Hey! Human Have Humanity by Samba Siva Rao Ch - HTML preview

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“The lamp which is glowing can only lit other lamps.” is the saying that I strongly believe. So to do service to others in an effective way, we have to enlighten and empower ourselves in many ways. And also you are the one who belongs to the family which belongs to the society, which belongs to the country and it belongs to the universe. If you empower yourself it definitely make changes as you are a part of it. So the first and foremost thing we have to do is achieving our goals, in the process of it as well we can do a lot of service.

The important thing we must do and which is one of the greatest services is doing our work rightly. Performing our jobs correctly with principles, values, ethics and humanity makes a lot of difference and may create wonders!

In my opinion it’s the service which does to our self, to our family and to our work is the first and foremost thing to do. Do your work at upmost priority. But if you stop at yourself and your family it becomes selfish. Extend it from your work to others who come across in your life. This is the first step. Clean your house, road, and surroundings not as a photographic event but as a regular work.

If you are a student you should be creative, study well, learn new things and be up to date. But don’t stop there, extend yourself by sharing your knowledge, teaching to your friends (explain a concept) and respect elders.

If you are a business man you could do the commerce with ethics, morality, values and with humanity. It does not matter how much you earn, but what matters is how you earn it. Become Millionaire or Billionaire but your roots must be values and ethics and spread humanity as your branches.

If you are employee do your best. Never criticise about your employer or salary. Do not work with unwillingness. Show your enthusiasm in your work, that work should be praised because of you. Never mind what position you are handling and work you are doing presently, justify it, add life to it and remember that you are doing the work.

Create the feeling in your family you are the most important and the center of happiness. Of course in many families, the members of the family don’t give that much importance to your suggestions or thoughts than given to an outsider. Don’t lose your identity, be yourself, at some time they understand your value and start giving respect to your ideas. Make them happy and tune them to good and prosperity. Make them feel proud and become important in the society, create value and let them be happy. Try to give them what they want. If their desires are very gigantic, explain the process and situation and time period to reach it or simply divert to another one. Many of the employees or business persons show their anxiety or anger on the family members. Many of us work for the family and many times we tell the same to the family members but they don’t satisfy because they need you. Talk to them, spend time with them, go out with them, ask them, help them and teach them. Teach your children the service from their childhood. If you tell them they may not understand, show them they understand and start their own. Create your home a peaceful place first.

“Peace and gladness in every home is a peace for

the society, nation and the world.”

- Lailah Gifty Akita

Love your family and treat them at utmost priority and build strong bond among you. Involve family in your business if possible, let them understand your work load and let them give their ideas. Then they start loving you more and more. The peaceful society is a combination of peaceful families. The peaceful country is a combination of peaceful societies and states. The peaceful world is a combination of peaceful countries.

“What can you do to promote world peace?

Go home and love your family.”

 “It is easy to love the people far away. It is not

always easy to love those close to us. It is easier to

give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve

the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our

own home. Bring love into your home for this is

where our love for each other must start.”

- Mother Teresa


Some busy persons think its time taking and difficult to grow up children and take care of their parents. They simply join their children at hostels and their old parents at old age home and speaking about social service to indicate their social status. If you ask questions like: To whom you are earning? Their answers may simply be -to my children. Ask them to think about it. If you are that kind think yourself.

Go home start loving your children, parents and grandparents. Give them your warmth. Make them happy and enjoy with your presence.

“If you are not the hero of your own story, then you're missing the whole point of your humanity.”

- Steve Maraboli.