Is TCO (The Code of Opposites) "Write" for me? by Mahalene Louis - HTML preview

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In Conclusion

This section explores:

  • Curiosity & the Redemption Code.
  • The M&M team and the TWIN mission.
  • An overview of TCO-the Series and community offerings.
  • The SIX Consummations and the Path to "THE END."

Might you be curious about the codes in the image below? If so, search The Code of Opposites for the words “Redemption Code.” You’ll find it in Book 1’s chapter 9, towards the end, as it is THE END of indebtedness, when I have forgiven my debt, my debtors, and my creation of money so much so that I am free to be.

This is the end, when I rest while working.

Redemption code

Imagine a language so pure and so sacred that it can reconcile opposites in just three letters…

Maha & Michael

Behind any great woman, there is a great man – and vice-versa! 

I go by Maha. As the author (and a poet), my job is to make the conversation real. To this end, I will speak as an “I” and dare to be honest. As long as I remember, I have longed for my gifts to be recognized. The hunger for love eventually became so painful that I knelt in prayer. This is the counsel I received: “reveal that S/Hebrew is the tongue of Nature, and you’ll heal your mind. The sacred frequencies open lines of communication to the heart, granting the coherence to turn within so as to find the recognition you sought without.” What the heck?!

Although riddled with doubt, I couldn’t help painting the Hebrew letters or writing on their wisdom. As I came to a place where the work showed some promise, I prayed (yep) for a partner who could help me bring this monumental project to the world. A week later, I met Michael, a curious mix of technical guru, energy healer, system analyst and community leader. I had no clue he was about to become my editor, not only in pointing out typos, but also and foremost in mirroring the errors of my way – altogether a very surreal partnership. While we are polar opposites in numerous ways, Michael, just like me, prayed for a path of full awakening. Also just like me, he yearns for recognition. Our egos have clashed so often that the day came when I realized that the book that begged to be written was The Code of Opposites!  

In our desperate attempts to dominate the other, we were oftentimes conscious of being trained on how to embody wisdom and acquire wholesome Power. Would we ever reconcile the conflicting parts of us: the part that wants to offer its gifts freely, and the part that obsesses on “what in it for me?” Trust was a big issue. We were two beings who cycled through loving each other as true friends, and hating each other as sworn enemies. 

Eventually the blame against the “YOUniverse” vanished, opening a WE place where to see ourself in the other, and, by extension, in life. Michael is, at times, the yin wisdom in support of Maha’s yang Power. Maha is, at times, the yin wisdom in support of Michael’s yang Power. To wind down the right and wrong game, we had to transmute the shame-based gender identities. To let the other win, we had to learn that forces oppose each other in order to give rise to each other. This compassionate listening of the other is how we succeeded in fulfilling our deepest desire: to have a voice that can make a difference in freeing what may be a universal desire – to let our light shine in service to the good of all.  


This is the question that each of us plays with in our partnering: Why can’t I remember that, when we act as opposite forces, it is to give rise to each other?

Am I so afraid of being in my own Power that I would try to take you down?

The vesicle pisces with the head faced up and the tail at the bottom. Hebrew letter Aleph is on the left, and Hebrew letter Beth to the right. In the middle is Hebrew letter Nun final (the shape when at the end of a Hebrew word)

The TWIN Mission

“Feeling the rage and staying in the fire with M to fulfill this mission impossible was THE most surreal and sacred adventure imaginable. Surprisingly, ending the war of sexes marked the beginning of integrity.” M&M

The Mission of Golden XPRis to reveal the order inherent in the chaos of knowledge. When I perceive that there is a universal code to hearing and seeing the soul of perennial truths, the visible and the invisible merge (I stop doubting), the hunger for LOVE is satiated (I have nothing left to lose), integrity is naturally embodied (I do no harm), and an enlightened civilization emerges (I love IT all). 

The Mission of emPowering NOW LLC ™ is to test, experience, and bring forth Golden XPR as a path to transition from a world of GReed that splits Giving and Receiving by communicating fear, confusion and domination, to a world of GRace that unites Giving and Receiving by communicating wisdom, understanding and kindness.  


I came into this world empty-handed, and I will leave it in the same way. For me to transcend the mind and its many desires, my will must remain uncorrupted in the face of Mammon, S/Hebrew for “money,” but also and foremost for the formidable “yearning” – the desire for love, approval and recognition.

Healing Power requires that I’d transition from greed into grace. Greed, shall I wonder, is more than a rapacious desire for wealth. It is a will directed to Power; to controlling me, us, it – the world!

Land of Milk and Money

The Land of Milk and “Money”

TCO—The Series

TCO Series graphic

Book 1—no push/pull invokes a caduceus: in the beginning was the end, when I deliberately choose peace and rest while working. This book lays the foundation for me to recognize the existence of a metalanguage as a sacred guide to using Power. Power is a big deal. It is wholesome when I am unbridled in my expression, and yet, do not need to accuse myself of either speaking too much or not enough. Therein is the healing I seek.

Book 2—no self-doubt now superimposes “my eagle hands” over the caduceus. Eagle teaches me to return to childlike innocence. The same eagle who inspires me to reach for the sky grounds my action by suggesting a master code. Its head and wings are the digits of my two hands united in giving/receiving. When I feel the freedom of reciprocity, I know the kind of faith that makes everything well. Henceforth, this book invites me to inquire on why I do not trust myself.

Book 3—no yearning positions “my eagle hands” under “our eye of providence.” This book marks my return to the WE perspective of collective Power. For me to have the certainty that you and I can work together, I must first satiate the hunger for "your" love, approval and recognition. Such longing is at the foundation of desire itself. Consider: when I accept that I can only control my inner responses to "you," and not "you" out there, I yearn for nothing. Such acceptance communicates the felt sense that I do contribute to the whole. Indeed, there is a tiny crack in existence that cannot be filled by anyone but me.

To learn more about ​TCO—The Series or purchase your copy, visit:


Ask and Ye Shall QKabbalah!

Is there a part of the Bible or of The Code of Opposites that puzzles you, ​which you would like to understand? Either:


The First Q&A

‘Reading again Genesis 1, Elohim says to "subjugate" every living being that moves on the earth, while Genesis 2 only says that YEWE Elohim brings the animals to Adam so that “he gives them a name.” As we know, language introduces a separation from what is felt. Is it this bias that prevents being in full and complete communication, even non-verbal with the animals, and made it that force was necessary to dominate them?’ CH, Orlando FL.

What a rich question: thank you, CH! Yes, Elohim’s (“God’s”) declaration is all about Power. When bestowed on the Adam, it is the blessing of a Power that is wholesome, as it touches both of “them” (male and female sides): ‘And God blessed them by saying to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing moving on the earth”’ Genesis 1:28. The Adam of Genesis 2 serves a different “God” Name, and, as a result, has a different way to look at life. This is potentially because there is no more “they,” but a “he” who is disconnected from his female side and from his Power. Henceforth, he can’t give the woman a name, i.e.; he can’t call her!

Reestablishing authentic lines of communication (as an animal whisperer?) is no easy task, as it involves repairing the compass of my instinct that was broken by the many excesses and deficiencies of my ways. Starting with the body (my animal), do I listen to it telling me what to feed it, when and how much, or do I follow my mind’s cravings?

The act of eating may just be the most primal act of Power. The connection between Power and eating is shown in the succession of two verses: Genesis 1:28 as the blessing of wholesome Power over the animals, and Genesis 1:29 as the gift of the seeds, the trees and the fruit for food, a verse thus far used as a plug for vegetarianism. Truth be told, whether I am a carnivore or a vegan, my teeth are gonna cut, mix, grind, chew, crush, and kill the food that offers itself to me. Moreover, the act of eating involves two complementary motions: the loss of a food that is destroyed, and the gain of a body that assimilates the food. These two motions are out of balance when I am powerless over Power. My perceived inadequacy soon leads me into emotional eating or drinking or inhaling, despaired for being at once the abuser and the abused.

So please, don’t “eat” from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for if you do, you’ll consummate (or lose) the poverty-stricken personality and acquire (or gain) wisdom-Power, as you’ll find yourself being whole, complete, and connected again – “PAIRfect!” :-)


The act of eating may just be the most basic act of Power.

So please, don’t “eat” from TCO – or from the tree of the knowledge of opposites, for if you do, you’ll consummate the poverty-stricken personality and acquire wisdom-Power.

Instead, you’ll find yourself being whole, complete, and connected again – “PAIRfect!” :-)

The vesicle pisces with the head faced up and the tail at the bottom. Hebrew letter Aleph is on the left, and Hebrew letter Beth to the right. In the middle is Hebrew letter Nun final (the shape when at the end of a Hebrew word)

The SIX Consummations of TCO—The Series

TCO—The Series offers the following contemplation: might these SIX consummations and/or goals be what sustains absolute being?  

  1. REST—In the beginning was the end, when I can choose peace and rest while working. Meanwhile, I’m so busy trying to make things happen that I can’t hear the soul saying: “in all things, seek rest.”  
  2. SIMPLICITY—If I did, there would be no push/pull, and I would succeed in my intended creation. This is how The Code of Opposites is written as a series. It endeavors to live up to Einstein’s knowing, “everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”   
  3. COHERENCE—Book 1 lays the foundation for me to recognize that a metalanguage could exist. If this dream were true, I would have a way to hear myself. I’d soon become coherent, starting with fulfilling my desire to hear you! This language would function as a sacred guide to using Power while doing the beauty I love to do.  
  4. WHOLESOMENESS—Power is wholesome when I am unbridled in my expression and yet, do not need to accuse myself of either speaking too much or not enough. Book 2 – no self-doubt – invites me to deepen my sense of such wisdom by inquiring on my folly as the reason why I do not trust myself and/or don’t buy me. The question leads me to Book 3, when I embrace the yearning by allowing myself to feel the fear.  
  5. RECEPTIVITY—Consider: when I accept that I can only control my inner responses to the world, and not the world as I perceive it out there, I yearn for nothing. Such acceptance is another way to understand the S/Hebrew word QKabbalah for “receptivity.” What I came to accept and receive is me, myself and I, and, by extension, my unique “superpower.” Surely, I will eventually find myself knocking on the door to “God’s House – the House of Belonging, realizing that, without me, something would be missing in this big universe. Indeed, I am not accidental. There is a tiny crack in existence that cannot be filled by anyone but me.  
  6. ENOUGH—However, to discover my higher purpose – and even to trust myself with it, I must know that I am enough. This sense is precious as it opens me to rest, when I hear “enough” as “in off.” It is restored at the end of dissatisfaction, when I see that I can’t spoil it, for “it” is perfect. There is no wrong that I can do, when I accept “necessary evils.” Indeed, if I really knew evil, I would change for good, and just be… enough! Enough is the deliverable that grants the Power to choose Peace – a supreme Power as it is the prerequisite to making sound decisions. Henceforth, it directs the way TCO’s three books interact.

“God is a geometer.” Plato

“God is an arithmetician.” Jacobi

“CREATED-SIX, God created the Heaven and the Earth” is an alternate translation of Genesis 1:1 – a translation that is entirely kosher.

To sense its depth, I first had to hear and SEE that “God” is a geometer, an arithmetician, and a snowflake. :-) A snowflake is like “God.” It has no fear of falling in Love, or of failing irremediably, angelically, beautifully, and uniquely. Yep, I first had to think as a philosopher, a mathematician, and a child.

For more understanding of how this novel interpretation traces a path to the end of confusion, visit, and click on the seed pattern (above).

In conclusion: what is EAT? What is IT?

“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the [Torah’s] waters. And if you have no money, come, buy and eat. Come, buy without money for this wine and milk are unsalable!” Isaiah 55:1

Satiety is a mystery. It seems to be physical, and yet it is not. So, what is EAT? Saying it is an initiation into a realm where matter is not solid, and earthly foods are like the manna – imbued with a heavenly quality – just deflects the question: what is the manna? The word first appears in Exodus 16:15, not as a noun, but as the question Man Hu “what is IT?” I answer “IT” when I see the letters of Man Hu reordering as Emunah for “faith.” Faith is what satiates me, as it is when I am 100% certain that my prayer is received. Thus, faith is how I move out of Scare City – a “land” where I’m a slave to the number of bills I have in my wallet and/or the calories I ingest. Surely, the trick to having faith is to be 100% and have 0 doubts.

Candelabrum with 9 chambers

Aleph transmits the 1st of the 10 Words to impart the spirit of unity to each letter of my communication. In turn, the five pairs of animals (1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5) add up to a 10 – for my heart to understand the one (1) of us, my mind to have zero (0) doubt and/or one hundred (100) percent certainty, and my hands to serve an enlightened justice.


The truth of “The Path to the End” is simple: I feel it when I know I will persevere, no matter how many times I may fail.



B‘Siyata DiShemaya: “with Heaven’s help!”

on February 2, 2022 – the new moon of Adar 1, 5782

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