How to Make People Marvel at You by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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One quality about marvels is that they outshine others. However bright the stars or lights of other shining stars. If you look up into the sky during the night time, you will observe numerous stars in the skyline. You will also have observed that some stars shine brighter than others and that every star does not shine equally.

Have you been told that the sun is also a star? Yes, it is. The sun actually outshines the other stars. It makes the others look like they are no way close. That’s what marvels are.

When a marvel finds his place, he acts in such a manner as to make others small. He sparks so much brilliance that outdoes others and certainly stands head high above the rest.

To be a marvel, you must strive towards outshining others. You must strive to do what you do in such a manner as top outdo what others have done. This is an incredible capacity or capability.

This capability doesn’t just come, it requires an effort. You will have to work and walk towards this attribute.

To outshine means those around are shining but you are doing better than them. Those who become marvels are looked up to by other persons who aren’t doing badly either. They are just too wonderful to be true; too excellent to be real yet they are real.

If you are a fan of soccer, Messi will be a familiar name. I’ve watched series of flicks showing Messi doing great skills that other players only try to reach. Other players agree that Messi is from another planet. You’d often hear people call Messi a genius and incredibly unbelievable. The reason is Messi arrived on the scene to meet genuine stars who were considered extraordinary, the likes of Ronaldinho and Zidane and he managed to displace them. He outshined them and has been at the very best level for many years.

The ability to outshine is a natural attribute that comes with persistence and constant practice. The more time one spends at working at a skill, the better he actually becomes. Those who outshine others tend to do more of practice when others are resting

What are the qualities of an outshining marvel? Outshining marvels would often

  • Orient their minds ever towards the direction of their pursuit. They want top first and best and that’s where their gaze is focused.
  • Reinvent creative ideas. They pick the ideas that seemed lost and renew them and make them too good to be true like they never existed.
  • Usurp slim opportunities that arrive even when no one sees the possibility that it is going to happen. They just arrive with the slightest chance.
  • Transmit pulses of confidence. They are very confident even when there is no chance that they will work out and it works because of the confidence showed about it.
  • Suspend our minds with extraordinary skills that one can only look up to them in awe
  • Harness all within them to create the perfect the impressions they want to be known for.
  • Institute themselves as standards that others have to look up too. They place themselves as the ideal.
  • Never give up till they arrive on the scene when they think their talent is worth the audience.
  • Experience unparalleled following. Check all those superstars and their followers on Facebook. You’d always find a huge following

Outshining is a huge task for the average mind but it requires constant practice at doing what you really want to be renown at. This means you have to practice continuously and persistently till you become better and doing it become easier.

When I was studying at the university, I had a group of friends who performed very well at their academics. They would often compete amongst themselves. There was this girl, however, who performed too excellent to beat the competition. She just didn’t compete; she was far from the competition. My friends including me who competed against her were powerless. She just rode the class till we finished school.

There are companies out there that are just too good, others can’t compete against them. They keep improving infinitesimally. These companies invest in research and continually launch products that outclass products once thought as great. The likes of Google and yahoo are in this class.

The good news I’d inform any intended marvel is that every one of those marvels started out like any other person. They started small but had their eyes set on the big picture, the unbelievable yet reliable, and the un- pragmatic yet possible.

I’ve often told any and every wannabee marvel that they have all the ability there is to do beyond what they are doing and every known standard yet. They have everything in them to outclass the Joneses and become the ones people will look up to as the Joneses. I am certain about this possibility because I’ve seen it happen over and over again.

Don’t stop at developing you because others are doing well and you think they are just too good. They aren’t half as good as you if you will find that marvelous spark. You can and will outshine them