How to Make People Marvel at You by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Everyone has weaknesses. Even those we feel are very strong are actually some of the weakest of persons. Those who people marvel at are often people who pose as being very strong. I have a couple of staff who carry strong mien. They assume that they were actually strong but I noticed that they cried the most and wanted so much care.

People who are marvels are those we often look up to as strong people. The truth however is that they were not always that strong and they are not always that strong as we assume they’d be. They’ve learnt to culture their fears and weaknesses. They learned to kill it in the presence of others.

I’ve practically studied the emotional life of some of our popular showbiz icons. We often celebrate them and call them celebrities. They know they are being looked at and there is an enormous expectation on their shoulders.

You may remember popular acts such as Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson. They were considered strong. Their music revealed strength but behind the scenes were the weak minds they characterized. Hitler was amazing. He showed so much strength in trying to conquer the world but he died miserably suffering all by himself and committing suicide.

I’m not offering that you pretend about who you really are. What I mean is that those who become marvels don’t dwell on their weakness. Their weakness is what spurs them to do phenomenal things.

Some of the greatest speakers today were men and women who had fears about what they’d say never being good enough for people to hear them. They could not even gather the right words to express themselves nor were they interesting top listen to.

Those who dwell more on their weakness never get to do beyond what their weakness tells them. If you have doubts about achieving a feet, it’s because you can actually do it. You think about doing a thing because you have the capacity at it. If you couldn’t, you wouldn’t have thought of it.

While you are afraid what you are about to do is enormous and too marvelous for you, realize that it's fear that’s keeping you from achieving that marvelous feat

Your fears:

img4.png FILLS your path with rocks and mountains when indeed you should have had a smooth road through your pursuit. Fear makes easy situations or possibilities look so difficult. It is actually what brings the difficulties around our marvelous pursuit. You don’t want to place rocks or pebbles on your path by yourself

img4.png ENTERTAINS you with hypothetical storms. Actually, marvels have to face difficult times many times through their lifetimes but fear is what makes the difficult times look more challenging and difficult times look more challenging and difficult than it really is. You never will see good times if you dwell more on the fearful side of life. In short, you will always imagine that something is coming to hit you when there is nothing.

img4.png ACTIVATE spasms of doubts around even the best things you are capable of doing. Can I really do it? Will be the question that arrives every time you think about doing that thing you know you can really do.

img4.png Makes you REVOLT whenever some other person tells you to do something. Sometimes, that person has seen your huge potential and tries to offer a hand in helping you discover that capacity. There is always that tendency to quiver or fight back because we are afraid to make that move towards the discovery.

img4.png Makes you SCREAM unnecessarily. Those who scream tend to have deep rooted fears. These fears make them lose their calm at every little provocation.

Our weaknesses and fears reveal themselves often when we pursue seemingly uphill task as becoming a marvel. Becoming a marvel is quite challenging.

I listened to Pastor WF Kumuyi, the world renowned holiness preacher, speak about the first crusade he had organized. He had been watching other ministers do great signs at crusade grounds. When he decided to organize his first major crusade, the handbills, posters, radio jingles and television adverts all advertised signs and miracles that would happen. As he entered the stadium and saw the huge crowd and the accompanying lame, blind, dumb, deaf and all manner of sickness, fear whispered into his ears “ are you sure these persons will be healed?” His fears turned out, however, to be unnecessary. All the things that were advertised for the programme happened. Since then, he’s being running healing crusades.

The fears we have are the possibilities that can happen if we act against the fears. It, however, happens that most persons put their fears ahead of their ability that they end up not doing what they can actually do.

When I was much younger, I had the opportunity to teach God’s word to my colleagues at the university. When my class representative offered me the opportunity to speak for the first time, I quivered. I couldn’t gather the right words. I had serious doubts about my capacity as this was the first time id stand up to speak in a formal occasion. When I tried it early while pushing for a political ambition, I gave up but this time, I could not avoid it. I managed to prepare my message and dreamt all the night how I was going to deliver it. It turned out however that I was a better speaker than I knew or my classmates ever thought. Every time that message rings across my head, I’m proud that I took that one step.

You have your sets of problems and everyone does. The difference between those who go ahead to become marvels and those who don’t is that they act in spite of their perceived problems or fears.

You don’t have to let your fears stand against you marvelous pursuit. Choose to

  • Maintain your goal in spite of the fears that arrive to stop you
  • Arrest any hindrances that choose to bring fears into you against your marvelous goal
  • Resist the temptation to accept less than the marvelous state you are interested in.
  • Value the future marvelous position than the present achievement.
  • Excel at doing things that will bring you to the marvelous state that you desire to be
  • Lead others to the state you want to be rather being led

That fear or weakness cannot stop you from becoming what God had decided for you. Forget your fear and push on.