How to Attract Women Right Away by Remy Jacobs - HTML preview

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Men, Respect and Trust

You might have never realized this, but your relationships with other men around you is one of the most important indirect ways of getting women to love you. The way you behave with other men can drastically improve how you are perceived in the eyes of women. If you do the right things you will become very attractive to women.

Now of course, women want you to sweep them off their feet and then treat them right, and with the winning mindsets we already discussed alongside the techniques you will find in the following chapter on communication, you will be able to do just that. However, women also wish to see men treat each other in a certain manner. Why? Because how manly you are is precisely reflected by how you treat your fellow men, and vice versa. And when it comes to this indirect way of attracting women, one aspect will define it all and it will be the deciding factor on whether women will look up to you or not, and that thing is called Respect.

If women around you notice that other people do not respect you, they will simply follow the trend. A woman will never give in to a man for whom she holds no respect. It is therefore of urgent importance to make sure you demand the respect you deserve. If someone disrespects you in public, call them out instantly and make sure they don't do it again. If a woman disrespects you, you should do just the same regardless of you risking losing her. Disrespect will never do you any good and eliminating any of it that comes your way will clear the path for better loving relationships and interactions to come into place.

Getting Respect

Being respected is one of the most important traits you should acquire to drastically increase your chance with women. When you become respected, women will start looking at you as a real man, as a potential mate and as really attractive. Women love men and sex, they want to enjoy it the same way we do, but society has whipped women through the centuries and conditioned them to beware of the way others look at them. Openly admitting their desire for sex has long been associated with evil and is frowned upon. And as modern as our societies get, a so-called slutty attitude remains every woman's worst nightmare. Now this is where getting respected is going to open a lot of doors for you. In the eyes of society in general, and because of another conditioning that has happened naturally throughout the years, when a woman is associated with a respected man, she is no longer crucified under the label of a "slut". So the best way out for a woman who desires to be swept off her feet by a man, is to do it with a respected man.

Many men achieve respect by doing outstanding things. These men are much respected in their field and people look up to them. These men carry the positive feedback and turn it into confidence outside of their work which in return makes them seem more attractive in the eyes of women. This is in fact the longest road to earning respect from your peers, because there is a much easier way to do it that will earn you a good reputation and respect wherever you go and not just in your field of expertise. It is two way street:

You earn respect by giving respect.

This is the surest way of going around it. Whenever you happen to be in a social gathering, in a work environment, or even at home initiating respect to your fellow men should become your second nature.

You give respect first, always, and then it will back to you.

By going about your interactions with other men in a manly attitude, by being fully concentrated, and by remembering that the man in front of you has an ego just like yours, and that he is probably as strong as you are if not stronger, you are propagating values of respect. And you will always be respected back. No one has ever belittled a respectful person. In fact, what will happen is quite the opposite. Praise your fellow men, but without forgetting room for yourself as well.

Moreover, keeping eye contact when engaged in a conversation with another man should never exceed six seconds. Scientists have shown in a study that when eye contact is held for more than six seconds, it implies either aggressiveness, or sexuality. So make sure to look away often, but do it with ease because fidgeting is not sexy nor is it manly.

It is also important to speak with other men at a certain volume. Too low or too high can make your conversation seem awkward and lose all its value, especially in the eyes of women. The best volume to use when speaking is one that is loud enough for a third person who is not engaged in your conversation, like a bystander, to be able to hear it. Such as you are not ashamed by what you are saying and you wouldn't mind if someone else can hear it.

And so, by being respectful, you will be respected.

Boosting your Respect: Conquering the men that come your way.

Whenever two men are engaged in a conversation, there is a certain tension that is going back and forth during the interaction; this tension is called power play. To most men, the tension behind this power play goes unnoticed because it is a most natural thing and often ignored. In fact, when two men are conversing, one always has to win. No matter the content of the conversation, whether it happens to be a debate, or whether it is a more relaxed and casual conversation, one of the two men will win. Now this is where this power play becomes a double edged sword because women are very keen on this subject, and they can instantly tell who is "winning" the conversation. Now women are always on the lookout for power plays in conversation, they want to see who the strongest man is and who is winning. They simply cannot resist a man who always wins this power play which is why you need to always be a winner when it comes to your interactions with other men.

There is an absolutely simple way of winning every interaction with a fellow male. It is somewhat of a catch, it is very effective and it only requires a little effort on your part: whenever you meet or greet another man with whom you will share a conversation, you ought to always treat him as if he were your real brother. Give him your best smile, and treat him as if you are ready to do anything this man needs from you. Now remember, treat him as if you were there to help him with whatever he wished because the real secret behind this winning attitude is that by going about your interaction with a man like this, you are displaying power over him You are somewhat of a better man because you seem to have the means and the ability to solve anything this fellow man of yours might need. Now unless the man you are talking to is a politician or a professional on social dynamics, he won't be able to tell that you are actually gaining power over him in the eyes of the women around you. He will most likely think of you as friendly, which you are, but with a little twist. Try to remember a scene you encountered during which a politician or a very powerful man greeted other men. They are always smiling and seem to be really happy to help the men who come their way. It was just a façade that they put on in order to keep the power play in their favor. This attitude will change the way both men and women look at you for the better. Women will find you much more attractive and won't help but want to get to know you better. And men will actually let their guards down with you and that will make you seem much more respected and friendly.

Do this and you will be winning every interaction you will have with any other man. Remember to do this with absolute confidence. Shake hands, and give smiles to your fellow men like you know you can be this man's life saver. This is how you conquer men. Contrary to common belief, and the reason why many men fail at power plays, is because they think that aggressiveness and toughness is the way to do it. Now you should not limit yourself to appearances, and try to actually be nice. Say nice things like you mean them. Talk to them as if you understand whatever they might be going through in their life, but do it with supreme confidence and positivity and by staying upbeat.

Upon displaying such traits with other men, it is very likely that you will come across someone who will actually be in need of some help. Be sure to help because you will be building your allies like this and you never know when you will need help from them sometime in the future. Be sure that they will agree to help because they will probably never forget what you have done with them.

When in public and around women you have to actually give the man in front of you positive attention, as if you were talking to him so that other people can notice him. Now this is somewhat counter-intuitive, but the attention will actually be coming at you, not him. You will seem to everyone like a great man, which you will definitely become after applying this method of behavior. Men will start to appreciate you more, and will naturally put you in the spotlight simply because you portray real friendliness in a manly way by appearing really happy upon conversing with other men. Politicians do it, and elite men, ones that have come to understand the rules of power and seen with their own eyes the way women are attracted to it, know this fact, and now you do too. So start implementing it as soon as now.

It is also important to remember not to overdo it. Remain contained, yet sure of your ability to "be there" for your fellow men. And you will naturally become the leader. You will conquer every man that comes your way guaranteed.

Women who will be around you will be able to pick on your friendliness and confidence and will see you as a way out for their lusty desires.

Implement this mindset and attitude, and you will see the magic unfold in front of your own eyes.

Trust is the biggest desire: How to fine tune it for the best results.

A quality that women desperately seek in their partners or in their potential mates is trust. The reason they want and need it might seem logical because we have been accustomed to think of trust as a quality in relationships, and because we also happen to seek trust in a partner which is completely natural. But it is important that you understand the driving force behind this desire in women.

Every woman's worst nightmare is a bad reputation. Every woman fears that people talk about what she does in her private time, and especially when it comes to sex.

If you want women to surrender to you, you have to gain their trust. You do this by keeping a mysterious cloud over your interactions with other women or with your partner. What this means is anyone other than you and the woman you are interacting with should know anything about your history of interactions or what you do together. Once you start applying this, word will be out that you are trustworthy, and therefore, for woman, you become an excellent keeper of their desires and a safe for them to put their wildest fantasies.

Now as you start getting positive feedback from women, in the form of attention in public, sexual escapades, or satisfying relationships, and especially if you are new to the realm of love and attraction, you will become very excited and overwhelmed. That will tempt you to start talking about it with your "buddy" friends. Now sharing the knowledge in this book with your friends is not a problem whatsoever, however, sharing the details of your interactions with women is an absolute no-no and will eventually make you lose the trust you would have earned thus far.

It is important to note that women consider every interaction with a man as private, so take this sensitive part of women seriously, don't repeat or talk of your interactions with anyone, and you will be rewarded greatly by the air of mystery which you will have accumulated by keeping to yourself, and it will accompany you wherever you go and serve you as a huge magnet in attracting women.

In addition, when you are in a relationship, give your women the manly courtesy of being with her even when you are not physically with her. This means that you should start behaving the same way whether she is around or not. This important factor will decide whether you will be seen as trustworthy in the eyes of women or not. And being trustworthy is a trait you need to aim for if you want to satisfy a woman. If you don't behave the same way regardless of her presence, you are becoming less of a man and more of a coward. And eventually, you woman will see it as a lack of congruency and therefore very unattractive if not repulsive. A real man is coherent, so stick to one personality, and make it your true personality.

For the cherry on top and for your woman to love you very deeply you need to learn how to be with her when you are in public as well. When your woman is with you in public, she is actually with you emotionally, physically, and spiritually. For your part as her man, you should try and do the same. This is done by neglecting other people when going around. Do not under any circumstances look at other people especially women. For some who first tried this, it seemed unnatural since their reflexes have already been set to look at whoever they wished to do so. But it only took them a couple of walks with their partners to fully grasp this attitude. To their surprise, they found themselves on the same wavelength as their woman. This instant loyalty is a true gift for woman. It creates an instant gate of understanding and love, regardless of the stage of your relationship with her.

So when you are with her, remember that you are only with her. Do not get distracted by anything or anyone unless it was an urgent matter.