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The Cause of Your Results

The Definition of Attitude

Attitude is the composition of your thoughts, feelings and actions. It is important to understand that if we are talking about attitude, we cannot separate these three elements. Attitude is literally all of these elements together. When they are in harmony they form attitude and attitude brings results. Simple formulation is that if we have a good attitude it brings good results and when we have a bad attitude it brings bad results. So attitude is the primary cause of your results.

If you don’t have a definition of what attitude is, you will find it hard to change it somehow. If you are not satisfied with your current results probably you should change your attitude. But when you do not know what attitude means and especially if you don't know what YOUR attitude is, it will be very difficult to change your results.

With deeper understanding, you will have more control of the goals you want to achieve. The more you understand what attitude is, the more control you will have over your attitude. Most people are not really aware of this fact that attitude is very important in our life because it directs your most powerful element and this powerful element is nothing else than your mind. When someone has his attitude out of control, his mind is also not really in harmony.

With a disharmonic mind it will be very difficult to take control of your desired goals. So let´s build more of an understanding attitude so you can gain more control of your mind and in the end, your results as well.

The more you control your attitude; the better your life is. The more you control your thoughts, feelings and actions (attitude) the better you can predict your results. If your attitude is persistent and positive you will get amazing results in your life. It is just that simple.

Attitude’s Impact

In every area of your life, attitude has an impact because again, your attitude is the cause of your results. We can mention one of the universal laws, law of Cause and Effect. Cause is your attitude and results are the effects.

You choose your attitude no matter in which situation you are. The magic is to take control of your attitude under any circumstances. You have to be tireless in this case, if you know how to force your attitude towards your goals in any situation; you are the master of your mind. In fact when we deeply think about this, we can see that our reactions are mostly habits or we respond through our sub consciousness. You can choose if you want to change your habits in such a way that you will react in harmony with your goals.

It started to form when you were young, even if you were not aware of this. As an infant we have an open subconscious mind for any outside ideas and for any outside influences. So unconsciously we form our attitude according to other ideas. You could not stop the thoughts, feelings and actions of these things around you from going right into your subconscious and becoming fixed. Ask yourself what was the attitude of the people around you when you were an infant. Now realize that you are an extension of this energy up to some degree.

Authority figures in your life shaped and molded your attitude to an enormous degree. It is amazing when we stop and think about it. Now you can change your attitude according to your desire and I will show you exactly how to do it as you read further in this chapter.

Your own choices formed your attitude as well. Habits are results of our choices that we make consistently every day. Now every single morning, no matter what happened the day before, you can make a choice to set the attitude that you want to embody and hold that vibration during the day. The sooner you make this decision the better your days will be and your dreamed results will come very fast.

Attitudes Impact on Family Life

If you have a positive attitude, your family will have a positive attitude towards you. This is natural principle of energy. Energy always come to the source and if we vibrate a positive energy, positive energy in the form of people, relationships, and circumstances will come back to us. If you have an attitude that you are very glad that you can spend time with your family, they have the attitude that they want to spend time with you too.

You will be able to communicate better and communication is the most vital aspect in any relationship. The better you can communicate the better the relationship you will have with your family. Every relationship will improve including your relationship with the outside world and with yourself.

A negative attitude from you causes a negative attitude toward you. Remember, with every feeling and action you are sending out a vibration that everyone around you can feel, whether they know it or not. I bet that at least once you were in situation that even you do not know why, you feel bad or good vibrations from some people. Unfortunately most people think about bad things and this has a definite impact in their family life. That's why in these days there are so many disappointed people because they have bad relations with their family. Right before you get home from work, decide to adjust your attitude accordingly and cultivate an attitude of gratitude that you have a family, they are all present and you have time to spend with them.

What you give out comes back, negative attitude from you, negative attitude towards you, positive attitude from you, positive attitude towards you.  It is worth to repeat over and over again.

The better your emotions are, the better you communicate with your family. The better you communicate with them, the better relationship you will have. For sure you know what it is to speak with someone who has got a very bad mood. It is a hard to deal with, right? The more anger you are harboring, the more altered your perception becomes of your current reality.

You will have more fun together and that will perpetuate it and recreate more positive circumstances in your family life.  It is a beautiful cycle and one that controlling your attitude on will have major benefits.  The more you are grateful for the good times, the more good times you will have with your family.  It does not get any simpler than that and it does not get any better than that.

Attitudes Impact on Health

Your emotions affect your health significantly, more than you can imagine. Every emotion you have is like feeding your body with subtle food. The body reacts to subtle food the same way as it reacts on normal food. When diet is good, body has no problems to digest it, but when you eat some unhealthy food; your body will have a problem to digest. The same is with subtle food in form of your emotions.

The better your attitude is, the better you feel, the better you feel the more efficient your actions are and the better results will come. Start to heal your body through positive feelings and of course healthy diet. You will find your attitude instantly improves when you do this.

A negative attitude affects your immune system. It literally affects your liability to sickness and disease.  Talk to a chiropractor or a healer and they will tell you that some of the main components of good health are proper movement, nutrition and positive thoughts.

When you get sick, you won’t heal as fast. This may sound slightly incorrect, but there have been many studies done that have proven people with positive attitudes are convalescing faster and often demonstrate amazing results with their psychical healing.

You will be more susceptible to getting sick and you will find that your will leads you this way to be sick when you have these negative thoughts! Remember you literally become what you think. You rarely find someone in a constant negative state who is shiny and healthy!

The better your attitude is, the better you feel and when you feel good you spread a positive vibration which people can feel. You can easily say when someone is in a positive vibration by the way they walk, talk and sound. Your body instantly responds to your attitude and feelings.

You will discover that you will not get sick as often as you used to and when you do, you will not stay sick as long.

Pure thoughts cause you to not desire unhealthy food. It was James Allen who said that in his classic book “As A Man Thinketh”: Great is that the more you feel good, the more you will desire to feel good and you will not want to put any toxic food into your body. When you are in such a state your mind itself will be looking for better feelings.

Attitudes Impact on Social Life

Cause and effect. Emerson called the law of Cause and Effect the Law of Laws. This law works in every relationship. When you have positive thoughts you attracted positive people with positive circumstances. It is just that simple.

An attractive personality is someone with a positive attitude. Your thoughts, feeling and actions are in positive harmony and you become charming and magnetic. You spread positive vibrations and everyone is attracted by you, because it is very pleasant to be in the company of positive people. Their hearts are shining like a sun.

Have you ever talked to someone with a negative attitude? It probably was not very funny. It was probably very hard to communicate with him, because he acts with anger and anger changes the perception of the current reality. WHO WANTS TO TALK WITH SOMEONE LIKE THAT!!! Not me and I am sure you don’t either.

People will not want to spend a lot of time with you if you are in a constant negative state. There exists some people, who want to be with you, and these people have the same negative mood and it will be very pleasant to complain with them that everything in this world is wrong. But these people are almost only talking about problems, they do not solve them. “Misery loves company” is a very true statement.

You will be magnetic and people will love to be in company with you because you spread only positive vibrations and they can feel these vibrations. There is no better cure for negative emotions than some positive impulse. Some joke, big smile or something like that. Sometimes people will tell you that you are like a healer for them.

People will want to be around you and STAY with you. You will find yourself developing great relationships that are both meaningful and profitable.

People will look for you to do business with. It can be also someone who you have never met before. There is no better marketing than your own attitude. You cannot buy these forms of marketing, because it is in YOU.

Attitudes Impact on Financial Life

Everything goes with money. When you have a proper attitude money will come. It all starts with your attitude. Get out and get in massive action with the right thoughts, feelings and actions and you will find that money will find you and follow you.

If you have a negative attitude towards a friend, will he stay for a long time?

The same rule is with money, if you have negative thought even if you suddenly acquire a large amount of money, probably you will spend them very fast or lose them. Why? Because you deserve just what you think what you should deserve. If you think you do not deserve any money you are telling the universe that you do not want any of them. And the universe says:  “Your wish is my command.”

Negative attitude equals poor service and poor service is not the key to wealth. You have to give service that is valuable for the others. In negative state you do not want to give anything to anybody.

Money will get away from you, escape you and it will be a constant source of frustration for you the more you will maintain these feelings and perpetuate a negative attitude towards it.

On the other side you will magnetize money and it will come to you more fluently because your actions will be consistent.

You will provide better service and better service is one of the aspects of the Law of Compensation which I will discuss later in chapter about earning money! You will want to stick around for that one!!

People will want to do business with you and they will literally seek you out, just like I stated earlier. This all sounds crazy until you experience it and then it gets even crazier!

How to Improve Your Attitude

YES!  It starts today! It starts the minute you decide it is going to improve. REMEMBER THIS: Every single morning you must come back to the decision and to the commitment that you are holding a positive attitude all day long no matter what. Lock into that vibration and the universe will reinvest to bring you good things it is pure unadulterated magic!

Step 1:  Describe and write down to yourself the attitude you want, in every detail. When you are in circumstance where your attitude gets sidetracked – write exactly how you want your attitude to be relative to the circumstance in which you are.

Step 2:  Read it every day. Every single morning and every single night as a reminder of the attitude you are holding.

Step 3:  Get around the right people as soon as possible. Once you have decided you are changing your life, contact me NOW! I want to know and I want to connect you with right people, the right family and the right way which will take you from where you are now to where you want to be.