How to Be Happy and Live in Abundance by Jiri Majkus - HTML preview

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Meet Jiri Majkus (My Story)

Introduction to My Story

When you’re looking for opportunities on the Internet, you read countless stories about people who came to amazing wealth in a few hours by using their secret strategy. We have all read these amazing stories, but who believes them? I do not want to be another person who will tell you this story how I came to amazing riches, in fact I want you to know that I am going to be learning with you. I will not be in front of you as much I will be beside you.

The three main things I want to impress upon you are that I do not work with people who are not passionate about what they want and what they do. I also want you to know that I take my business very seriously while having fun at the same time. The three rules of my work are 1. Be on purpose 2. Get results 3. Have fun. That is how I work and this is the way I encourage everyone who works with me.

I want you to know I am a real person; I am not someone who is fictional. I am not an expert on everything, I am not the smartest person on the web, I am not the most successful entrepreneur in this industry, but I want you to know that I work hard, I want to help others as much as I can, if I make a mistake, I fix it, if I don’t have an answer, I will find it for you.

I do not walk in front of you; I walk beside you in your path to growth and success. I am your partner in your business and your success truly is my success.

We can learn together and grow together. I build my business and relationships at the same time. When you decide to join me in business that is not the end of our relationship, it is the beginning of the beginning.

My Beginning

I started looking for something more out of life when I was working in the office as a structural engineer and I was not satisfied with my present results and with my job. Later on I had tried the insurance business, but after a year I was not really successful – but now I know why. I was working hard, but still without the results that I expected. I had a desire, but without a proper mindset and action. I was working hard, but not smart. So I started looking for some other income opportunities and from that point I really decided to change my present results and every single aspect of my life for the better.

I knew I had to make some changes in my life when I realized that my income will not fulfill my desires to take care of my family, travel, buy a new car and new house and so on. I also wanted to change my attitude in every single area of my life. I wanted to change my view of the world and I did not know how I should do it, I only knew that it had to be done.

I also knew it was now or never and I just made the decision to change even though I was filled with doubt. I just started to move forward.

I looked for a while on the Internet for opportunities, because I was aware that when you start an online business you do not need to invest crazy amounts of money as in offline businesses. I also knew that an online business is the future of all businesses. While I was looking for some opportunities I had just read the book The Secret for the second time and I had a strong feeling that this industry was the right one for me. I did not know why but this feeling was so strong that it filled me with gratitude, passion and joy.

I did not know exactly how I would do it, but I just knew I had to do something and doing something is always better than doing nothing at all. So I kept looking and searching and growing.

The Moment

Before Carbon Copy Pro I tried several opportunities, but I spent more money on advertising then I made. When I came across information about Carbon Copy Pro I was absolutely blown away. When I discovered that in this project you will learn how to do internet marketing properly and also learn about personal development I was so excited, because I knew that this is exactly what I needed and what I was looking for the whole time and that this would help me to reach my goals.

When I first looked into the information, I knew I had to learn more. So I attended webinars, read into websites and after this I joined immediately.

I shifted my thinking because I knew my goals were now possible no matter how impossible they seemed at the present moment.

I knew I had to take the first step even though many factors were still unknown. And step by step I started to work on my business.

Right after I made the decision, there was some fear simply due to the fact that I did not know all the facts that are necessary to achieve my goals.

Even though the fear was there, I kept taking small steps which turned into larger steps which turned into big strides. It is all about the following the proven steps. I knew that I needed to follow these steps and have a faith in the process.

The Company

The biggest shift the company (Carbon Copy Pro) helped me make was to really start working on myself and be the person that I wanted to be. Because I had the right people around me, it was very easy to push myself and that is the most important – persistence.

This was a critical point in my business because I knew I was onto something HUGE! Almost every time when I started something I did not persist, but my vision and vision of Carbon Copy Pro helped me to persist. When I realized that I can have a business from home where I will help people and earn serious money at the same time my desire to be in Carbon Copy Pro was growing every day.

The Timing

The timing was right for me to make a decision because there is always the right time to make a decision.

I knew the timing would never be perfect and I knew I had the idea to help others and I just decided to act. You can do it the exact same way.

There is never a good time for falling in love, having a baby or starting a business – that is just the way life is. There is never a perfect time for fresh ideas and new businesses. We have to simply try to turn our ideas into reality and make successful days, weeks, months and years.

The biggest factor that helped me make my decision was that I was looking for something like that; even though I was not aware that there was a vault that contained all that I needed to be successful in an online business. Personal growth and Internet marketing education combined all in one place. I must admit that I also knew that I attracted this project to myself, because I was really interested in the subjects that are in the book The Secret.

I still had fear the entire way, but the one thing I learned when I moved past my fear was that fear is just fear. As weird as it sounds, fear is just an emotion and it is an emotion ONLY. Fear is not real; it is my own self trying to hold me back from becoming something truly great. Fear is only fear; emotions are only emotions so I moved to all out massive action immediately!

Why Me

When you are looking for a good sponsor/business partner, the most important factors to consider are their willingness to help you and their ability to get you what you want. That is the bottom line.

Dedication does not take into account circumstances and neither does my decision making. When you join me in my business I will work hard to help you reach your goals.

I may not always have all the answers, I may make mistakes, but I will be committed and dedicated to your success. I am your business partner, not just your sponsor.

Why Now

Tomorrow never comes, because tomorrow becomes today. The only time to act is now!

Next month very easily can turn into next quarter or next year, we have all experienced how quickly time can literally fly by. Do not spend another day going through the motions, get out of your comfort zone and get moving forward. I am not trying to sell you right now; I am trying to empower you. Just take action.

Contact me on to get started today.