How To Mock Your Enemy by Tony Francis - HTML preview

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The Enemy’s Mockery


Goliath mocked cute little David for who he is and for what he was carrying in his hands as “silly” weapons of war. Little did he know that his mocking of David with words was nothing compared to the mocking of David at him.

You may ask me, how did David mocked his enemy? Surely David didn’t throw at Goliath some “na nananana na nanana na” but David’s foolishness in warfare was God’s greatest opportunity for using him.

"Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.

God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God. "1 Corinthians 1: 27-29.

I think that the way David went to war against this well-trained wicked enemy is the greatest mockery he had to offer him. And Goliath was indeed angered and offended by this:  "Am I a dog," he roared at David, "that you come at me with a stick?" And he cursed David by the names of his gods.” 1 Samuel 17:43.

I believe God was having his hysterical joyful moment on his throne when he saw this

“But the One who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them.” Psalms 2:4.

God was surely enjoying this moment, the same way he was enjoying the moment when Samson fought the enemies with the jawbone of a recently killed donkey (Judges 15:15). I like that the bible says it was a “recently killed donkey”. Do you know what this means? The jawbone was not yet dry, it was still fragile not hardened or rigid, yet it was the strongest weapon in Samson’s hand because it was anointed by the Holy Spirit.

David came against his enemy with a stick, the one who is familiar with as a shepherd and with 5 SMOOTH stones from a stream.

In the world's mindset, you need to bring on your biggest and most advanced technology and weapons to go to war, but in the word's economy, God's kingdom, it is different! Search for the most fragile thing you can find because you will not make it if you are accustomed to big weapons like theology, education, philosophy, religion, to name few…

Why? Because God is not interested at all in giving you the victory in a boring way, he wants to give you the victory after he has made sure he really mocked the enemy!

God likes to fight as though he is playing with some toys.

It is fun to him! You’ve taken God too seriously my friend that you’ve stopped discerning his ways. 

It is more pleasing to God to see you fighting with mockery than fighting just to win. And honestly, I believe God will choose and anoint those warriors who know how to have fun in battles and wars. Could this be the reason why you are not being anointed for war? And you thought it was a sin you are hiding or some other serious issue?

God wants to send childlike people to war to get all the glory.

He even had chosen fishermen for his great cause. What did he expect from them to fight with a fish? Mmmm, well this is another idea, why not, if it is anointed! I imagine if such thing happens the battle would go too stinky but so pleasant!