How To Mock Your Enemy by Tony Francis - HTML preview

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The King’s Mockery


How do you overcome the mocking or the underestimation of those you are under their authority? Like your pastor, elder, group leader, even your boss at work?

How did David overcome King’s Saul ridicules? You’ve seen in the previous level how David overcame his brother’s mocks by answering with a question, by telling him “what have I done, it is only a question”.

In the wisdom God gave him that instance; he was trying to minimize in the eyes of his brother what the enemy has magnified in him through the lens of jealousy! 

But with King Saul, God gave him another wisdom, David didn’t tell this man of authority void words, like don’t worry, I can do it, give me a chance, I can prove myself to you… He actually needed to show King Saul through his past testimonies of his victorious experiences of killing the lion and the bear that he can take this giant down by the same power of the Holy Spirit.

David knew that it is not about the size of his enemy, but it is about the same power of the Holy Spirit and the great name of the Lord.

After he gave King Saul his resume, he was recruited!

How can you start a public ministry or a business if you haven’t been ministering faithfully to the Lord behind the scenes when no one was watching you?

 If you aren't comfortable with walking in holiness in your secret place and ministering to the Lord and reaching for individuals to help but only comfortable when you are ministering in public, Hmmm, something is wrong with your motives! Alert, Alert, Alert! The heavenly Father will only reward publicly those who are available secretly. Key to a promotion!

Now David had overcome these 2 levels of mockery with his own brother and his king, how? By displaying a Christ-like character!

David won his pre-battles with men with his well-shaped character, but won the spiritual battle against the giant with the gifts, the power of God!

Maybe that's why the church isn't achieving many victories because things are reversed. You are fighting men with power and the devil with your character.

Do not be misled, the word of God says that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power and went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the Devil. (Acts 10:39). It is foolishness to love the devil or to be patient and meek with him and ignore him, you do this to your brothers! Funny huh?