How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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The very notion that there is pain or a chance of failure in any task is capable of running one’s chance of succeeding. Those who get more though acknowledge this as part of the normal routine they will have to face.

Failure and pain are two negatives in life that has the capacity to transform how one thinks in a bi dimensional direction. This bidimensional direction is dependent on the thinking ability of the sufferer to brave up or to cower. It’s a choice.

The much more mn though chooses right. He braves up to his challenge, sees reasons why he had failed and takes steps against the future reoccurences of such failures.

Pain comes as a reslt of failure. It’s the consequences of failure that people try to avoid. However this npain is often the instigation or propellant for the achievement odf success. The much more man seizes on periods of pins, bears them and strives towards avoiding future pain.

The obvious is that when filure comes, most persons break down never finding their way up the ladder again. They give up after trying one or two times and conclude that it is almost impossible for them to head towards the top.

If you truly want to live the much more life, you will havbe to learn from your failures.

  • Long for the ccomplishment of your seeminly impossible task that is causing you pain or failure
  • Expose your mind by acquiring of knowledge of wht cased the failure and how you can get over it.
  • Activate your pain absorbing capabilities. Everyone has it but only a few apply it.
  • React positively. Stay calm and alert however disorienting the failure may be. It happened to everyone you’ve met
  • Navigate. The ocean of failre is wide and the pain that comes after it but you can get through it by your persistence to navigate theorugh the waters. The big sharks and crocodiles are often around the waters but once you kick fear out, youd get through the water ungurt.

You will hve to develop a different understanding of failure though. Failure will no longer freighten you. Rather it will develop in you a stronger passion to succeed.

Failure will

  • Feed you with the passion to see the other side beyond failure
  • Instill in you new wisdom on how not to act to get past failure
  • Lure you into a desire to achieve and get success
  • Up your zeal to aachieve success over and over again.
  • React in a positive way to your yearning and passion to succed by pushinbg you towards attaining the height you want
  • Equip you with knowledge by giving you the opportuinity to know more so as to position you rightly

When you see failure this light, the resulting pain

  • Puts you at an advantageous edge over those who haven’t felt like it
  • Assist you in escaping from future pain by feeding you with experience
  • Instigate future attainment of great achievement by going through today’s challenge.
  • Navigates you through every milky water that comes keeping you through life’s storems with a focused mane

Failure and pain are wonderful brothers and partners. If you let them, they can bring you down but if you use them, they can raise you.

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