Hey! Human Have Humanity by Samba Siva Rao Ch - HTML preview

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We don’t know, from how many ways and by who we be get benefitted. Yes, to clarify, let me give at present example, how many of us know the PDF format inventor, because of him I shared this book and you are reading it now.

We don’t know the persons of all inventions or discoveries which we are enjoying at present. We may benefit not only from the things what we like but also from the things what we dislike. Let me give simple and funny examples to this:

A teacher scold or beat the student, because of that incident, the student may transform and get benefit.

One had a fever and consulted a doctor and an early diagnosis of a big disease by that doctor prevented that one from a major issue.

Two mosquitos fight each other to bite you and the one wins and bite you is a healthy one and the lost, have a parasite causes Malaria, we don’t know.

An animal like cat or dog or pig came in your way and you slipped and fell down, we don’t know that you may be prevented from a big accident just after a few steps.

A child ran across the road and you scold him but he warned about your bike’s side stand, we don’t know otherwise we may get a big hit.

Let me give an example which is said by Brahma Sri “Chaganti Koteswara Rao”, you lit a fire to get heat in a cold season, a snake came to bite you or a wild animal came to hurt you , because of the fire it could not approach you and you are saved, but you may not aware of this.

I don’t know how this book is going to help you. It may improve your English not only from the good sentences but also by finding out the mistakes which I might write.

Our acts effects or sometimes affects others and other’s acts effects or sometimes affects our lives. We don’t know how our lives effected by the opinions or orders by the officials, how a politician’s decision changes the system or bureaucrat decision influence the people or a small mistake of theirs lead to a major issues, how a Govt., G.O. transform our lives…

A scavenger who cleans our surroundings or drainage system saves our life from many threating diseases; otherwise how we would be, we don’t know.

A home-maid who cleans your house and furniture may save you from allergies to big diseases, we don’t know.

A stranger to you walking on your street on his purpose and saw a thief who is trying to enter into your house and shouted the thief ran away from that place without any theft.

My point in mentioning these is that, the acts which we do, may be simple, benefit others the most, many times we may not aware them even the beneficiary. So don’t mind to do simple acts of service and do have gratitude and Humanity.

Be good, be kind, be humane, and charitable; love your fellows; console the afflicted; pardon hose who have done you wrong. – Unknown