Know Your Worth by Nia Maritz - HTML preview

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We have not made the effort to be here and then do nothing. We are here to learn how to be passionate, vivacious beings and live the human experience.

Many of us spend our whole life searching for a place where we can feel more appreciated, more fruitful, more secure, all without realizing that place is within each of us.

When we gather up those parts of us that have become scattered and we recognize our limiting behavior, we will have access to all the resources needed for us to enjoy the immense promise our careers hold.

What am I on about? The Comfort Zone. A friend recently described this to me brilliantly. He asked me the definition of insanity and then explained it as follows: “Insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, in the same way, with the same effort, planning and intensity, while expecting a different result.” This to me equals the “comfort zone.” Slipping into a comfort zone is a simple process.

Our activities and behavior tend to take on familiar patterns. Patterns become habits, habits become routines, and before we know it those routines become a rut. If we are creatures of habit, why do we feel so dissatisfied when we finally manage to get into a routine and reach consistency, especially in our careers?

More often than not the routine happens without conscious planning. So why do we put ourselves through what can be a stressful situation? Above all, difficult situations constitute growth. Intellectual stimulation gives you a sense of achievement.

Intellectual stimulation is something you do not have to compete for with anyone else, and it is a constant ongoing process. Stepping into the unknown teaches you, gives you new life experiences, and tests you. It gives a sense of adventure, and once you push through the initial fears you might find something you love and are successful at – and you might make money.

Facing your fear feels good. So what gets you out of your comfort zone? Face your fears and change your behavior. NAP will encourage you to think differently about yourself and your skills.

Raise your estimation of yourself by at least 10% and realize that you too can be capable. One of the great stumbling blocks to getting what you want out of life is the fear of failure.

Achieving what you really want almost always requires you to overcome some fear of failure. Use your fear to drive your passion to succeed. We live in an era where there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of tools to help us grow and develop.