Life is a Script by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 3



Models are used by Scientists extensively.

It may be surprising for most of us to note that the Spiritualists too use them.

Most of what the scientists and spiritualists explore, (knowledge about nature or a phenomenon) lie outside of our human sensory organ set limits.

That results in enormous difficulty in visualizing the findings and also getting a total or complete view with several perspectives of a single research work..

We relay of indirect perceptions often. We use instruments to measure and record.

Every phenomenon, has several dimensions. Scientists , discover one after the other over a long period of time.

When you put together on to a structure, there are two benefits:

(1) one gets a better understanding of whatever discovered.

(2) Then you can find gaps or unknown.

Researchers, take these gaps for further investigation.

I am repeating below, the advantage of models, a little more in detail :

The models are representation of unfamiliar pieces knowledge / information with familiar tools. The tools could be one or more of the following: mathematical equations, graphical representation, theoretical statements statistical distribution.

Often we, have a huge information or knowledge gathered over a long time on a research topic. They need not be available In an orderly way. Such a collection of knowledge will be useful if it is put into a right sequence. The good example is “solving a Jig-saw puzzle”.

It is also true that any Learning happens in bits and pieces. Often what we learn are disjoint. We might forget them, with time. Only if these are related to one another, it would give a clear picture before our mind’s eye.

So such disjoint pieces of knowledge is required to be integrated into one single large or a few concepts encompassing several related information we gather.

A learner need to organise them in a way these pieces of knowledge merge with one other.

The tool, is MODEL. The model helps integration and consolidation of the learning so as to have a full view of what is learnt and what more needs to be learnt.

This is a tool used both by Scientists and Saints.

(A) Components in the model the disjoint knowledge are validated first through available scientific evidence. Alternate to scientific proof is validation through  logical thinking. (Ancient men-of-knowledge, achieved logical validation of new knowledge through debates).

(B) One can find knowledge everywhere. Source of knowledge. Search for knowledge is not new. Knowledgeable among our ancestors were building Models. It .is prudent to use them effecting necessary changes instead of starting from scratch every time.

Models of Universe

Universe is too large and complex to comprehend. The mystics who learnt the mysteries of the universe documented them. There were scholars who explained them. But yet, the contents of scriptures are far from common man’s grasp.

The models are useful scientific tools.

Model explain complex knowledge that are far from our comprehension with the knowledge that is within our reach.

Model contain these knowledge, which are arbitrary and disjoint, nicely organised in such a way that one can have a clearer view of the whole.

It is possible to know the from the model that perspective or piece of knowledge that is not known.