How to Be Happy and Live in Abundance by Jiri Majkus - HTML preview

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What belief actually is

The belief is an idea which I am convicted about. This belief may have originated from some book that I read, from a strong experience I have or it can be just memory that I repeat over and over again in my mind. There is a difference between thinking the truth and believing the truth. The belief is something beyond that. The belief is something I know that I know.

The belief may be true or it may be totally incorrect. Just like as attitude can be positive or negative it is the same with belief. If I believe in negative things then the belief turns against me. When my belief is focused on positive things then big things start to happen. This can be a little confusing at the beginning but as you read through this chapter you will have a deeper understanding and you will be able to take appropriate action.

Learning about my beliefs and their power over my actions has completely changed my life. I can see many people trying to achieve their goals, but these goals are completely contrary to their belief system. For example, if you are trying to make more money, but your hidden belief’s system is convinced that you are not worth the money, you never get it. You can try and try, but there is a simple truth that we attract only what is in harmony with our belief. You can do amazing things when you believe that you can do it and you deserve it. You have to turn your belief from negativity and start to believe that you are able to get what you are looking for. Let’s start to set up your belief system in a positive way.

You can only change what you are consciously aware of. And our beliefs are contained in the subconscious mind and they stay there until we “go deeply inside” and start discovering what these beliefs really are. When we look at our beliefs we can consciously decide which beliefs are good for us and which are not. From that point we can transform our beliefs to a positive way.

How belief can be positive and negative

Beliefs can be negative if they are not based on truth. Just because you believe in something it does not make it true. If I believe that when I jump from a building and nothing happens to me it does not mean that law of gravity will not work at that time. You can ask yourself a powerful question: Is that true, or is that what you believe? This question is very good when you realize a belief that needs changing.

If you believe you are a total failure your results will always be negative for you. You cannot have wonderful results when your mind is fixed, thanks to the belief system, on millions of reasons why you cannot achieve your goals. Focus only for a reasons why you will achieve your goals. This is very important – REMEMBER THAT.

If you believe you are not worthy of having a great bank account you will not have a big, juicy bank account because your belief system is not in harmony with what you want. When you occasionally get some amount of money, but if you believe that you do not deserve it, you will attract different circumstances, which will take the money from you. Maybe you have some experience with this. Everyone wants more money, but the main cause if you will actually have it is hidden in your inner belief system.

Beliefs can be tremendously positive if they are based on truth. And the truth is that you are a SPIRITUAL BEING with INFINITE potential. Anything can be done if you believe that you can do it. The universe is friendly to you so there is no reason to fail, if you have a positive strong belief. Believe in YOU and that universe will give you whatever you desire.

Beliefs are very good if they promote your potential and again your potential is unlimited, just like in any other man. Such potential that people can fly in a plane, travel to outer space, build beautiful buildings, overcome sport records and many other amazing things. You will rise only as far as your beliefs will let you – there are truly no limits. Absolutely none and you have to include this information with your beliefs system and your behavior.

Your beliefs will unlock your inner genius and I truly and completely believe that you are a genius. I may not know you, I may not know anything about you, but I know that every single person is a genius; he just has to be aware of it. We all have the same potential; there is no difference between the president of United States and the cleaner in any restaurant. NO ONE has more potential than anyone else. Just like my mentor helped to find hidden genius in myself, YOU can do that too and I will help you. I am very grateful that I know this powerful knowledge and I want to help others to unlock this beautiful experience and realization. Then you will truly discover that anything can be done. But if you do not follow what I am going to explain to you in this chapter, you could try to grow, but then there is no guarantee that your belief system will take you down the road that you do not want to follow. Contact me right now and we can discuss your potential and the results you want in your life.

How belief strengthens us

Your motivation is based on your belief that you can do what you want. Why would you be motivated to do something you believe will end with failure?

When you wake up in the morning, if you believe bad things are going to happen you feel like you do not want to get up from bed. There is no motivation, no belief that today will be another great day in your life. Start to affirm that only positive and good things happen to you. Start thinking about your success. Take ownership of things you want before they actually come to you. How would you feel if your dream car was in the garage, if your account will be big and juicy and your perfect partner was sitting right next to you? How would you feel? These things make you feel good.

You will be much more committed if you believe that you will succeed, you will not hesitate to take action toward your goals. If your belief is strong, other people will feel that you are committed and you will inspire them, they will want to be in such a state too.

If you act with half-hearted action, you will eventually fail every single time. Put everything to every single action, which is toward your goals. Make every action like it was dedicated to your source which created you. Make every action like there is no other option that you achieve your goals. Do everything in a great way and you will find that your beliefs make you unstoppable.

How to strengthen your belief

The first step is to stop listening to negative media. All this negative energy from news will not bring you happiness or bring you close to your goal. It is important to know that in news there are only bad things, even not the most important. It is because most people like to listen about negative things and media will bring them this information, it is their work unfortunately. Stay in touch with what is going on but do not infuse your mind with this. Limit yourself to how much time you will spend watching, reading or listening to it.

Stop talking to negative people. Why? Because they are a negative ☺ Community of people around you which will form your values and beliefs. Hang around with positive people who are getting much better results than you are. They will infect you with positive vibration and strengthen your belief system. Then your mind will make habits that you seek.

Listen to personal development programs repeatedly. Absolutely obsess with these programs. Listen while you are working, even if you do not have a full concentration. Have them playing subliminally because your subconscious mind will be receiving benefit through the power of autosuggestion.

Repetition is the first law of learning on any subject. When you listen to these programs over and over again you will see that every time you learn new things. When you read it, hear it and affirm it you form your beliefs through the subconscious mind. That is exactly how you can change your beliefs to be positive. Affirm them, speak them, write about them, and you will be living them.

You can read a lie over and over and eventually believe it. This is the power of autosuggestion and I will explain it further in a moment.

Your Self Talk

Your internal conversations are what you have in your own mind and are what constitute your self-talk.

Everyone talks to themselves; even if some people do not want to admit that.

We are constantly having a conversation with ourselves. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact you can use this to put yourself in to a better position.

Be aware of your self-talk throughout your day. When something wrong happens to you, how do you react? Out loud or silently in your mind? When you receive a compliment do you reject this because you do not think you deserve it or you appreciate it and affirm it silently? These are powerful things to do.

If your self talk is negative, it will de-power you, drain your energy and finally there is a tendency to give up. Usually we have a tendency to think negatively about ourselves. What I am revealing to you right now has the power to completely transform your life and instantly makes you feel better about yourself.

If your self talk is positive, it will empower you. If you constantly affirm that you are a great person, you are a great partner, a great business owner you will just feel better throughout the whole day. When you do something wrong, don’t beat yourself up about it. Better to say this: That's not like me, completely separate yourself from this action and you will rarely partake in it again.

Your self-talk builds your beliefs in a progressive way or it can draw you down. You know that you become what you think about and paying attention to your self talk is a great way to be aware of what you think about all day.

Your self talk identifies what your beliefs are. If you find your self-talk in a negative way, then you know that you have some beliefs to change. Immediately you will feel bad, so the best way to change your self-talk is to say and think the exact opposite. God, Creator or Universe whatever you call it, talks to you all the time. And he talks to you through your own voice. When you learn to listen and believe your own voice, whatever you do, you will be successful.

The power of Affirmations

Positive statements to yourself, from yourself is what an affirmation is. You want to affirm things that you want to have or experience in the future. If you want wealth in your life you would make and affirmation regarding how wealthy you are. Even if the wealth is not around you now, create an affirmation that it really is. Similar like this: “I am bursting with Joy, Gratitude, Harmony and Money!” and say it over and over and over again. When you become what you think about, this is the best way to be what you desire to be. It can be used in any other area, like health, love and relationships. So make an affirmation and think about it all the time. Say it, feel it and believe that you are in such a state of being.

Repeated self-talk in the form of affirmation tells your mind what you want to be thinking about. It is a good way to direct your thinking. Again, you become what you think about.

The purpose of an affirmation is to take control of your self talk and of your consciousness. We are the only creatures on the planet that are aware of what we think about. You can direct very powerful energy in the form of mind and if you master this energy it will manifest whatever you desire.

You become what you think about. This is worthy to repeat over and over and over again. So make an affirmation that states exactly how you want to live and think on it OVER and OVER and OVER again.

Have it start with “I AM”. I AM are two very powerful words which identifies your state of being. As soon you say those words unlimited energy flows right into your consciousness and when it first enters into your mind – it has no form. Whatever you say after that is the form that energy is going to take. Be aware what continues after I AM when you say this and say exactly in what state of being you want to be. We are constantly making I AM statements all day. I AM tired, I AM sick,  I AM really excited for the party tonight. When you pay attention to your I AM statements you will be aware that they are in perfect alignment with your present results.

It should emotionally appeal because when you put emotion into this your action will be very effective. Every action in a negative state of mind is very ineffective so be positive when you say your affirmation, feel it. The more you feel the more great results you get.

Use present tense when you are affirming. Not I WILL, or SOMEDAY, EVENTUALLY – I AM. Feel like they have already happened. Your mind and the universe respond to your being, not to your wishing.

Take Action

Make a goal card. A goal card is a small piece of paper that you carry with you all the time. It has affirmation written on it and you should read it as often as you can through your day. This is a constant reminder of your desire.

Contact me today and I will help you create a goal card that will inspire you every single morning.

Post your goals up where you will see them often.

Environment is more important than heredity – you must surround yourself with the right people and especially when you are entering into an online business. In Carbon Copy Pro we are literally a family. We help each other and Jay setup a multi-tiered support system that both gets support to those who need help as well as gives leaders opportunity and experience to truly go out and create massive success.

Again, get around the right people – contact me today and I can introduce you to our family – Think of it as a support group for goal achievers.