Just Maybe?! by Shayna Abrams - HTML preview

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Part two focuses on pivotal moments in history and in the Bible, as well as new discoveries in science that prove that reality is what we choose to see. 

There is so much historical data, that someone who does not study history as a profession, does not have the qualifications to decide what is historical “fact” and what is historical theory.  I contend that all history is theory because the record keeper wrote according to their own perspective. I am sure that if you read historical records of Columbus discovering America written by Columbus, those records would be very different than the ones written by the Indians.

Religion is more complex.  I am not willing to dismiss religious writings as opinion or theory.  Our way of life and culture, as well as life and culture around the world, is heavily influenced by the Bible.  Whether this is good or bad is not the issue.  It is the hold that religion has over the free will of people that is my concern. 

Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level.   Again, I am not a scientist, but if you are unaware of how quantum physics influences our lives, I’m going to fill you in on some astounding quantum theories.

Simply put, quantum theory implies that matter does not really exist except in an undefined state of potentialities.  Matter does not become “real” until a mind interacts with the particles that make up matter and believes them to be “real.”  Quantum physics has actually revealed that your every conscious and subconscious thought creates your reality.

This may sound hokey, but that is what quantum physics teaches us.  The implications are astounding and definitely provide substantial evidence that we are in complete control of our own perspective of reality.  

Science, religion and spirituality may have taken different paths, but now they all lead to the same truth.

This is our world and we have to stick together to make it a place that we want to live in.

Division creates conflict.  Conflict creates wars.  Wars create destruction and death. 

Unity creates harmony.  Harmony creates joy.  Joy creates love.  Love creates peace.

Which one will you choose?