How to Make People Marvel at You by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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You have watched on the television many of these superstars and models. Some of them are musicians, dancers, actors, sportsmen etc. they often are a marvel to watch and at one time in your life you had fantasized being like them.

Well, the life of a marvel is an entertaining one. They are often amusing and carry always a joyful and happy mien.

The marvel amuses and amazes. Everything he does erupts in wonderful raptures of joy that envelopes his watching audience. The audience could be his family, mates, friends, acquaintance or the larger society. The entertaining lifestyle of the marvel attracts people to him.

People want to hang around those who are happy. They often want a transfer of the happiness and joy others carry to them. They want to be amused away from the challenge that characterizes life even if it means only for a short time.

The beauty of the marvelous life is that people feel it and when they erupt in happiness from your lifestyle, they will always return to you for more. They even create a fan base to support you.

What entertainment can you offer? How can you make people happier than you met them? Do the following;

img8.png Make quality music. Life consists of beats and music. Everyone can produce music however not everyone produces quality music. That “quality” is left for the marvel that has gone one step ahead to create the kind of stuff that everyone wants to listen to.

img8.png Act the major scene. Marvels find the major scenes of life and make themselves the major act. Life is the movie and everyone is the actors. Marvels make themselves the major acts in the major scene

img8.png Become the review of the best books. Every great book is written by great authors. In life, our lives are each books. The quality of our life is the quality of the book that we are. The goal is to become the best book. By seeing how the best have lived their lives and following same, we repeat is some way the same book they have written.

img8.png Value the best artwork. The best artists are very creative and original. Their artistic work could be so interesting that we hardly can do without appreciating them. Everyone is some form of artist but the very best of us are the ones who have distinguished themselves, the marvels who make a name for themselves. They are the ones who truly value the best artwork. You can be that best artist who creates the best artwork

img8.png Enlightening with the pen. What you write has the capacity to instigate in others some form of entertainment and enlightenment. Writers could be very impressive with their talents. You can become impressive as well by doing what you can do, write.

img8.png Locate the grandest cinemas. Everyone needs a stage to be seen. We don’t just need a stage, we need a huge stage. In some way, life is a stage and everyone acts, however, there are certain stages of repute that attracts persons who are grand and have quality taste. You need that kind of stage to be seen. The more of the biggest stages you find yourself, the bigger you become.

Your capacity to entertain is inherent in you. It's right there for you and the world who would soon see you as the marvel.