How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Getting what you really want is the initial act. When you get what you want, you are not meant to remain stagnant. It is supposed to be another launch pad for the attainment of another want. I’ve said already that if your want does not put in you the yearning for more, then it is not worth it. You can give it up. What you want should drive you towards its attainment and then push you even further towards the attainment of future wants.

This may be against the “contentment” school of thought. Yes contentment is great gain but the world is lived by people who choose not to stay where they have attained. If the like of Bill Gates, Faraday, and Einstein were content, they wouldn’t have affected humanity the way they have.

You have to go for more. Wherever you are is ground level no matter how much you have achieved. Look at life from this mentality and you’d appreciate life’s beauty.

Here are the reasons you should want more.

  • Some other person’s goal is where you are. If you are number one, number two wishes he were number one and he is hoping you fall so as to take your place.
  • The earth is rotating and everything inside it. If you don’t move, you could be displaced. Only those who move make headway.
  • Contentment is not great gain. Getting more is. If you want to gain get more. Companies don’t enjoy stagnancy when they should be profiting. Their strength is in how much more they have been able to move from where they were the last time.
  • It is the only way to get something new. If you have a 2008 version of the Toyota Camry, there is a 2010 version and still yet a 2012 model. New things can only be gotten by discarding old ones.
  • It is the inspiration for creativity. The creative aspect of any person is an extension of the desire to have more. New creations are products of the want more philosophy.
  • It is the attraction for attention. Those that have more than others do often attract the attention of others. If you truly want to court attention, go for more and get more.
  • It makes you bigger. The more you own and have, the bigger you become. The higher your rank in the force, the higher your influence. You obtain influence and much more influence by getting more of what you already have
  • It is the fuel for aspiration. Only when you have more, can you say you are aspiring.

The complexity of the “want more” desire is that it has made people misconstrue it for something else. The certain fact is you will need to want more if you must climb on the ladder of success.