How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Everything that has to be gotten from life requires some measure of creativity. Our creative ability refers to our tinkering capacity to produce from raw materials or materials considered useless, something of value. It’s about putting value to what was once invaluable.

In the much more life, one would have to instigate some measure of creative instinct. Getting something requires a degree of creativity. Getting more of that thing requires another level.

A student who wants to be top of the class but whose position is far at the end of the class would have to work hard as to beat the students who were ahead of him. When he finally gets up, he would have to keep the pace to stay ahead. All the student needs is to trigger his creative capacity, developing methods through which he could challenge the class. While parents and teachers may help the child find his place, the onus falls on the students to define his place and appreciate his capacity to take him up there.

Your creativity is an answer you need to get that more money you want. You need some extra money, your creative mind propels you to developing legal ideas toward getting what you really want

Our creativity is what puts us steps ahead. It is what enables us push for opportunities when we do see one and then get round the challenges that come with such opportunities.

With certainty, opportunities abound everywhere and every time but many do not see them. Those who see them often lack the wherewithal to push for them. They lack the capacity to instigate their creative instinct around these opportunities.

Your capacity to create yourself from nothing defines your measure to help you get much more. The challenge now is developing the creative you.

Here are a few steps to help you develop your creative instinct.

  • Spend some time with yourself. Some people call this meditation. Others call it soliloquizing. Whatever name you choose to call your silent moment when you can speak to yourself and to your heart doesn’t matter. It is only when you spend time with yourself that you truly discover your real worth. It’s like spending time with some other person. The more time you get to spend with some person, the more you get to know that person. This principle works with us too. Find a place far from disturbance and her yourself and nature. Listen to your heart beat, listen to those silent whispering words. They often instigate your creative side.
  • Use your hands. Our hands are our most versatile tool. While we tinker with our brains, we need acknowledge that only our hands can bring to this sphere what our brain has mentally created. The brain is often at work but the proof it is really working is when the hands produces. It’s true that you can think. Your brain’s capacity surpasses any man made invention but you have to apply this capacity with your hands. You can invent, create and build. The world believes your capacity when they see what you have being able to do with your hands. Acknowledge that you have the tool, your first major tool to see through the achievement of the feat you are trying to conceive. That tool is your hands. Use it.
  • Dare. Creativity requires some daring. Often it requires you thinking out of the box away from the normal thought process of others. Others may require you joining the crowd, but if you do, you will lose what really makes you. You will lose your creativity. Your creative instincts require you to jump off the crowd bandwagon and speak up. Your creativity is only going to speak when it discovers that it has to prove itself. The much more life comes to those who allow their creative instinct dare. Appreciate your creative talent and let it out by daring.
  • Find answers. The world is filled with questions waiting to be answered. If you’ve got answers to the questions then you do have a well of opportunities at your disposal. Your creativity is to help you find answers to the world questions and problems. Search the internet, listen to the radio, and watch the television. You will find a thousand and one questions begging for answers. Often, we may have the solutions to problems but because we think there is no need, we fail to use what’s inside us. The greatest investors, the likes of Edison, Cavani, Faraday, and Watt did not wait until they were hit with problems. They could possibly have being satisfied with the type of world they had found themselves. However, they created problems and then found solution to them. You too can do same. You can’t afford to wait until a challenge hits. Go about finding challenges. The deadly Ebola virus first appeared in Congo in 1973. It was checked though there was no cure for it. Researchers forgot about it because perhaps they thought it wouldn’t appear again. Forty years after it resurface even deadlier than the former. Now don’t wait till a problem burst before you begin to run around for solutions, anticipate problems and create problems for them.

The much more life is live by those who know how to create it. They create joy and happiness by making what they want. Disney land, the multibillion dollar theme park is owned by a man who just wanted a place he could relax with his family. He had searched for one and didn’t find any. He decided he was going to create it. Today, it’s multibillion dollar global venture. He also found a way to offer entertainment to millions.

Our creative side is definitely valuable only when we instigate its value. You never know how much worth that you creativity is worth until you go about producing it. Rather than silence your creative side, let it speak for you.

Let it propel, motivate and inspire you to living the beautiful much more life you absolutely want to live.