How to Attract Women Right Away by Remy Jacobs - HTML preview

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Believe it or not, a lot of what makes a woman what she is relies in her ability to interact with us men. These complexes start in her early childhood with her father as the first male model she comes across. This only accentuates the fact that women tend to put more effort into their relationships than men do. Women will go a long way into trying to grab the attention and attract the men they want, unlike men who tend to panic at the idea of romance and love, or try to find an easy way to make women love them, which is wrong, and unfair especially in the eyes of women, who put a lot of effort trying to make love work. This is one of the behaviors in women that you will need to understand, and maybe exploit a little, in order to become at ease with attracting the women you want, which I will explain in more detail further down, but before you start putting your effort and energy into learning about attraction and women, you need to understand one fundamental rule:

While being able to attract and keep the women you desire is an extraordinary thing, making it your life's goal, however, is counterproductive. In fact, it will only lower your chances with the opposite sex.

When you hold certain beliefs and act a certain way, you are emitting energy to the people around you. Sending the right type of attractive energy when dealing with a woman will depend on your ability to focus and excel in other areas in your life. Love and women are only secondary and they come as followers, which is why the first step to becoming a real women magnet is taking the lead in your life. This can be done with a minor shift in your attitude which is focusing completely on everything you do one thing at a time and doing it as effectively as possible. This is a rule of thumb that you need to integrate in your life right away. By doing so, you will take the lead in your life, and you will start realizing how important everything you do is. When you begin focusing entirely on the things you do, you will start dismissing all the bad habits and end up only doing what you really need to be doing because naturally, you wouldn't want to waste your energy on things of little importance. From small tasks such as wearing your shirt, to writing a work related report, everything deserves and should take your full attention.. Focusing on your work might seem intuitive, but it is the small things that will make the big difference because some mundane tasks have gone on autopilot and for this fact, we started doing them without thinking and like robots which is not manly or slightly attractive in the eyes of women. They want to follow and stick to a man who is focused and consciously knows what he is doing during every second of his life. This is why you have to consciously focus on every task you do.

Once you become a focused being, you will completely forget about women and relationships which are essential for both the completion of your tasks and to becoming attractive. You might be asking yourself "how is this even logical?"

Counter intuitive and illogical as it sounds, the answer remains simple: thinking about women all day long when you know you are not going out or meeting any of them anytime soon is a waste of energy, even when you are in a relationship. If you keep fantasizing about women, about what you want to say to them, or how you want to say it to them and you finally meet a woman, it will seem to you as if you have actually reached your goal and you will let your guards down. You will lose any false momentum and energy you would have gained until then by just thinking about women, and you will therefore lose her interest. The type of man that will attract women in his life is the man who knows how to do things right in his own life. And you do things right by simply focusing entirely on doing them, regardless of the outcome you were hoping for, from a woman's point of view at least, you have done it right because you were focused. You will even earn her support in doing so because women see a man who lives this way as a man who knows how to handle things, and this is extremely sexy in their eyes.

The least task deserves and should get your full attention.

Getting into this habit will also improve your life in general. And when you actually meet a woman, you will automatically focus on the meeting process. The woman with whom you will be engaged will feel appreciated, and she will be able to pick on your vibe which says "I'm a serious man and I can handle things". No matter the outcome of your interaction, being a focused man will have already earned you a point in her eyes. Women have an excellent feel for things and when you put your energy and focus in your conversation with a woman, she will realize that you are a man who is focused in life, regardless of the subject of your conversation or its outcome. What's interesting to note here is that the conversation itself is not the driving force behind the attraction that will take place. In fact the woman you will be talking to will be able to tell that you won't be thinking about her or ways of getting into her pants once your interaction with her is over. She will not mistake you for some pervert and will actually be able to see through this focused attitude of yours and being the real focused man you are, she will know that your attention will be later directed to other important things in your life. So naturally, and as part of her role in the attraction process, she will start to think of ways to make you remember her, or even like her. This is an inborn and completely natural reaction from women. It's the reaction you will spike in every woman you come across as you become a real focused man.

Gentlemen, this attitude will make a real charmer out of you. Focus in your life, focus on the people in it, and most importantly focus on every little task you do, day in day out, one task at a time and it is guaranteed that women will start seeing you as a real man and hence, a potential mate.

With this attitude towards life, you have already made a woman want you to like her without having to worry about the outcome of your conversation. This very attitude of being focused in the moment is the real catcher with women. When you are in the moment with her, she will probably be freaked out like she was meeting a man for the first time, but when you take on your part as a man, and go through with your interaction completely focused, she will instantly become attracted to you knowing that you won't worry about your conversation later on because since you will have to be focused on whatever you will be doing then. It is important to actually forget your conversation later on. As the saying goes, out of sight out of mind, or you will otherwise fill your life with unneeded worry.

It is not very manly worrying about women is it? They are women, not monsters, so if you are afraid of interacting with women, what do you think will happen? They will be able to feel it. You will lose the women's respect. From her point of view, if you are afraid of interacting with her, a woman, how will you be able to protect and provide for your couple or family when the real scary monsters start showing and you will need to face real life problems?

Remember that the least task deserves and should get your full attention. This is the ground behavior that will carve a real attractive man out of you and over which your overall attractive character will be built.