How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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The desire to get more out of life is in safe landing. These tips are timeless tools that would always put you ahead of the “more from life” challenge. Are you ready? If you are, then you are set. Certainly you have a desire that is why you are still reading this. Whatever it is you want more of, you truly deserve the best of it.

Let’s begin here

  • You will have to trigger your creative part.  There is a creative original you that is valuable. Recognize your creative aspect. Our world is so filled with facts that our minds have not adapted to with the thought that things cannot be done any other way. You can step off that thought process and kick start your innovative acumen, develop new ideas and storm the world with new solutions.
  • Dare to break the rules. Who says things have to follow a particular order. There always will be diversions from the rule that works better than the rule.
  • Reject inferiority. You are as good as everyone out there. No one is better than you. It is you who has placed your bars. You aren’t inferior to anybody. You are an original and a special creation. Magnify yourself. If you don’t, no one will.
  • Enjoy life. We find ourselves in a fast paced world, everyone rushing to grab. It seems difficult to find one person who is not rushing towards grabbing a thing. Life is meant to be enjoyed. You need to find pleasure in life. Take a break from that huge task, relax your muscles, drive to work leisurely, and try meditate and listen to yourself, enjoy nature and its breeze. It’s all for you to enjoy.
  • When you feel upset about something. It isn’t every time we feel happy. We could be upset by some person’s action that has hurt you. You can’t afford to live with the hurts when you can afford to do something about it. Forgive and let go. If it’s a challenge, you can go about finding solutions, if it is a societal ill, you can begin a movement against it.
  • Regret nothing. Getting more in life requires you take responsibility for every action. Regret nothing. Defend your stand and stand for what you can defend. When you make your decisions and they fail to produce the kind of result you desire, appreciate the fact that the world is a training ground and you can afford to make mistakes. Don’t regret, rather take action.
  • Think less, do more. When we are encumbered with life’s challenges we often tend to think more. Our mind focuses on our problem. When we can actually do something about it. The more you agonize over a challenge, the less likely you will be able to act against it. Rather than worry about the challenge, get up and work. Do something.
  • Others are around you to help. Nobody has the absolute reservoir of knowledge. One may have so much but it’s never enough. Your capability can carry you only over limited ground level. For you to get up, you will need some other persons. Your ideas may be brilliant but some other persons will help build it into the better idea. Meet people who are as good as you are, build your confidence in your ability, and seek a mentor who can provide you with guidance and direction.
  • View yourself from the eyes of another.  Think your actions in light of what the other person thinks and feels. It helps to carry your perspective from the viewpoint of the other person and avoid pointless arguments over nothing.
  • Have a grateful attitude always. Always show a grateful mane. Life may be tough but you have to admit that you have had successes no matter how it has being. You are alive, have a roof on your head, have a meal, and have clothes to wear. These are all the things to be grateful about. Life becomes increasingly easier and its challenges easier to deal with when you show appreciation for what you have. It’s only a matter of time before more comes calling.
  • Be you. Getting more form life means recognizing you are you and nothing less. Rather than trying to act out someone’s personality you think you should be like. Guess what? The people that get more are themselves and they the ones others often yearn to follow
  • Develop strength of character. Character attributes are the effective magnet that keeps others glued to you. You may have a wardrobe of designer wears or a bank account filled with money but these don’t attract. They are only for you. What attracts is your relationship with others, how you talk, do business and liven others is the hallmark they want to see.
  • Demand more, do not just expect more.  While you may be complaining about how unfair life has treated you, others are demanding from life a fair treatment. You may wish for more but the onus is for you to act for more. Demand more.
  • Most challenging tasks are the most  rewarding. Because a task is difficult does not mean it is not worth the struggle. The most rewarding tasks are often the ones that have proved most difficult. If that task is proving difficult, challenge it. You will make gold from it.
  • Exercise your power of belief. Don’t just try to do. Do it. Believe that whatever you’re about to do is worth doing at all. Believe in your capacity to get it done. Believe and you will certainly accomplish anything you set your mind to do.
  • Dance to your own beats. Your success definitely depends on you. Once you let others set the pace, you may find yourself lost in the battle for your own cravings. Create your own beat and dance along. Just because something’s working for some other person does not mean it’s going to work for you. Propel your own self-belief and act.
  • Life’s greatest teachers (failure and pain).  Failure and pains are inevitable paths of life that teaches us. They may be bitter pill but are true medicines of life. The worst times provide lesson to learn.
  • Knowledge is useless without action.  Employers are more impressed with experience than education. You may have a great GPA but it’s the action you are able to perform that sells you out. The best way to get better at any activity is to take action and do it.
  • The worst times bring out the best in people. The best in people is brought about by the worst times. You may be facing a nasty difficult time but it’s meant to bring the best of you.
  • The world needs your special gift. What’s inside you is a well of jewels. You are made of diamond, gold, topaz and a whole lot inside you. What is inside you is what the world need. Release it.