How to Make People Marvel at You by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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The man who becomes a marvel makes storms easy meat. He pushes through the storms of life and comes through them unchequered.

Storms are the everyday challenges that characterize our daily living, especially for the marvelous man who aims for the top of life; he has to face a host of them. He has to strive in the midst of them and come through a defined and refined personality.

There are enough storms for the ordinary goalless man to face. Life is a chain of storms. However the man who desires the marvelous state is defined by the storms he has come through.

Life is a mountain and the marvelous top is the peak. It’s no easy climbing mountain you have to strive through the storm of looking up to the height up there, talking the first step of climbing, through the steep mountain edges and sides, going against the wind. It’s never easy.

Storms are winds and you have to get by them. You have to transverse them with skill. If you’ve watched the titanic for example, what was experienced in that movie was a storm.

Your strength is measured by how well you are able to get through those storms. Your capacity is discovered when you skillfully wade through the challenges of the storms that arrives. When a boisterous wind or wave arrives, the captain of the ship is pre-informed and he strives to steer the ship away from the strong wind or meanders his way through the storm. When he does that successfully, he is said to be skillful.

A person who aims towards becoming a marvel is skillful at finding his way through storms. He does not run away from storms. It is his life. He breathes storms, he talks storms and walks storms. He is the epitome of storm conquering. He acknowledges that he would be deficient in his pursuit to reach the challenges of life without those storms to steer his quest to do great things.

I’ve acknowledged that those who are celebrated are actually people with a candid eye for knowing when storms arrive and why they arrive. The true test of your pursuit is the quality of storms that arrives. If the storms aren’t there, you aren’t doing anything great.

I remember starting a little kindergarten school and there were huge challenges I had to walk across. It was a huge storm raising finance to start up. I sent messages to people called them and had to beg sometimes yet there was no positive response. Somehow, God waded me through that wind. I was able to raise some start-up capital. Getting parents to believe my idea was another storm. Each level came with a whole new set of storms. I had to face the challenge of convincing the parents, guaranteeing the safety of the pupils, registration with the government etc. The storms came but I stood firm against them.

No one who desires a marvelous state or position goes through them with ease. It’s always challenging and stormy all the way up but marvelous people don’t relent. They keep pushing. To push is a skill that requires

  • Purposefulness. The purpose is what backs a pursuit. When you know what you want to get at the end of the storm, you are ready to do all that is to be done, in this case wading all storms to achieve that position of purpose, the marvelous state.
  • Unrelenting perseverance. A storm could be scary. It may push you backward especially when you are not well prepared to face them. You don’t have to prepare, though. Storms train you through them. They drill and mold you till you become. Marvels will choose to go through all the lot i.e. they have to show an unrelenting perseverance to come through that celebrated personality they want to become.
  • Stickability. There is always the tendency to give up a pursuit because of the storms that hang around. The man who wants to be a marvel sticks to his pursuit, however, stormy the wind. If he has always had a desire to be a marvel at music, for example, he wouldn’t give up his pursuit because some other person says writing is in vogue. He doesn’t care if others are making it with dancing, his goal is at music and he sticks to whatever comes.
  • Hard fighting. When we push, it’s often because there is an encumbrance that we are going against. Storms are very strong encumbrances. They could take one’s life. So many persons who desire the marvelous state choose to die fighting. True, many have died fighting and they attain the marvelous state after death. You don’t have to die, though. You have to fight smart. You have to live fighting.

The practical nature of storms makes it a training ground for the man who desires to be a marvel. Marvels don’t just happen. They are trained in the school of storms where they are made to become what God has destined for them.

That celebrity status that you envy about that person never came through sleeping on sofas. It came through perseverance, a strong thrust, a pursuit, and zeal to get over the storms of life. Storms made them. It never seemed easy as they move against each wave that came but each success at each wave gave them hope and confidence that the next wave would be overcome too.

The storms you are going through now may just be what you need to make a major breakthrough.