Is TCO (The Code of Opposites) "Write" for me? by Mahalene Louis - HTML preview

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Simplifying Consciousness

This section explores:

  • Power Games.
  • Oneness – a Fundamental Prayer.
  • The Two Keys and the XPR Formula.
  • Power, Perspectives and 10 Words.

Power Games

Why would I be angry at you and make you my enemy? Is it because I think you owe me, or worse, because I think I owe you? As a child, did I witness, time and again, my caretakers arguing, fighting for Power, wanting to be right? Might this "write” and wrong game be inscribed in my DNA as follows?

  • When I perceive that my male side doesn't want me, my female side acts “hysterically," from Greek hysterikos “suffering of the womb.” I now tend to overtly attack and overspeak – a clear misuse of Power.
  • When I perceive that my female side is needy, my male side acts “penis-less,” coined to describe the nervous disease peculiar to men caused by the curse of forced labor. I now tend to covertly defend and under-speak – a clear misuse of Power.
Vesica Nun

The Fall of Nun Final – the Sign of the End of Indebtedness


“The search for truth is but the honest searching out of everything that interferes with truth. Truth is.” A Course in Miracles

Reality, my nemesis, surrounds me with people and events that contradict me, in order to compel me to embody wisdom and acquire wholesome Power. Will I ever realize that, in the space where I go into fight or flight, I don’t really know what’s good or bad? The thing is: I don’t want to be free; I just want to justify keeping my stuff.

One day, I will die. And on that day, I will let go of my illusions, and open to truth. Surely, where there is truth, there is death. Where there is death, there is truth.

I’ll sense how my constant fighting instead of surrendering magnetizes more nonsense, and become willing to take ownership of my creations. Having the courage (and the intelligence) to turn within, I’ll understand why I’m stuck in an ambivalence which has me hopelessly swing from aversion to greed, and back. Having come to THE END of desire, I’ll resist nothing, and, at last, know the sacredness of resting in peace.

The question remains: am I ready for how truth will change my life?

If yes, this booklet will complement my readiness by shedding light on how The Code of Opposites may lead me to increasingly know the sweetness of surrender.

How sound are my judgment calls? Am I resisting what is “good” for me or what is “bad” for me? Similarly, am I desiring what is “good” for me or what is “bad” for me?


“Everything in the world is about sex — except sex. Sex is about power.” Oscar Wilde

To feel how deep the Power struggle goes, I must first understand the natural way of courtship versus the cultural way of marriage. Courtship is when the male desires the female and the female resists the male’s advances. Marriage is the opposite: the female desires the male (that’s the second part of Eve’s curse – as per Genesis 3:16), and the male resists the female’s advances (that’s the second part of Adam's curse – as per Genesis 3:19). These inverted polarities do not make for good sex. Instead, they induce shame since I judge my own desires to be unacceptable, and try to forbid me from having them. If I could only understand that there's only One of us!


“Hear, O you who IS-REAL, LOVE is our God. LOVE is One.” TCO’s Transmission of Deuteronomy 6:4

I suffer from a very real hearing loss when the twins – the part of me that knows what to do to, and the part of me that doesn’t want to do it – fight in my psychic womb. I am so disconnected that I can’t relate to how the Shema, a word that means “hear” is the foundation of the three Abrahamic religions. Indeed, how would my life change if I could just obey the dictates of my heart? Yep, "obey" does come from Latin ob “toward” + audire “hearing."

Here is the traditional translation of the verse above: “Hear, O Israel! the LORD is our God, the LORD is One.” Surely, if I could only understand oneness in my blood, I would know the Love that has no opposite, and wouldn’t feel that “God” has forsaken me!

While meditation, fasting, sex, yoga, psychedelics or making art give me a felt sense of what it means to be One, inquiry and surrender are the only two keys that were given toward sustaining enlightenment, when I rest while working. Either option, provided it is practiced in totality, opens me to peace immediately.

The Power to choose peace in any and all circumstances is surrendering the fight. It is no less than having my attention fully disciplined; under my control. Being successful in my creation is now matter-of-fact, as I do not let doubt enter my mind. This results from reconciling the two opposite parts of me, and thus allowing for my heart and my mind to be in alignment.

My work is to inquire until I come into complete understanding of why I can’t seem to stop fighting my own law – which is my own good. Understanding why I once chose to do harm is understanding everyone and everything. It is the oneness and the call to compassion of the Shema. Its decoding as perspective (of the seer) and interaction (between the seeing and the seen) traces a direct line to the observer effect of quantum physics (see Book 2). Cracking the Shema’s code changes the way I look at things. It allows me to feel “the Law.” Such sentience guides me in the ways of wholesome Power.

Indeed, when I make contact with truth, surrendering “my” free will is straightforward. Moreover, once I surrender it all, I have no more question and can finally live without a why. This natural motion unravels the symbolic significance of inquiry being announced as a first key by Buddha (~500 BCE), and surrender as a second key by Jesus (~33 CE).


“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”

Albert Einstein 

The vesicle pisces with the head faced up and the tail at the bottom. Hebrew letter Aleph is on the left, and Hebrew letter Beth to the right. In the middle is Hebrew letter Nun final (the shape when at the end of a Hebrew word)


Upon encountering any “problem,” I can ask myself why I judge my problem to be "bad" until I realize that only the ego is bound by judgments, and that the ego is non-existent. As long as I judge this or that to be “no good,” I will resist it and make it persist, which says that my understanding is not complete.


I can admit my powerlessness and say at all times; “not my will, thy will be done,” giving up all thought of “I” and “mine” and leaving it to the Universe to do as it pleases with me. As long as I desire this or that, I am not surrendered. Surrender is loving LOVE for the sake of love and nothing else, not even for the sake of liberation.

Desire resist surrender

My inquiry: why do I resist what is “good” for me and / or why do I desire what is “bad” for me?


The XPR Formula: 

Understand → Choose Peace → emPower the NOW.

The vesicle pisces with the head faced up and the tail at the bottom. Hebrew letter Aleph is on the left, and Hebrew letter Beth to the right. In the middle is Hebrew letter Nun final (the shape when at the end of a Hebrew word)


Understanding is to feel the order inherent to chaos.

This sense is helped by an inquiry that is sourced in sacred geometry. As such, it is universal (it relates to the whole and not just parts of me), credible (I can trust it), and radical (it takes me to the root).

Choose Peace

Choosing Peace is the step beyond understanding.

It is the ability to foresee the consequences of my words and actions, and thus not create results I would rather not have to experience.

emPowering the NOW

emPowering the NOW is an active listening.

It hears the heart and answers “ROGER that”(Received Order Given), as the compassion that does what it takes to heal. Expecting different Results is no longer insanity. It is Wisdom. 


What is the story I tell?

I don't like surprises! Upon meeting the unexpected, I need to make sense of what’s “out there.” The fear soon leads me to fight, flight, freeze, or freak as I mentally take a survey of the land, wondering: will I get this thing before it gets me? Can I mate with it? Will this new thing eat me? Can I eat it? Truth be told, I’m an opportunist. My attention is fixed on survival, and my perspective, mostly about “what’s in it for me?”

The vesicle pisces with the head faced up and the tail at the bottom. Hebrew letter Aleph is on the left, and Hebrew letter Beth to the right. In the middle is Hebrew letter Nun final (the shape when at the end of a Hebrew word)

Power & Perspective

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes.” Marcel Proust 

Perspective is the way I choose, consciously or not, to see something. The level of evolution of my “I” is the filter through which my eyes see and interpret reality. This is how I can reread the same book and see it the second time with entirely new eyes. Applying this principle to obstacles, I can change the reality I see by changing the way I look at reality. The more perspectives I can take, the more I evolve, and the more Power I have. Thus, mastering the art of changing viewpoint is the goal of spiritual practice, as it leads me to adopt perspectives so infinite that I can just be. In turn, the choice to be more inclusive, tolerant and compassionate unleashes my creativity. 


From the bottom up… 

  1. Focus on SELF: the egocentric stage of being an opportunist. 
  2. Focus on OTHERS: the ethnocentric stage of being a conformist. 
  3. Focus on SELF: the worldcentric stage of being self-authored. 
  4. Focus on OTHERS: the cosmocentric stage of being interactive. 

The illustration above shows a pattern of evolution that moves the focus from the SELF to OTHERS, in four distinct stages. While the opportunist and the self-authored parts of me are both focused on the SELF, there is a marked difference in their altitude and breadth of perspectives. The same difference in altitude and breadth exists between the conformist and the interactive parts of me, although they are both focused on OTHERS.

This is just one of the models of research in human development that shows several structures unfolding the ever-increasing ability to adopt multiple perspectives. And it makes me wonder... Can we continue to have science evolving, while religion stopped its development at the ethnocentric level? Religion has now become a force that contradicts itself, preaching love and justice while calling for holy war on all those who disagree with its beliefs on the divine. It is absurd! How could something that teaches love, wisdom and understanding continue to cause so much suffering, all in the name of “God?” Agree with me, and I’ll love you. Argue, and I’ll kill you! 

When there is a very real urgency for both the individual and the collective to reach the cosmocentric stage, it may be wise not to throw out religion with the bath waters, since its mandate (however yet to be fulfilled) is to take us beyond judgments. On the note of fulfillment, most traditions divide their teachings into two forms – “exoteric” and “esoteric.” Exoteric are the “outer teachings” meant for the masses as a series of parables and indoctrinated beliefs, such as “believe and you’ll be saved!” This is the level where wars are waged. Esoteric are the “inner teachings,” kept mostly secret and only shared with the pure of heart. This is the level that concerns TCO, the level where all mystics across traditions are in agreement. Consider: when of One heart, I have no need to push you or pull away from you. A dialog can now begin.    


It is indeed absurd! How could something that is supposed to teach love, wisdom and understanding continue to cause so much suffering, all in the name of “God?”

Agree with me, and I’ll love you.

Argue, and I’ll kill you!

The vesicle pisces with the head faced up and the tail at the bottom. Hebrew letter Aleph is on the left, and Hebrew letter Beth to the right. In the middle is Hebrew letter Nun final (the shape when at the end of a Hebrew word)
Symbolic power

When the “WE” perspective of collective Power seems incongruous and even oppressive, I am motivated to adopt the “I” perspective of individual Power. A reconciliation occurs via a code of opposites. This is symbolic Power at its best! It gives me a language to address “IT” and its many “ITS.”

Symbolic Power and the Tree of Life

The tree of life is the core of Hindu, Chinese Taoist, and Tibetan Buddhist scriptures. Their esoteric interpretations picture it across cultures as a number of spheres and/or wheels superimposed over the human body.

The life-force moves up the spinal cord (the trunk) in seven chakras or “wheels,” junction points between consciousness and physiology. These centers are whirlpools of light, storing, funneling and regulating the flow of electrical Fire-Power through the communication pathways of the cells. The tree is thus the “real” nervous system.

Each word or action influences the wheels’ performance: pure thoughts heal and clear, impure thoughts sicken and block.

Art depicting tree of the Hindu chakra system aligned to equate with the Hebrew Tree of Life. Below the geometry is a table with 3 columns: white: Individual power, crown/3rd eye.  Grey: Symbolic power throat/heart.  Black: collective power, Naval, sex, root.

Hindu Tree of Life meets Hebrew Tree of Life

Jewish mysticism also has a tree of life at its core, which holds the entirety of the wisdom teachings: “she [the Torah] is a tree of life for those who have the strength to grok her, and those who draw near her are fortunate.” Proverbs 3:18.  Just like the Hindu tree, the Hebrew tree’s life-force also moves up the spinal cord through seven plexuses. It is just that three of them (3rd eye, throat and navel) are split between a female flow and a male flow.


While the Hindu tree made me aware of the movement of subtle energy, the Hebrew tree (below) gives me the information I need to understand the war of the sexes by splitting the throat center into a male pillar and a female pillar. Whether east or west, the ethical issue of justice versus mercy lives in the throat. I grapple with it as my male side fakes kindness, and my female side turns disciplinarian. This issue is what blocks my passage to the higher spheres of awareness. The Hindu tree tells me how to resolve it by naming the throat Visuddha for “purification.” The Hebrew tree clarifies what needs to be purified by naming the throat’s male side Chesed for “kindness → mercy” (sphere #4), and its female side, Geburah for “power → judgment” (sphere #5).

The vesicle pisces with the head faced up and the tail at the bottom. Hebrew letter Aleph is on the left, and Hebrew letter Beth to the right. In the middle is Hebrew letter Nun final (the shape when at the end of a Hebrew word)

The Hebrew word for "chakra" is Sephirah. Sephirah also means "numbers," as the 10 spheres of the Hebrew tree of life. These 10 numbers are psychically linked to the 10 letters, a.k.a. the 10 Words (see next page). As for the Taijitu sphere, it is unnumbered, as it is the zero point of infinite nothingness.

“Moses was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant—the 10 Words.” Exodus 34:28.

On the note of teaching wisdom, how could we have missed that the Hebrew alphabet gave the code of enlightened action? It is surreal! And yet, Jesus didn’t have an iPad. :-) We had to wait for the information age to perceive that Hebrew is a metalanguage. Similarly, to hear the dictates of my heart, would it help me to realize that the Torah does not speak of “Ten Commandments,” but of “10 Words?"

Since each Hebrew letter is also a word and a number, the “10 Words” refer to the first 10 letters of the alphabet. These 10 words undergird the structure of the whole alphabet. The sense of their symbols go a long way to shed light on the supposed "Commandments." They are so real that they will eventually inspire me to surrender, and join my hands in service to Love. Yep, the word digit does come from Latin digitus, to help me be true to my word – accountable.

Looking at the image below, I see my palms engraved with the tablets of the law. Each tablet has 5 letters: 5 for my yin side and 5 for my yang side. When I no longer split the letter of the law from the spirit of the law, I no longer observe that the law is coercive. Instead of wanting to run, I stand in awe, touched beyond belief!

10 words


On the previous page, the chart describes how evolution compels me to move horizontally, from the past of 1-Opening to the future of 9-Completing, and back from the future.

The diagram on the next page joins the tree of the knowledge of opposites to the tree of life. It shows how evolution compels me to move vertically, from 7 "infernal" spheres to 3 "supernal" spheres, and back. These two ways to "do" time (horizontal & vertical) complement each other, when I open to enlightened action. I am now beyond time, so absorbed by the action that I am free of the action.

The vesicle pisces with the head faced up and the tail at the bottom. Hebrew letter Aleph is on the left, and Hebrew letter Beth to the right. In the middle is Hebrew letter Nun final (the shape when at the end of a Hebrew word)
table: Freedom-male, fulfillment- female,

The fulfillment of engaging is found in the freedom to change, and vice-versa, the freedom to change is found in the fulfillment of engaging.

The Depth of Vertical Time

“Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible only through the portal of the present moment.”Eckhart Tolle

Do I know what motivates my action? For my "write" hand to no longer know what my left hand is doing, I must have turned off my conscience. Henceforth, I’m all lonely, abiding in "Scare City," and believing in lack.

The tree of life offers me a way out when viewed as a code of opposites: above vs. below. On the top is the light of 3 supernal spheres (rungs of the crown and 3rd eye chakras). When I hear my conscience, I am in “the Promised Land." In turn, resonating with the 3 supernals allows me to inhabit the whole tree, from crown to root; in the “QKingdom.” But when I turn off my guidance, I’m stuck in the darkness of 7 infernal spheres (rungs of the throat, heart, navel, sex and root chakras). I am now in bondage to my own misery – in “the Land of Egypt.”

To make my exodus, I must enter the sphere where the taijitu is. This sphere is traditionally named Daath for a "knowledge" that is sexual as it calls me to drop my judgments of what I think is "good" and/or "evil." It is the mouth chakra, thus far ignored. When I have sufficiently "eaten" my desires and resistances, I receive the key to the QKingdom.

The key


The tree of the knowledge of opposites is revealed by TCO as the crux of the matter, as it is the link between above and below, within and without. Energetically, it is the mouth chakra. The sphere is named Daath for a "Knowledge" that, once eaten, leads me to die to who I think I am. When my judgments are metabolized, I see that the mouth is a transcendental chakra. Its activation is complete when I no longer misuse the three primal acts of Power – eating, speaking, and knowing (sexually). I can now take full responsibility for my health, wealth and relationships.

Cross  with yin/yang at mouth

Daath is "crucial" as it marks the intersection of two trees – life and knowledge.

When yang or outwardly directed, I use my mouth to speak.

When yin or inwardly directed, I use my mouth to eat.

When centered in biblical knowledge, I use my mouth to kiss.