How To Mock Your Enemy by Tony Francis - HTML preview

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Send Children to War


I believe after this, you are going to do ministry differently because God wants to take you to greater levels of victories in him.

You’ve been fighting so long with your great title “Oh, I am reverent so and so”, “I am the evangelist of the hour”, “I did so and so in the name of the Lord, Praise God sister”…

You've departed from childlikeness and you are in danger because only children have a strong bond with their fathers because of their surrendering and yielding to them. It is only those who wait on the Lord that renew their strength that renew the anointing! Shut up and Let God fight for you. Sorry, I didn’t mean to be impolite, but this is actually a verse that I allowed myself to paraphrase (Exodus 14:14).

You are talking too much than listening to him, you've come up with many smart ideas but not powerful. You've tried this and that without realizing you are going around your mountains over and over. You are stuck in the same thing because you are fighting for yourself, not God.

Dear flock, it is on God’s clock to find those who know how to mock while they are resting on the ROCK!



Thank you for taking the time to read. I hope you are empowered and enriched by new revelations. Feel free to post your sweet comments and share it with others.


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