How to Attract Women Right Away by Remy Jacobs - HTML preview

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The Anatomy of Perfection

Now that you have understood the core attitude women cannot resist and find manly the most, relationships with women will naturally follow. You will start to notice your interactions more and will start to see them as the bricks needed to build your every relationship. Women understand the importance of every interaction, and as you become focused in life you will be on the same wave length as women. But keep in mind that most disappointments happen after you have decided you want to stay in a relationship with a woman.

Now in order to best understand what a perfect relationship is I want you to imagine it as a series of perfect interactions. From the very beginning till whatever factor sets you apart, and the very first interactions when meeting a woman for the first time are as important as your interactions when you have already settled in with her. The first interactions are very important because first impressions last the longest. And the rest of your interactions throughout a relationship are as important because they will prove your durability as a real man.

When you talk to a woman for the first time, she will be completely open to your conversation and even emotionally available. Yes, from the very start. And the reason why a lot of men fail to leave a great first impression or succeed in actually meeting a woman is their ignorance of this very fact. Most men try to act aloof and unaffected, when in fact; the first few moments are a key moment to show availability and openness. If you are not aware of this fact, you are doing it wrong and you will come off as either a fake person, (not very manly), or cold (not close to the heart). In order to give the best first impression, you need to show women that you are emotionally available as well, which means you have to catch up on the conversation real quick and not overthink anything that happens. In addition to being focused, simply imagine you are talking to a female cousin whom you haven't seen in a while. As such, you will appear as friendly yet unharmful. And in addition, do not forget to focus.

To maintain a perfect, it is your job as the man to do so from the very start. Fortunately, it is very easy, but will require you to be a man about it (which is fair enough). To maintain a beautiful and successful relationship, you need to focus on every interaction the best you can. Manliness in a relationship is defined by your ability keep the relationship in a perfect state, and your woman will adore you unconditionally for it. So focus on every little piece of conversation you have with a woman, on every hint, and on every gesture. You won't be solving a riddle, and you most certainly won't be in danger, so as ironic as it sounds you just have to passively focus, and it works. I have seen women literally weep because they were touched with their man's unending support for the relationship. This unending support simply means the man was focused on his woman whenever they had an interaction. And by focused, I mean a 110% focused. Rest assured, this is not hard labor, but it does require you to be there for her in the moment.

Women expect you to be a real man, to handle things effectively and ruthlessly, and this scares away most men. They think that women are asking them for the impossible. Little do they know that it is not so hard to achieve, it just needs a continuous effort into your interactions and attraction will naturally happen. The reason why this works is because women are all, on some level, insecure, especially when it comes to men. When you stop putting effort and attention in your interactions, she will think that you have become uninterested in her; in return, she will feel as if she has done something wrong, and thus become very insecure. If she becomes insecure, she will become cold and distant and the relationship can quickly be ruined if not fixed immediately. It is your job not to let this happen. In the long run, if you fail as a man who can handle interactions, she will look for her security elsewhere. Other men will be interested in meeting her, and will therefore make her feel secure and in place, and you don't want that happening to your woman do you?

Women desperately need this continuous effort from men but will never admit to it.

Remember that you are the man. She is the one who needs the reassurance and not you. And only a half man would be selfish enough to deny her that loving effort.

Where is Perfection found?

The years I spent studying the social dynamics of relationships and the attraction process have led me to ask the question that opened the doors of every woman's bliss in my life. It was my strong adoration for women that led me to figure out this key to unprecedented success with beautiful women, and it will do so for you too once you figure out how it works. It was that same moment of realization that has led me to discover and develop the most effective techniques and mindsets to use when communicating with women. I will share them all with you by the end of this book, and when applied, they will leave you satisfied with your interactions with women for the rest of your life, but before doing so, I want you to go through the same sequence of thoughts that has naturally led me to this success.

The question that I asked myself was: what would a successful meeting process and relationship be like in Heaven? And how do you apply it to now? This question that I asked myself was so overwhelming and unprecedented in its nature that I immediately saw a change of attitude in the woman that was sitting with me at the time, and which immediately proved to me its exactitude and effectiveness. The impact of this question might not be very clear to you at first sight, but let me explain further. Heaven is a place of ultimate bliss and peace, whether you believe in its actual existence or not, it is defined as such and it is where you receive all you desire. No one has the right to bother or annoy you in heaven. And if a woman was to meet a man in heaven, would it really be heavenly, blissful, and beautiful, if the man doesn't take on his part of the attraction process the way he should? I want you to take a second and actually try to imagine that hypothetical interaction taking place in Heaven and ask yourself the question once more. What would a successful meeting process and relationship be like in heaven? The energy I emitted upon my reflection on this matter gave off a very attractive vibe to the woman I was sitting with. Wanting my interaction to be perfect and taking into consideration what a woman would consider as a heavenly interaction did the job by itself, similarly to a self fulfilling prophecy. The question is simple, yet so considerate, and the mere thought of this question is going to change your mindset towards the female sex when taken seriously. To naturally attract women, you need to imagine yourself in heaven when interacting with them: you do not want to annoy but you do want to attract them, and you are not ashamed of it; such a real heavenly man.

Now obviously, women are not waiting to go to heaven to meet the perfect partner. And whether you believe in the existence of heaven or not, for the sake of understanding women and the attraction that you will have to create, you need to consider yourself in heaven right here and right now on Earth. Women do not have time to be annoyed by men talking to her or trying to seduce her wrong way. She needs a man who knows how to dance to the music of the mating process. To get a perfect interaction, a perfect fling, or better yet, a perfect relationship, you need to aim for perfection. Every time you encounter or talk to a woman, push your imagination to the limit and set your mind to believing it is in heaven. Your mind and body will then act upon it and the woman with whom you are interacting with will feel good in your presence. This way you are sure to be squeezing the success out of your interactions.

You might not be aware of it but women have so much more gratitude towards life. They know, and you should too, that the possibility of your very own existence itself is extremely small. It is scientifically proven. That's one more reason you should consider yourself very lucky to be alive. By consciously acknowledging this fact you will already feel good about the world around you. Holding that belief when interacting with woman will actually rid you of the arrogant façade many women will portray to you when you are first trying to meet them because you have just become a natural. You have to actually feel how lucky you are for being alive here and now, and even more lucky and grateful for being able to talk to a beautiful woman. This truthfulness is what makes natural chick magnets what they are. And now you can use it to your advantage.

So if you wish to attract a woman, and make her love you for good, you have to begin by understanding and accepting that women don't necessarily want a top model, or a multi millionaire. They simply want a man who will treat them correctly and make a conscious effort to appreciate every interaction with them.

If you imagine yourself in heaven, how would you go about your conversation with a woman for the first time? What about the second time? Or when you are taking a big decision together? This is the caring women desperately seek in men, and which you can easily give to them. When you vividly imagine how every situation would be dealt with in "heaven", to try to visualize it the best you can, you will get a feel of how things are supposed to go.

By being this appreciative of your life and the interactions in it and going as far as comparing it to heaven, you are already better off than 99% of men who are trying to meet and attract women.

Women will only respond positively to specific mindsets, no matter what you do, and no matter what you say; your thoughts count the most.

Now let's get back to earth, or better yet, the heaven on earth. I am sure that you love women, or a woman in particular that you wish to attract. So what is the heavenly encounter every woman is dreaming about?