How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Musicians are renowned for creating their beats and music. Renowned ones even create a totally new genre. When you listen to interviews from musicians about their choice of music and the reason they stole into music, they would often tell you they were discontent with what they listening on radio and thought they could add they own rhythm. They go about writing their own songs and creating their rhythm. Before long, they become household names. Some musicians choose to walk under the shadows of a more renowned name copying the style and creativity of the later.

Well, those who go for more are the ones who create new music. Those who live under people’s shadows dance only to the beats of some other person.

You are an original creatively crafted by God to also create. You were not made a copycat. You were made to make your original impact. You are made to create your beats.

What’s your beat? Here it is.

  • Bounty. The much you want is determined by your creative ability to conjure and string out tunes. If you want surplus of life’s best, you have to create it. You won’t just watch and see it happen.
  • Experience. Life is experience filled. Often every step made is an experience thought through. To be acclaimed at doing something, you must have garnered enormous experience in that direction.

Those who do fare well in life are those who have gotten enough experience to see them through it all.

  • Attitude. Our attitude towards issues of life speaks volume of how much or far you intend to ride in life. Life is about attitude. If you’ve got the right attitude, you can face life’s issues with insight. Developing the right attitude gives us a sense of direction towards our goal.
  • Task yourself. Don’t give in to the swipes of others. They never over labor you. Give yourself he right task, you own task. You will always find strength to overcome them.
  • Skill. Your skill is your singular capacity. It is the measure of how well you can perform a certain task. The best beats are done by the best hands. Develop yourself by acquiring skills. Only you have the capacity to develop yourself into what you want, the much more man.

Your beats rocks when you create it in the spirit of much more. But how do you go about creating your beat? It often takes good creativity to create a nice beat.

  1. You have to believe in your capacity. Not every one creates but everyone can create
  2. Get the right education. You develop skill by being educated by someone who has gotten the same skill
  3. Aspire towards being the cynosure of all eyes. The much more life is one to aspire to.
  4. Draw from your well of talent. There is so much inside you that will help you create your originality.
  5. Redefine your style. Let it be your own. Don’t be a copy copy.

If every one were to uniquely find the beats they are capable of creating, the world would be having over 6 billion song genres. But we do no find our original beats so we end up with just a handful of styles

The much more man creates his own beats. If you want more, create your beats and let other dance to it.