How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Getting more from life isn’t about what you can offer. Life has enormous to offer. It is a reservoir that has limitless boundless supplies. However you have to go tap from its supplies. In life, there are houses, cars, food, planes, a great lifestyle and all the wonderful things it can offer. Life also has bad things too. You could enjoy and suffer. The choice is absolutely yours.

You might have heard statements like “why is life treating me this way?” The truth is this, this is the wrong question. The question you should have being asking is “why is it I haven’t gotten the best of life? Or what is it I am not doing right?” We often find some person to blame rather than blame ourselves. We blame parents, relatives, uncles, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, government etc. we think others are the problem. But that’s wrong mentality. If you truly want to get more from life, turn your hands toward yourself. It all boils down to you.

Ask yourself the following questions.

  1. Who do I love and what am I doing  about it? Life so presents us with its transient nature that we often are heavy laden with grief when we lose those we love. Often times we love people so much but because of our inadequacies of striving for more of money we lack time to express how much we truly love the people we love. Love is the greatest gift of all and the greatest desire. The absence of it could be gruesome. If you aren’t spending time with the people you love, change that. Whatever grudge you hold against a friend, family, acquaintance or whosoever, let go and reconcile. Drop the pride and make up. Find a way to spend more time with those you love. In the end you will be glad you did.

2. Am I pursuing my dream? There is that thing you always want to do which seems an inherent part of you. You always had it as a dream as a child and it has grown with you. Do you see yourself accomplishing that dream or on the path to accomplishment. If you are already pursuing your dream, you can pat yourself on the back. If not, it’s time to wake up and redirect your life. You have to be pursuing your dream.

  1.  Is fear stopping you from  accomplishing your dreams? Many people have dreams and very great dreams but they never manage to see it come to limelight because of the “fear” factor. They are often afraid of failing or getting the worst out of the situation well. That fear has to be there but you can’t afford to allow it take over the possibilities that lies after the fear. Accept that there are fears. It’s not wrong to have fears but what’s wrong is letting your fears overtake you.

4. Does what I am doing matter? There’s a difference between just doing work and doing work that pays you and satisfies you. Often we are so busy with work that are frivolities filled. We work our bodies and stress ourselves and end up making any difference. It’s not in how much work we do, but the difference is in how much of what we do that matters, that impacts, that causes difference. If what you are doing presently does not matter, then you’ve got to retrace your step. What you do must matter to your dream, goal and vision for the next few years and beyond. You can’t afford to waste precious energy doing what you should not be doing.

5. Am I helping others? The more of life is not all about collecting and grasping for your self. It’s the value you are also passing to others. What do you do to help others around you? There are many around you whose lives your capability can improve. The major secret in getting more is giving, whether it’s your talent, time, ability etc. it’s worth sharing with others. It’s not easy to give though? This is because you have to think about it. But being selfish requires no thought. However those who do want to leave their footprints in sands time know that it’s only those you help that often know what your footprints look like because they have walked by your side.

6. Am I as good a person as I would love  to be? Being good is a great attribute. There is no standard for goodness we could measure. But there are attributes expected in persons which when we have them, we are said to be good. The more of these attributes we have, the better we become. These attributes include comeliness, joy, patience, and a host of other good qualities. Getting the best in life is knowing that life is good to good people.

  1.  What am I doing to live life with  passion health and energy? This may seem a complex question, buts it’s quite simple. The fun in life is the passion and energy with which you push for the things you love. Unarguably, you often find yourself putting in more energy into acts you love and delight in as compared to acts that you dislike. The things you delight in are sure the things you always want more of. Life desires passion to drive it. If you are not doing what you are passionate about, you can drop it and find something you have passion for. That is what life needs

The quest for more is a personal resolve. If you want more, just go for it. Don’t mind the crowd thought that you are acting selfish. They don’t want more, you do. You can’t afford to be spoon-fed and given rations when you can dare the kitchen wardens. You can even be the cook. Just work on yourself

The reason you are not getting more isn’t because the guys around you aren’t ready to let go. The guys are only waiting for you to discover you aren’t getting enough and then push for more. If you don’t push, you don’t get.