How to Get Off Your Worry Go-Round by Sharie Spironhi - HTML preview

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About the Author


Public speaker, educator, counselor, trainer, author, and artist, Sharie is a philosopher, a visionary, a riot, a role model, and a beacon of light for those in the throes of mental darkness.


Sharie has an unquenchable thirst not only to learn about neuropsychology (how the brain makes us tick), but also to teach it to others and has been doing so since 1985. In the ’80s, she was a highly sought motivational speaker who taught at high schools and colleges. Both the kids and psychology professors gained new insight about themselves using science, wisdom, and experience.


In 1986, she co-produced the David Toma show on WOR for a year, working closely with David to reach teens on an international level. She then spearheaded and became the director of the David Toma Center in Tecate, Mexico, a rehabilitation center for those caught up in drugs and alcohol.


Sharie was at the top of her field as an educator, therapist, and motivational spokesperson when her world suddenly fell apart. After she was diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar depression in 1990, her life came to a crashing halt. For the next six years, Sharie’s journey in and out of hospitals left her hopeless, tired, and ready to quit. Despite her unending research of this disorder, the twenty-one doctors she saw were unable to prescribe anything that would give her stability for longer than a few weeks.


Between March 31 and April 3, 1996, just before she gave up, a miracle transpired, and Sharie was radically healed of any and all mood swings after having an 86 year old women named Fuchsia Pickett pray for her over the course of 4 nights. When she reported to her doctor, he told her that what had happened was impossible. She left his office smiling from ear to ear; his disbelief made what happened to her even more profound. This propelled Sharie to discover how the miracle happened and whether a scientific explanation existed, as well as God’s divine intervention. It was in 1996 that neuroplasticity was confirmed, proving that the human brain can change and heal itself.

Sharie has a deep passion to reach into the human soul and grab hold of what matters to people. She is not afraid to use her incredible past to inspire others. Sharie has a gift for explaining technical, scientific details, using humor, metaphors, and pure wisdom. Through techniques based on neuroscience and using ten seconds at a time, she can help you rewire your brain for happiness and learn about you.


Sharie is available for workshops, readings, one-on-one sessions, and speaking engagements.