How to Be Happy and Live in Abundance by Jiri Majkus - HTML preview

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Decision Making

The Power of One

What I mean by the power of One is the amount of impact a single decision can make upon many lives. Sometimes we might think that a decision does not have a big impact on our lives and the lives of others, but this is not true. Every single decision you make has an impact on your life and the lives of people around you. Usually the small decisions that we make every single day have the biggest impact on our overall life.

Henry Ford made a decision and everyone knows the results he created. He decided that he wanted to make automobiles available to anyone regardless of their social or financial status – he stuck on that decision and now everyone has a car.

Thomas Edison made a decision; he completely refused to quit when he was trying to invent the first light bulb and harness electricity. After over 10,000 failures he succeeded. Now everyone enjoys the benefits of the one man’s decision.

You already make a big difference, even though you may not be fully aware of the impact you are having. We are all making big differences in many peoples lives – we just do not always realize it.

You can make a positive difference or a negative difference – the choice is yours to make with every action you take. Every time you choose, you impact others.

Your potential is unlimited and your impact is immeasurable. The only way to measure your impact is by telling stories, testimonials and memories. It is your time to make some new memories for your life and others as well.

Everyone has failed at some point in their life. You cannot have success without failure and you cannot have failure without success. Failure is an essential element to living a truly successful life. We have been conditioned to believe that it is a bad thing and it is not. Failure is essential because that is when you will learn the most.

Do not set tomorrows goals based on yesterdays failures. This is guaranteeing that tomorrow will be the same as today or yesterday. You can choose today that your life will be different and you can move forward to create the life you truly want to have.

Decision Making Creates Momentum

Decision making is a skill of incalculable value and it is sad that we have not been taught this skill in pre-school. If you look at every successful person throughout history, that person was an outstanding decision maker. You must be able to make a decision if you want to succeed. The good news is that decision making is a skill and if it is a skill, it can be taught and learned.

We were never taught to make decisions in school, but this subject should be included in our education.

Decision making separates the leaders from the masses; there is absolutely no question about it. Many people want to be a BIG decision maker, but at the end of the day they do not want the responsibility that comes along with decision making.

Leaders who make a difference make decisions quickly and change them slowly, if they change them at all. Napoleon Hill wrote in his famous success book “Think and Grow Rich” an entire chapter about decision making. He stated that the ability to make decisions and to stick with that decision is one of the prime causes of success. Being that this is such a vital aspect to your overall life and success, lets talk about how to make decisions.

How To Make Decisions

There are three basic steps to make a decision, ask yourself these three questions and you will be able to make decisions quickly and with commitment.

Is it in harmony with my purpose? This is the first question and the most important one. Again – is what you want to do in harmony with your life purpose? If the answer is no, you do not take action. If the answer is yes, you move to the next question.

Will this move me in the direction of my dream? You must structure all of your actions in such a way that virtually everything you do moves you closer to your dream. If the answer is no, throw it out. If the answer is yes, you move to the next question.

Does this violate the rights of others? Will taking this action benefit all parties? Is this in harmony with the laws of the universe or God? You do not want to violate the right of others. If the answer for the last question is no, you do not move forward. If the answer is yes, you Take Action Now!

If all three answers are YES, you must move forward! This is your moment! This is your time to make things happen for you in a way that you never thought possible. When you move forward you automatically reach success. Forget about the past failures, it is in the past and that is where it will stay. When you move forward you have won the biggest battle of your live. The battle of trying! Many people never win this battle, because they are afraid to even try. Always know that the every action of moving forward is a success all in and of itself!

Take Action

Taking the first step is where most people stop. The hardest part is usually making the first step. Now is your time to take that first step.

Take the first step simply by remembering this moment, because this moment is when you make a massive change in your life. This is the day that you forgot about conforming to the masses and you stepped out in the direction of your dreams. Maybe you want to mark this day to your calendar☺. This is your moment and I want to help you to begin with it. Contact me right now because I want to share this with you and help you to begin.


Jiri Majkus Internet Marketing Consultant, Coach and Author

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