How to Make People Marvel at You by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Have you seen the engine system of a ship? There is what is known as propellers controlled by the engine. The propeller is what pushes the ship forward. The propelling engine is often built to be able to take the capacity of the ship including the luggage it would take. As long as the propelling engine is the right size, it will carry the ship. The propeller is also called the prime mover.

A marvel is a prime mover. He is the force that everyone depends on to move. He is built to capacity with all the best features to be able to carry others along. He has the capacity to start a thing and carries a significant influence on the development of that thing. A marvel always thinks of one ingenious thing to start and to keep going. His creative ingenuity is always at his best.

Do you want to be a marvel? You must think as a prime mover. What are you capable of starting? What skills do you have to carry others with you? What capacity do you have to take the lead and let others follow you? This is the thought pattern of prime movers.

Those persons people marvel at carry the air to attract others in their direction. They enable the capacity in people to cause the kind of change they want to see happen, instigating them to see the possibilities in themselves.

Prime movers have the following attributes:

1. They MOVE themselves first and then carry others in the direction of their movement.

2. They ACTIVATE their own possibilities and make others work in the possibilities that have being activated.

3. The ROCK. They are unshakable and unmovable, very reliable and trustworthy to help as a base for the manifestation of the potentials of others.

4. They are VALUE-LADEN. They take up responsibilities of change. They seek for opportunities where they can move for a difference. They are freedom fighters

5. They are EXCITING. Propellers have to excite themselves first before they excite others. Prime movers are exciting people and people are also excited about them.

6. They are never LATE. Prime movers have to act first. They often have to lead so there is never any time for lateness. They are ever punctual and position right on time to take the lead.

The position of a prime mover is one filled with responsibility. It requires a well-built capacity. You don’t want to move people who are bigger than you. They’d choose not to follow you anyway. But as you build capacity and enlarge your knowledge base, those persons begin to hold you in awe. They follow you because they are aware you are carrying something great.

The prime mover is always a

  • Potent force: he causes strong influence of minds of others. This strong influence only comes when he is well equipped with knowledge.
  • Rugged personality: once he sets the course, however challenging, he stays in that direction and wades through it.
  • Idea man: he often tinkers repeatedly and persistently just to ensure the right idea arrives. If you want the right idea for any deal, he has one to offer.
  • Meticulous prodigy. He gives time to details, he is fastidious and thorough. He strives to lead right especially because he has the responsibility of others behind his back
  • Electric personality. He is always full of excitement and excites others too who also transfer the excitement to others.
  • Mentor. He advises and helps those who have lesser capacity to reach a higher level of renown where they can be independent as he is.
  • Overwhelming force. He wields a powerful influence that is often difficult to resist or react against.
  • Valuable personality. He is very useful and important that if he is not around, nothing works.
  • Effect driven personality. He looks for results as expected and seeks to deliver the goods as at when due.
  • Real boss. He takes the lead and proffers solutions to the numerous problems being encountered by his teeming followers.

A prime mover stirs the course for others. He has unlimited capacity inside him and he uses his capacity to make opportunities for others. The prime mover is very powerful that he is able to lift others from their downward position to an upward lift.