Know Your Worth by Nia Maritz - HTML preview

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Use your Network


Use your networking skills to promote your own skills. Without spending too much time, you can get your own name out there.

My passion has always been people. Networking is something I have been doing naturally throughout my life. To me, personally, networking is simply the way you communicate.

Every single person I have ever met is a possible network opportunity, even the ones I did not like. It is the actual recognition that each and every person you have a conversation with, whether they are asking you for directions or saying good morning or talking up a real storm, is important. In each of these is an opportunity to recognize that that individual has ambition (maybe not the same as yours), hopes and, most importantly, hidden insecurities – just like you.

It is when people feel regarded and feel you have noticed them that they remember you. This applies to both verbal and written communication. Being remembered is the secret to networking. People remember the way they felt and, without knowing it, this is your first instinct when you think about a person. You will phone or talk to someone again if the memory was good.

Networking is also using the people you meet along the way when you need to draw on their individual skills set. Networking does not mean you have to know a person well before making contact. It means that you have been introduced to the individual or heard of them through a referral.

Networking is not complicated. It is about having fun and taking a keen interest in the people you meet. Remember their names, what they were

wearing, what they looked like, what position they were in or title they held, and remember the conversation you had at the time. Networking works when looking for a new opportunity.

Social networking websites also make it easier to help you with that new career move. Do not be too proud or afraid to post that you are in the market for a new opportunity on social networking sites. If done tastefully, it can go a long way.


“I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time” – Anna Freud

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