How to Make People Marvel at You by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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To be a marvel or to make people marvel at you is not as easy a task as we often think and it’s not also as difficult as it's thought to be. It is in the middle between difficult and easy.

It is quite easy especially because there are persons who have become marvels in their lifetime. These persons have had experiences and gone through all that they should have gone through. They have stories to tell. By just following their footpaths, you would get to where they have being.

It’s quite difficult because it’s not easily just following. We individually want to create our own path even if most times what we do is imitate.

In any case, those who want to be marvels would look up to find those who have tread the same path as they are desiring to take and follow all the good routes that they had taken to be where they are now.

People who have being marvels are not too far away especially those in the area of your marvel seeking interest. You can easily find them as living icons and as dead icons in books, audios, videos, seminars, teachings etc.

As a Christian, I’ve heard pastors who lay claim to catching the same anointing that their mentors have had, not by actually coming in contact with them physically but through their books, audios, and videos. I have had similar experiences so I know it works.

The lives of marvelous persons are never far away even when they are dead. This is because those who become marvels never die. Their lives take new shapes in books and other materials that re-live them and make them living.

If you want to be a superstar musician, just find one superstar musician, read about him, learn what has made him the superstar musician that he is and try replicating him. Success can be replicated by just doing what the successful man does.

This principle works for almost every field of endeavor. It will take perseverance and tough pursuit to follow on but a man who knows what he wants will stay at it till he finally turns out the marvel.

Here are just a few bits you should know about the path of marvelous people

img3.png Only a FEW get around this path. It’s a daring path that not everyone finds. Of those who find it, only a small fraction goes all the way.

img3.png It’s an OUT and OUT life. Everyone sees it even if they can’t manage to know how to live it. It's revealing and people know when you are living it.

img3.png People will always be on the LOOKOUT for you. That’s the lifestyle of the marvel. Once he is around, they want to see what he is capable of doing.

img3.png People will always LONG FOR YOU in your absence. When you are not around, a vacuum is always felt and once you show up, the difference is clear.

img3.png They have OTHERS FOLLOW THEM. Others always find their path worth following. Those who follow have others follow them.

img3.png They always carry WINSOME ATTRIBUTES. Their mindset always reveals a desire to always win. This lifestyle also reflects on others.

To become a marvel, you will have to tread the path of the marvelous. You will have to find this path and align yourself with it. It’s not just enough knowing how the path looks. You have to be on the lookout for people who have trod this path. These persons are the path.

Finding persons who thread this path could be very challenging. This is because these persons are not;

i. The everyday persons that come along our way. They are scarce and very scarce.

ii. Easily discoverable. You will have to search for them and this may take a long time.

iii. Given To much show. They don’t mince words when they do what they do. They aim to be the best and foremost at what they do.

How do you then find them if they are scarce?

First, you will have to know those you really want to follow. You won’t see them every day but you can locate them through the media or online.

Second, locate them. Where can you find them and how can you find them? These persons may head organizations or they could have training programs in the form of videos, audios, books that carry the same fire as the man himself. The thoughts in books are everlasting sharing the timeless thoughts of the author. You can locate the marvels themselves where possible. Some may have counseling sessions especially those who relate more with the public like pastors, counselors. You can join their counseling sessions, fellowships or conferences and connect with their thoughts through directly listening to them.

Thirdly, connect with their thinking pattern. It’s easy having money to buy books, audios and videos but you will need to take some time to listen to the audios, watch the videos and read the books over and over to grasp the thoughts that make these men the marvel you know they are. They always certainly share personal stories and experiences through their mediums.

I had this personal experience. I have always wanted to be an author but I never knew how. I envied authors and often prayed that one day, I’d have books also bearing my name. I shared my vision with other persons and began to write. I really wanted a big break in the print media but I did not know those to follow. I wasn’t a media person. Somehow I began to chart my course by searching the internet and getting information on how to go about it. I took a bold step to join the editorial team of the national youth service corps of my country. This proved the stepping stone to a writing career. I soon found a job as an editor for a local newspaper in my little town and this launched me further into writing.

It was difficult writing when I began but it’s so easy now. Nobody believed in me. Even my chief editors at the different platform I worked in lacked faith that my writing held water. I was sacked after three days working for an online news company. But I connected with an editor who had seen it all as far as writing, the media and Nigeria is concerned. I’ve pursued bigger goals since but he propelled my enthusiasm to continue on this writing track.

If you think you can be that marvel, then you really can. The more you think about it, the easier it becomes. Life has a way of drawing us towards the things we think.