Just Maybe?! by Shayna Abrams - HTML preview

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We have to remember that we all need each other in order to understand ourselves.  Other people reflect behavior back to you and you decide if this is behavior you would like to emulate or not.  Sometimes, unfortunately, we forget that some behavior we would never consciously decide to emulate and do so anyway.  Further, one reason we choose to act in a way that we really don’t want to is because someone or a group of people have brainwashed us into thinking that certain unloving behavior should be imitated so that we may feel accepted.  When you behave unlovingly in order to become acceptable to others, you have just switched the power of your allegiance to a different source – a source that is outside of love.

Just to put it into perspective, a lot of times we need others to make ourselves appear more “attractive” then we really are, or what we think we really are.   When we allow others to influence our behavior, we are admitting to them that their way is more “attractive” than ours and we are giving our energy away to nothingness.  Our species has done this for so many generations that stopping people from deluding themselves all at once is probably not going to happen.  You can see with your own eyes what buying into the brainwashing concept of “he who has more is more” has done to us.  All you need to do is spend 15 minutes thinking about it.  You can also realize that the idea of “better” or “worse” is also destroying us.  Any notion that creates possible opposition is not leading us into the harmony that the Life Force of the Universe desires us to live in.  Opposition cannot demonstrate unity.  Anything that is not unified is not in tune with the Universe.

Create your own reality and live inside of it with people and not in response to people.

If we are aware that the Universe has survived great global catastrophes in the past and still keeps on ticking and people have survived wars and hate and we are still alive to tell our kids about it – do you really believe that there will be an end to the cycle of life without first discovering an obvious purpose to our existence for billions of years?  Does that sound logical to you? Trust the Universe.

My life is exactly the way it should be.  I pray every day that I will receive exactly what I need to fulfill my purpose and I trust that my prayers are being answered.  It’s easy.  What if something bad happens you ask?  Will I still have the same attitude?  Well that is a great question and a hard one to answer.  I am going to choose my words very carefully here so that I don’t, by accident, confuse what I am trying to say.  “Bad” things have happened to me.  They happen to me all the time.  I cry a lot. I have a hard time coping with difficulties just like everyone else.  I ask “why me?” quite often.  But after I have my pity party, I realize that there is something bigger and better out there that I just don’t understand and can’t see, because my perspective of the world is the same as an ant’s perspective of a one mile circumference surrounding it.

My journey is going to carry me to my purpose with bumps along the way.  I kind of imagine hard times like a trip to Hawaii where maybe the plane was grounded in Siberia for a while.  Sounds bad, but there are people who live for long periods of time in Siberia without knowing that eventually they are going to end up in Hawaii.  They live there and deal with it.  It may be uncomfortable, but since that’s the situation and there is no way out, they make the best of it.  But if you add to the mix that they will be in Hawaii as soon as they conquer whatever it is they have to learn in Siberia, and whatever they learn in Siberia is going to enhance their stay in Hawaii, don’t you think it’s possible that they will make it their business to get the job done quickly and with as few errors as possible?