Investing In You - The Power of Positive Thinking by Andrew Beaulac - HTML preview

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“There is more to us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for less.”

- Kurt Hahn

The benefits of positive thinking are truly incredible. They can extend to every area of your life, and you will feel like a whole new person. The power of positive thinking is the power of transformation. When you think positively, the changes do not only occur within yourself. The rest of the world will respond to your new outlook as you radiate happiness and pleasant emotions. You will become not only a better person; you will also be a better person to be around.


A good harvest bears good fruit.

Harvesting the fruits of your labor is the most exciting portion of your journey through positive thinking. In this section we will explore the many benefits you can expect to gain through applying positive thinking to all aspects of your life. Once you practice the previously outlined techniques, you will notice that good things seem to just happen to you. You will become the fortunate person you have always envied, the one who seems to be a magnet for love and luck.

Natural Attraction: Bringing Love, Money and Success

“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.”

- Sir James M. Barrie

The power of positive thinking opens up a whole new realm of possibilities. You will discover the effects of maintaining positive thought seeping into all the areas of your life like water absorbed by a sponge. Nothing will remain unchanged as your newfound outlook and attitudes infect your mind, your surroundings and your family and friends with happiness and bring you success beyond your wildest dreams.

Following are just a few of the multitude of benefits positive thinking will bring to your life.

Radiant Relationships

“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.”

- George Moore

Relationships are essential to our humanity; both our relationships to others and to ourselves. Our relationships define and accentuate who we are, and our ability to relate to others is directly proportional to the manner in which we relate to ourselves. Utilizing positive thinking in our relationships allows us to experience them to the fullest capacity and become infused with love and compassion.

Positive thinking expands, improves and strengthens our relationships. It also allows us to create new relationships and reap the benefits of involvement with others without allowing negativity to taint our lives.

Some of the ways positive thinking benefits relationships are:

  • Increased trust: In positive thinking, one of the negative practices you will be dismissing is the tendency to lie to yourself. This will automatically quell your tendency to lie to others. When you put forth trust, you receive trust in return; when you trust yourself, those who care about you will place their trust in you as well.
  • Fewer arguments: You will find that your arguments lessen in both frequency and intensity as you progress with positive thinking. Generally, this is because not so many things will bother you, and you will be able to practice forgiveness more often. If you argue frequently with your spouse, your children, other family members or close friends, look forward to a sharp decrease in yelling when you practice positive thinking.
  • Improved communication: When you understand yourself, your goals and your priorities, you will be able to articulate your desires more fully. This will lead to better communication, which is the key to any successful relationship. By clearly stating what you are trying to get across, you will automatically encourage others to be straightforward and clear-thinking as well. Your new ability to describe your feelings and motivations may even surprise yourself!
  • More understanding: This benefit builds on improved communication. When you are able to explain why you agree or disagree with a certain issue, it will be easier to convince others regarding your point of view- or at least help them see why you are entitled to your opinions. Understanding promotes stronger bonds and less friction in a relationship, and allows both sides of the equation to relax.
  • Better sex: Yes, really. The use of positive thinking awakens all of your sensations, including physical pleasure. Applying positive thinking to your relationships can heighten your sex life, in part because you will feel- and therefore be- more attractive. Beauty truly comes from within, and the transformative power of positive thinking will make you more desirable than a swimsuit model.
  • Stronger bonds: Positive thinking brings you closer to humanity. You will develop a powerful sense of empathy that will allow you to see things from alternative points of view, including the eyes of other people. Empathy not only lets you forgive mistakes; it also makes you a better friend and confidante: the type of person everyone loves to be around. You will soon discover that there is plenty of you to go around.
  • Less stress: Relationships can take a toll on us. It is often quite a strain to keep relationships alive; you must invest time and energy in cultivating and maintaining each one of them. However, the power of positive thinking not only frees you to unburden yourself of unhealthy relationships; it also allows you to be yourself under any circumstances, which lessens the typical strain most of us experience with relationships.

Incredible Careers

“Work is not man’s punishment. It is his reward and his strength and his pleasure.”

- George Sand

If you believe what the majority of us do, you may think that most people don't enjoy their jobs. However, the truth is that many people do; they have just forgotten. Many people begin a career with enthusiasm and anticipation, only to discover down the road that their dreams have been crushed by corporate rules.

Positive thinking allows you to wring enjoyment from your career, whether you're a housewife or a CEO. It is a simple matter to rediscover the reason you entered your chosen career in the first place, and then augment those reasons in your daily work life.

Additionally, many people who choose to seek out the power of positive thinking find out the career they have is not the career they want, no matter how much silver lining they drape around their clouds. Once again, positive thinking steps in to lift you up and settle you into your place in the world.

Here are just a few of the ways positive thinking can benefit your career:

  • Recognition: When you practice positive thinking, you become more vibrant and alive than you have ever been. You will find that your efforts are recognized and rewarded more often, particularly when you are not expecting recognition. Simply performing your work with a positive attitude to the best of your abilities will make you stand out.
  • Promotions and Raises: Those with can-do attitudes advance far faster in the workplace. Using the power of positive thinking increases your confidence and demonstrates your capabilities to handle greater responsibility; and those above you at work will notice and treat you accordingly. You will not only be offered more opportunity; you will find yourself seeking advancement and fulfillment rather than simply waiting for the day to end so you can return to your “real” life. Your career will become a part of what defines you instead of a means of survival that you just “get through.”
  • Better Working Environment: You may recall that positive thinking is contagious. Working with a pleasant attitude will improve the attitudes of those around you, or at least your perceptions of them. You will begin to notice that your workday no longer drags you down as you derive pleasure from your accomplishments and enjoy the company of your co-workers.
  • Less Supervision: Most of us know what it's like to have a supervisor breathing down our necks. When we move to a positive mindset, we showcase our abilities to complete work satisfactorily without excessive direction (or interference). Left to our own devices, we will accomplish far more- and this will become evident to even the most anal of supervisors.
  • Dream Job: With positive thinking, you can live your dreams. Whether you choose to seek a new career or transform the job you have into the job you love, you will soon find your career providing everything you imagine it to be.
  • Entrepreneurship: Many people long to go into business for themselves, but most fear the consequences of losing the safety and security of working for someone else. Positive thinking frees you from your fear of change, and equips you with the tools you need to not only take steps toward working for yourself, but carry your entrepreneurial vision to success. Whatever your reasons for wanting your own business, you can use positive thinking to bypass the pitfalls that plague most beginning business ventures and realize your dreams of self-employment.
  • New opportunities: Positive thinking allows you to visualize possibilities you would have otherwise missed. As you get to know yourself, your beliefs and your desires; you will better understand what you're looking for in a career. You will also have the ability to discover the means to achieve what you want, whether it is improving your current job, getting a promotion or new position, or heading off on your own. There is no limit to the opportunities awaiting you through the power of positive thinking.

Financial Freedom

“If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life.”

- Billy Graham

This is not to say positive thinking will make you rich, though that is a distinct possibility. Achieving financial freedom is releasing yourself from the worries money brings and allowing yourself to always have enough, if not an abundance.

Some of the ways positive thinking promotes financial freedom:

  • Unlimited possibilities. When you realize that any avenue is open to you, you can take steps toward setting and reaching your financial goals, whether you want to be comfortable and debt-free or living in an ocean-side mansion.
  • Productive work environment. Because positive thinking equips you with the capacity to truly enjoy your job, you will find yourself performing far better and automatically earning more, whether it's in the form of raises, promotions, or the decision that you are better off somewhere else.
  • Lower cash outflow. As you practice positive thinking techniques, you will find yourself spending less money. Because you are responsible and confident, there will be fewer emergencies and disasters in your life, and misfortune will become a rare happenstance; a mere memory. Spending less to gain more is one of the many long-term benefits of positive thinking. You will also find that you need fewer material objects to satisfy yourself as you become richer in spirit.

Dream Delivery

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; there is where they belong. Now put foundations under them.”

- Henry David Thoreau

Whatever your dreams are for your life, positive thinking can help you achieve them. Lifelong dreams can take many forms, whether it is traveling to an exotic place, performing a daredevil stunt, or meeting a particular celebrity. With positive thinking, you can take the necessary steps to make your fondest dreams a reality.

It's said that a goal is a dream with a deadline. Positive thinking helps you realize not only that you can live your dreams, but that you deserve to live them. Positive thinking allows you to:

  • Understand that no dream is too great or too small.
  • Develop a mindset that is conducive to dream fulfillment.
  • Formulate a concrete, manageable plan for making your dreams come true.
  • Equip yourself with the determination necessary to keep going until you reach your dream.
  • Dream bigger than you ever would have, with the realization that there is no limit to what you can accomplish.

Awesome Aging

“Youth is a circumstance you can’t do anything about. The trick is to grow up without getting old.”

- Frank Lloyd Wright

What's so great about aging? Everything, when you view it through the lens of positive thinking. Applying positive thinking methods to the aging process produces incredible effect: studies have proven that happy people live, on average, 7.5 years longer than unhappy people- a better advantage than not smoking, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight combined.

By allowing yourself to view aging as an experience rather than an ordeal, you give yourself the gift of time. Here are some other benefits of a positive outlook on aging:

  • Lowered blood pressure and reduced cholesterol. Happy people don't experience much stress. They also tend to keep themselves in better shape. Some researchers attribute the increase in life span among positive people to the corresponding decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Stronger will to live. As we age, many of us tend to lapse into a depressive state. We often reflect on our lives and decide we have done nothing to merit worth, and it is then we begin to die. With positive thinking, we can realize that it is never too late to do something with ourselves and our lives; that all is not lost.
  • Preservation of independence. You may notice that some older people seem far younger and more able than others their age. The major difference between a 70-year-old who lives at home, stays busy, and maintains an active family life; and a 70-year-old who is inactive and consigned to a wheelchair in a nursing home; is attitude. The senior at home believes it is possible to live a healthy, happy life no matter how old they get, while the senior in the home believes there is nothing to look forward to.