I am subtlest,
subtlest is nothing,
nothing is the universe,
the universe is I.
I am you,
you are we,
we are oneness,
oneness is I.
I am existence,
existence is harmony,
harmony is everything,
everything is I.
I the cause,
the cause is the effect,
the effect is responsibility,
responsibility is I.
I the change,
change is expansion,
expansion is infinity,
infinity is I.
I am being,
being is omnipresent,
omnipresent is supreme,
supreme is I.
I am love,
love is continuity,
continuity is a reality,
reality is I.
I am present,
the present is the moment,
the moment is life,
life is I.
I am soul,
the soul is consciousness,
consciousness is the universe,
universe is I