How to Attract Women Right Away by Remy Jacobs - HTML preview

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The Ultimate Tools of Attraction

The Catcher: Ultimate Power and Instant Attraction in Less Than a Second

Instant attraction happens through eye contact, and the catcher is a method that is all about eye contact. The power over woman that you will have when applying this simple technique is unlimited because you will come off as the supreme, dominant, confident, and mysterious man all at once. You will also come off as a spiritual being, and a respected leader. Women will want to be with you more often, they will want to actually learn more about you. Once you get the hang of it, you will never want to let go, and becoming experienced with this amazing method will actually make you grow as a man and as a seducer. You will be able to really see what women are made of and women will know that you have somehow gained the upper hand and in return will do anything in their power to attract you.

Eye contact is the essence of this revolutionary method, and for it to work you must really look the woman you want to attract in the eyes when you apply it. When you do so and follow the steps I am going to lay out for you, you will create a moment between the two of you. I am sure you have heard of women talking about this so-called moment that happens between her and a man. Her heart skips a beat, and so do yours, and something seems to be out of place and the only way of putting it back together is by the two of you being together. This is what you will create every time you use this extremely simple method, making women fall for you wherever you go.

The first way of using the Catcher is as an initiator. What you will want to do is to say something to a woman out loud, and then add something to what you said but only in your mind, and most importantly, while still holding eye contact. What you say in your mind doesn't have to be relevant to the content of your conversation because it will only be in your mind, but doing it while holding eye contact will create the tension needed for the attraction to be set in place. Your job is to create this tension while maintaining a perfectly normal conversation. As the initiator you can also make and hold eye contact first and then proceed to say something in your mind, this will create a pause that will build tension faster, and then say what you wanted to say out loud.

The second way of going about this method is as a receptor. If a woman is the one who is speaking to you, you must instantly look her in the eye and then say something in your mind, not necessarily relevant to the conversation, and then proceed to answering her out loud.

You can play around with this technique because it is very flexible. You can for example try to tell something and think of something at the same time, all the while maintaining eye contact. Once you start using it you will witness its real power. You can then start using it sparingly to drive your woman closer at any time you desire. To keep any relationship alive and kicking, you will want to go through this technique at least once every couple of days because when you do it, women will be mesmerized by you, they will see you as the man you are, strong and confident, and will be reminded of why they love you again and again. When meeting new women and using the Catcher, the beautiful females you engage in conversation will fall for you. You needn't apply the Catcher more than once and you will capture the woman's body and soul.

You should definitely use it for meeting women as well. In fact, when a woman is still meeting you, using this technique often will set you worlds apart from all the other men she has ever encountered. The new mysterious you will be grabbing hearts left and right.

At first sight, this method might seem mundane and ineffective, but don't judge it until you test it because it will get you the results you want and more. It has worked wonders in attracting women and satisfying them over the long term. The thing is all women are highly social creatures, from their point of view, most men very boring and redundant; they are from the past because 99% of the time they are either talking about something that has already happened, or reinforcing something they already did. Women on the other hand are more up to date to what is happening "now", and they all try to keep up with each other in the "now". This creates the huge annoying commotion you get when you put a lot of women together in one room. Using this method will actually put you in the moment with them. You will be living the "now" with women you talk to. When you use it, you will be the only one to pull such thing off and women will simply be dumbstruck. So dumbstruck they will go crazy over you. They will be thinking "I can't believe it, this man is actually concentrated talking to me right here and right now, never have I seen anything like it!"

This powerful method is actually happening on two levels. The first is the socially acceptable behavior, in which you keep the conversation flowing by answering accordingly, by being polite and confident. And then there is the second level, where total dominance over women is happening as you look them and say whatever you want to say in your mind, thus creating an instant flame between the two of you. It puts all the elements of attraction into one switch which you can use at any time giving you total dominance and success in attracting women.

It is also important to remember that women being women, they might not instantly show you that they are very intrigued and feeling close to you once they realize how strong this attraction you have just created really is, simply because women are rarely the ones to lead a relationship or the ones to try and actually build it. However, once you have adopted the chapters in this book in your life, you needn't worry about that part because the supreme confidence you are obtaining will help you tremendously to keep your relationship with the woman you desire alive and kicking at any giving time.

The Catcher, dear reader, is going to capture the soul and body of every woman you come across and will boost you to new heights as you will become regarded as a truly attractive man.

It is the technique I recommend the most. You should start using it right now. Test with it, and you will be amazed. You will literally be able to see it with your own eyes, as you continue your phrases in your mind, saying whatever you want to say, the woman with whom you are talking will change her facial expression to something like "Hey, I want to get to know you!" The catcher will simply drive them insane.

Subliminal Orders: The Prestigious Talent

Women are focused beings and are especially savvy at picking up non-verbal cues when engaged in a conversation; what this means is that they will be able to actually read your body language and not only listen to your words. Non-verbal cues are the biggest chunk of information they use to decide whether they like you or not. As long as you are using this fact to your advantage, rest assured that you will come off as the supreme and confident potential mate all women look for. Sending subliminal orders has always been used by the great leaders and gurus alike. These people know exactly how to get what they want out of people, and they do it without being particularly obnoxious but instead and as the definition of a subliminal message goes, their controlling of people goes unnoticed. Now from a woman's point of view, a leader is extremely sexy. And when you are able to lead a woman using your body, she will become mesmerized and will find it very charming.

As you go about your conversation with a woman, and behind the most casual conversational topic, you will want to act the subliminal message you want to get across with your body. This will require a little multitasking on your part, but it is as easy as it gets. To convey the correct message, you have to focus on the message in your mind, and try to act it out with your body and face. You will notice that trying to send out a message that talks about love will change the expression on your face, whilst messages that imply an action will get your hands moving more. You really could be talking about the weather, yet motioning for the woman to come and kiss you. The beauty of its subtlety is that no one will notice it unless they were engaged in your conversation as well.

It is wise to prepare what you want to say and convey. No great success goes unplanned, but what I mean by prepare is only a few seconds' work. Let's say that you want to convey to a woman to leave with you. You will have to do it at the same time as saying something else, something casual which doesn't have to do with you trying to attract her, for example "I love this city it is the first time I come here". You need to say what you want to say out loud, and focus on trying to tell her you want her to leave with you by saying the phrase in your mind to naturally convey it with your body. Say it in your mind: "I want you to leave with me". If you focus on it and try to send that message with your body by acting it, it will work: As you are saying that you like this city, you will probably look away and motion with your hand in such a way that will get the message across and it will come naturally because your body will be responding to your brain.

Body language constitutes the majority of communication. And keeping an eye on what you are trying to reflect with your body is an elitist and admirable power to possess especially in the realm of love and attraction. Conversation happens on more than a level and dominating them all will set you apart. It gives you a natural air of power which is extremely attractive and intriguing for women.

This really is one of the secrets of effective communication. Having this kind if power over women is essential for them to love you quickly because what they really want is a man who can dominate and take the lead. It is in their nature to love it.

As opposed to the Catcher which you should use continuously throughout a relationship, this method is optimal when you are still in the meeting process. At the first stages of a meeting process, women don't want to hear you mention or talk about subjects related to love or seduction; these topics would still be inappropriate. Your body signals however, will be irresistible, charming and innovative communication style they probably haven't experienced before. They will be your only tool for expressing your big desires.

It is important that you do not let social pressure get the best of you. Take your time in trying this, even in front of people, at first, if you are not used to attention, you will feel awkward because as women start responding to your conversation, many jealous men and intrigued women will turn their energies towards you because they will want to know what's going on. Women can tell when other women are interested in you, and they will in return become interested as well. Man up and face the reality of your success because you have just become the real chick magnet.