Motivate other students to learn.

Teach the old about new technology.

Collect a few coins and donate to orphanages or victims or who come to you and ask.

Collect dresses which you don’t wear and donate.

Identify and inform to the elders get the service done.

An unemployed can

Share his knowledge to students/ illiterates, by doing so he also improves his subject

Share his academic or competitive course ware to the poor who can’t attend the courses.

Help a social worker or anyone in your expertise.

Form as a team & start service.

A house-wife (home-maker) can

Making your children as responsible citizens is your first step.

Support the neighbors

Educate the uneducated neighbors

Teach a skill so that they can earn some bucks

Start a micro enterprise at home to support others.

An employee can

Help a colleague

Share the knowledge

Go to any organization in his /her free time

An employer/business person can

Be generous to employees (but not on work)

Offer good bonuses

Conducting development classes

Encouraging their skills

Encourage employees to do social service

Start a simple service team

Follow convictions of

“Corporate Social Responsibility”

A retired person can

Share his valuable and experience to the new generations

Go to schools/ colleges & give lectures

Guide a student/ job seeker/ entrepreneur

Write article with practically possible solutions on various issues.

Participate in meeting of politics and give suggestions

Go to orphanages/ old age homes & spend time with them.

Remember there are certain situations,

“We have to be pretending unkind to

be kind and help someone”.

If you can’t do any of the above because of your tight schedule you can –

If you want to earn more money you can -

If you have abundance of money and want to improve wealth/ prosperity you can –


Donate what?


Do charity to support any organization or your own or to an individual …..

You can live after your physical leaving of this earth by donating Parts of your body. Go & write them off to any organization when you are alive.

Take up one or more ideas and make them as your habits. Add humanity to your every work.